Source code for sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_constants

Information relating to the CanSAS data format. These constants are used in
the file to read in any version of the cansas format.
[docs]class CansasConstants(object): """ The base class to define where all of the data is to be saved by """ names = '' format = ''
[docs] def __init__(self): self.names = self.CANSAS_NS self.format = self.CANSAS_FORMAT
[docs] def iterate_namespace(self, namespace): """ Method to iterate through a cansas constants tree based on a list of names :param namespace: A list of names that match the tree structure of cansas_constants """ # The current level to look through in cansas_constants. return_me = CurrentLevel() return_me.current_level = self.CANSAS_FORMAT.get("SASentry") # Defaults for variable and datatype return_me.ns_datatype = "content" return_me.ns_optional = True for name in namespace: try: if name != "SASentry": return_me.current_level = \ return_me.current_level.get("children").get(name, "") if return_me.current_level == "": return_me.current_level = \ return_me.current_level.get("<any>", "") cl_datatype = return_me.current_level.get("storeas", "") cl_units_optional = \ return_me.current_level.get("units_optional", "") # Where are how to store the variable for the given # namespace CANSAS_CONSTANTS tree is hierarchical, so # is no value, inherit return_me.ns_datatype = cl_datatype if cl_datatype != "" \ else return_me.ns_datatype return_me.ns_optional = cl_units_optional if \ cl_units_optional != return_me.ns_optional \ else return_me.ns_optional except AttributeError: return_me.ns_datatype = "content" return_me.ns_optional = True return return_me
[docs] def get_namespace_map(self): """ Helper method to get the names namespace list """ return self.names
# CANSAS_NS holds the base namespace and default schema file information CANSAS_NS = {"1.0" : {"ns" : "cansas1d/1.0", "schema" : "cansas1d_v1_0.xsd" }, "1.1" : {"ns" : "urn:cansas1d:1.1", "schema" : "cansas1d_v1_1.xsd" } } # The constants below hold information on where to store the CanSAS data # when loaded in using sasview ANY = {"storeas" : "content"} TITLE = {} SASNOTE = {} SASPROCESS_TERM = {"attributes" : {"unit" : {}, "name" : {}}} SASPROCESS_SASPROCESSNOTE = {"children" : {"<any>" : ANY}} SASPROCESS = {"children" : {"name" : {}, "date" : {}, "description" : {}, "term" : SASPROCESS_TERM, "SASprocessnote" : SASPROCESS_SASPROCESSNOTE, "<any>" : ANY }, } RUN = {"attributes" : {"name" :{}}} SASDATA_IDATA_Q = {"units_optional" : False, "storeas" : "float", "unit" : "x_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content"}}, } SASDATA_IDATA_I = {"units_optional" : False, "storeas" : "float", "unit" : "y_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content"}}, } SASDATA_IDATA_IDEV = {"units_optional" : False, "storeas" : "float", "unit" : "y_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content"}}, } SASDATA_IDATA_QDEV = {"units_optional" : False, "storeas" : "float", "unit" : "x_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content"}}, } SASDATA_IDATA_DQL = {"units_optional" : False, "storeas" : "float", "unit" : "x_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content"}}, } SASDATA_IDATA_DQW = {"units_optional" : False, "storeas" : "float", "unit" : "x_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content"}}, } SASDATA_IDATA_QMEAN = {"unit" : "x_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {}}, } SASDATA_IDATA_SHADOWFACTOR = {} SASDATA_IDATA = {"attributes" : {"name" : {},"timestamp" : {"storeas" : "timestamp"}}, "children" : {"Q" : SASDATA_IDATA_Q, "I" : SASDATA_IDATA_I, "Idev" : SASDATA_IDATA_IDEV, "Qdev" : SASDATA_IDATA_QDEV, "dQw" : SASDATA_IDATA_DQW, "dQl" : SASDATA_IDATA_DQL, "Qmean" : SASDATA_IDATA_QMEAN, "Shadowfactor" : SASDATA_IDATA_SHADOWFACTOR, "<any>" : ANY } } SASDATA = {"attributes" : {"name" : {}}, "variable" : None, "children" : {"Idata" : SASDATA_IDATA, "Sesans": {"storeas": "content"}, "zacceptance": {"storeas": "float"}, "yacceptance": {"storeas": "float"}, "<any>" : ANY } } SASTRANSSPEC_TDATA_LAMDBA = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "wavelength_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content"}} } SASTRANSSPEC_TDATA_T = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "transmission_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content"}} } SASTRANSSPEC_TDATA_TDEV = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "transmission_deviation_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" :{"storeas" : "content"}} } SASTRANSSPEC_TDATA = {"children" : {"Lambda" : SASTRANSSPEC_TDATA_LAMDBA, "T" : SASTRANSSPEC_TDATA_T, "Tdev" : SASTRANSSPEC_TDATA_TDEV, "<any>" : ANY, } } SASTRANSSPEC = {"children" : {"Tdata" : SASTRANSSPEC_TDATA, "<any>" : ANY, }, "attributes" : {"name" :{}, "timestamp" : {},} } SASSAMPLE_THICK = {"unit" : "thickness_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : {"unit" :{}}, } SASSAMPLE_TRANS = {"storeas" : "float",} SASSAMPLE_TEMP = {"unit" : "temperature_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" :{"unit" :{}}, } SASSAMPLE_POS_ATTR = {"unit" : {}} SASSAMPLE_POS_X = {"unit" : "position_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASSAMPLE_POS_ATTR } SASSAMPLE_POS_Y = {"unit" : "position_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASSAMPLE_POS_ATTR } SASSAMPLE_POS_Z = {"unit" : "position_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASSAMPLE_POS_ATTR } SASSAMPLE_POS = {"children" : {"x" : SASSAMPLE_POS_X, "y" : SASSAMPLE_POS_Y, "z" : SASSAMPLE_POS_Z, }, } SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_ATTR = {"unit" :{}} SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_ROLL = {"unit" : "orientation_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_ATTR } SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_PITCH = {"unit" : "orientation_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_ATTR } SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_YAW = {"unit" : "orientation_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_ATTR } SASSAMPLE_ORIENT = {"children" : {"roll" : SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_ROLL, "pitch" : SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_PITCH, "yaw" : SASSAMPLE_ORIENT_YAW, }, } SASSAMPLE = {"attributes" : {"name" : {},}, "children" : {"ID" : {}, "thickness" : SASSAMPLE_THICK, "transmission" : SASSAMPLE_TRANS, "temperature" : SASSAMPLE_TEMP, "position" : SASSAMPLE_POS, "orientation" : SASSAMPLE_ORIENT, "details" : {}, "<any>" : ANY }, } SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_ATTR = {"unit" : ""} SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_X = {"unit" : "beam_size_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_ATTR } SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_Y = {"unit" : "beam_size_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_ATTR } SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_Z = {"unit" : "beam_size_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_ATTR } SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE = {"attributes" : {"name" : {}}, "children" : {"x" : SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_X, "y" : SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_Y, "z" : SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_Z, } } SASINSTR_SRC_WL = {"unit" : "wavelength_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : {"unit" :{}, } } SASINSTR_SRC_WL_MIN = {"unit" : "wavelength_min_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : {"unit" :{"storeas" : "content"},} } SASINSTR_SRC_WL_MAX = {"unit" : "wavelength_max_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : {"unit" :{"storeas" : "content"},} } SASINSTR_SRC_WL_SPR = {"unit" : "wavelength_spread_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content"},} } SASINSTR_SRC = {"attributes" : {"name" : {}}, "children" : {"radiation" : {}, "beam_size" : SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE, "beam_shape" : {}, "wavelength" : SASINSTR_SRC_WL, "wavelength_min" : SASINSTR_SRC_WL_MIN, "wavelength_max" : SASINSTR_SRC_WL_MAX, "wavelength_spread" : SASINSTR_SRC_WL_SPR, }, } SASINSTR_COLL_APER_ATTR = {"unit" : {}} SASINSTR_COLL_APER_X = {"unit" : "size_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASINSTR_COLL_APER_ATTR } SASINSTR_COLL_APER_Y = {"unit" : "size_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASINSTR_COLL_APER_ATTR } SASINSTR_COLL_APER_Z = {"unit" : "size_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : SASINSTR_COLL_APER_ATTR } SASINSTR_COLL_APER_SIZE = {"attributes" : {"unit" : {}}, "children" : {"storeas" : "float", "x" : SASINSTR_COLL_APER_X, "y" : SASINSTR_COLL_APER_Y, "z" : SASINSTR_COLL_APER_Z, } } SASINSTR_COLL_APER_DIST = {"storeas" : "float", "attributes" : {"unit" : {}}, "unit" : "distance_unit", } SASINSTR_COLL_APER = {"attributes" : {"name" : {}, "type" : {}, }, "children" : {"size" : SASINSTR_COLL_APER_SIZE, "distance" : SASINSTR_COLL_APER_DIST } } SASINSTR_COLL = {"attributes" : {"name" : {}}, "children" : {"length" : {"unit" : "length_unit", "storeas" : "float", "attributes" : {"storeas" : "content", "unit" : {}}, }, "aperture" : SASINSTR_COLL_APER, }, } SASINSTR_DET_SDD = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "distance_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" :{}}, } SASINSTR_DET_OFF_ATTR = {"unit" : {"storeas" : "content" }} SASINSTR_DET_OFF_X = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "offset_unit", "attributes" : SASINSTR_DET_OFF_ATTR } SASINSTR_DET_OFF_Y = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "offset_unit", "attributes" : SASINSTR_DET_OFF_ATTR } SASINSTR_DET_OFF_Z = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "offset_unit", "attributes" : SASINSTR_DET_OFF_ATTR } SASINSTR_DET_OFF = {"children" : {"x" : SASINSTR_DET_OFF_X, "y" : SASINSTR_DET_OFF_Y, "z" : SASINSTR_DET_OFF_Z, } } SASINSTR_DET_OR_ATTR = {} SASINSTR_DET_OR_ROLL = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "orientation_unit", "attributes" : SASINSTR_DET_OR_ATTR } SASINSTR_DET_OR_PITCH = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "orientation_unit", "attributes" : SASINSTR_DET_OR_ATTR } SASINSTR_DET_OR_YAW = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "orientation_unit", "attributes" : SASINSTR_DET_OR_ATTR } SASINSTR_DET_OR = {"children" : {"roll" : SASINSTR_DET_OR_ROLL, "pitch" : SASINSTR_DET_OR_PITCH, "yaw" : SASINSTR_DET_OR_YAW, } } SASINSTR_DET_BC_X = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "beam_center_unit", "attributes" : {"storeas" : "content"} } SASINSTR_DET_BC_Y = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "beam_center_unit", "attributes" : {"storeas" : "content"} } SASINSTR_DET_BC_Z = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "beam_center_unit", "attributes" : {"storeas" : "content"} } SASINSTR_DET_BC = {"children" : {"x" : SASINSTR_DET_BC_X, "y" : SASINSTR_DET_BC_Y, "z" : SASINSTR_DET_BC_Z,} } SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL_X = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "pixel_size_unit", "attributes" : {"storeas" : "content" } } SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL_Y = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "pixel_size_unit", "attributes" : {"storeas" : "content"} } SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL_Z = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "pixel_size_unit", "attributes" : {"storeas" : "content"} } SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL = {"children" : {"x" : SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL_X, "y" : SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL_Y, "z" : SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL_Z, } } SASINSTR_DET_SLIT = {"storeas" : "float", "unit" : "slit_length_unit", "attributes" : {"unit" : {}} } SASINSTR_DET = {"attributes" : {"name" : {"storeas" : "content"}}, "children" : {"name" : {"storeas" : "content"}, "SDD" : SASINSTR_DET_SDD, "offset" : SASINSTR_DET_OFF, "orientation" : SASINSTR_DET_OR, "beam_center" : SASINSTR_DET_BC, "pixel_size" : SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL, "slit_length" : SASINSTR_DET_SLIT, } } SASINSTR = {"children" : {"name" : {}, "SASsource" : SASINSTR_SRC, "SAScollimation" : SASINSTR_COLL, "SASdetector" : SASINSTR_DET, }, } CANSAS_FORMAT = {"SASentry" : {"units_optional" : True, "storeas" : "content", "attributes" : {"name" : {}}, "children" : {"Title" : TITLE, "Run" : RUN, "SASdata" : SASDATA, "SAStransmission_spectrum" : SASTRANSSPEC, "SASsample" : SASSAMPLE, "SASinstrument" : SASINSTR, "SASprocess" : SASPROCESS, "SASnote" : SASNOTE, "<any>" : ANY, } } }
[docs]class CurrentLevel(object): """ A helper class to hold information on where you are in the constants tree """ current_level = '' ns_datatype = '' ns_optional = True
[docs] def __init__(self): self.current_level = {} self.ns_datatype = "content" self.ns_optional = True
[docs] def get_current_level(self): """ Helper method to get the current_level map """ return self.current_level
[docs] def get_data_type(self): """ Helper method to get the ns_datatype label """ return self.ns_datatype
[docs] def get_variable(self): """ Helper method to get the ns_variable label """ return self.ns_variable