Source code for sas.qtgui.Calculators.GenericScatteringCalculator

import sys
import os
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import numpy
import logging
import time
import timeit

from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import (FigureCanvas, NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar)
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import __version__ as mpl_version

from twisted.internet import threads

import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils
from sas.qtgui.Utilities.GenericReader import GenReader
from sas.sascalc.dataloader.data_info import Detector
from sas.sascalc.dataloader.data_info import Source
from sas.sascalc.calculator import sas_gen
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterBase import PlotterBase
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter2D import Plotter2D
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter import Plotter
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Arrow3D import Arrow3D

from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D

# Local UI
from .UI.GenericScatteringCalculator import Ui_GenericScatteringCalculator

_Q1D_MIN = 0.001

[docs]class GenericScatteringCalculator(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_GenericScatteringCalculator): trigger_plot_3d = QtCore.pyqtSignal() calculationFinishedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() loadingFinishedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list, bool) # class constants for textbox background colours TEXTBOX_DEFAULT_STYLESTRING = 'background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);' TEXTBOX_WARNING_STYLESTRING = 'background-color: rgb(255, 226, 110);' TEXTBOX_ERROR_STYLESTRING = 'background-color: rgb(255, 182, 193);'
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None): super(GenericScatteringCalculator, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) # disable the context help icon self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) self.manager = parent self.communicator = self.manager.communicator() self.model = sas_gen.GenSAS() self.omf_reader = sas_gen.OMFReader() self.sld_reader = sas_gen.SLDReader() self.pdb_reader = sas_gen.PDBReader() self.vtk_reader = sas_gen.VTKReader() self.reader = None # sld data for nuclear and magnetic cases self.nuc_sld_data = None self.mag_sld_data = None self.verified = False # prevent layout shifting when widget hidden # TODO: Is there a way to lcoate this policy in the ui file? sizePolicy = self.lblVerifyError.sizePolicy() sizePolicy.setRetainSizeWhenHidden(True) self.lblVerifyError.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.lblVerifyError.setVisible(False) self.parameters = [] = None self.datafile = None self.ext = None self.default_shape = str(self.cbShape.currentText()) self.is_avg = False self.is_nuc = False self.is_mag = False self.data_to_plot = None self.graph_num = 1 # index for name of graph # finish UI setup - install qml window self.setup_display() # combox box self.cbOptionsCalc.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.change_is_avg) # prevent layout shifting when widget hidden # TODO: Is there a way to lcoate this policy in the ui file? sizePolicy = self.cbOptionsCalc.sizePolicy() sizePolicy.setRetainSizeWhenHidden(True) self.cbOptionsCalc.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) # code to highlight incompleted values in the GUI and prevent calculation # list of lineEdits to be checked self.lineEdits = [self.txtUpFracIn, self.txtUpFracOut, self.txtUpTheta, self.txtUpPhi, self.txtBackground, self.txtScale, self.txtSolventSLD, self.txtTotalVolume, self.txtNoQBins, self.txtQxMax, self.txtMx, self.txtMy, self.txtMz, self.txtNucl, self.txtXnodes, self.txtYnodes, self.txtZnodes, self.txtXstepsize, self.txtYstepsize, self.txtZstepsize, self.txtEnvYaw, self.txtEnvPitch, self.txtEnvRoll, self.txtSampleYaw, self.txtSamplePitch, self.txtSampleRoll] self.invalidLineEdits = [] for lineEdit in self.lineEdits: lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.gui_text_changed_slot) # when text is changed lineEdit.installEventFilter(self) # when textbox enabled/disabled # push buttons self.cmdClose.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.cmdHelp.clicked.connect(self.onHelp) self.cmdNucLoad.clicked.connect(self.loadFile) self.cmdMagLoad.clicked.connect(self.loadFile) self.cmdCompute.clicked.connect(self.onCompute) self.cmdReset.clicked.connect(self.onReset) self.cmdSave.clicked.connect(self.onSaveFile) # checkboxes self.checkboxNucData.stateChanged.connect(self.change_data_type) self.checkboxMagData.stateChanged.connect(self.change_data_type) self.cmdDraw.clicked.connect(lambda: self.plot3d(has_arrow=True)) self.cmdDrawpoints.clicked.connect(lambda: self.plot3d(has_arrow=False)) # update pixel no./total volume when changed in GUI self.txtXnodes.textChanged.connect(self.update_geometry_effects) self.txtYnodes.textChanged.connect(self.update_geometry_effects) self.txtZnodes.textChanged.connect(self.update_geometry_effects) self.txtXstepsize.textChanged.connect(self.update_geometry_effects) self.txtYstepsize.textChanged.connect(self.update_geometry_effects) self.txtZstepsize.textChanged.connect(self.update_geometry_effects) #check for presence of magnetism self.txtMx.textChanged.connect(self.check_for_magnetic_controls) self.txtMy.textChanged.connect(self.check_for_magnetic_controls) self.txtMz.textChanged.connect(self.check_for_magnetic_controls) #update coord display self.txtEnvYaw.textChanged.connect(self.update_coords) self.txtEnvPitch.textChanged.connect(self.update_coords) self.txtEnvRoll.textChanged.connect(self.update_coords) self.txtSampleYaw.textChanged.connect(self.update_coords) self.txtSamplePitch.textChanged.connect(self.update_coords) self.txtSampleRoll.textChanged.connect(self.update_coords) self.txtUpTheta.textChanged.connect(self.update_polarisation_coords) self.txtUpPhi.textChanged.connect(self.update_polarisation_coords) # setup initial configuration self.checkboxNucData.setEnabled(False) self.checkboxMagData.setEnabled(False) self.change_data_type() # verify that the new enabled files are compatible self.verified = self.model.file_verification(self.nuc_sld_data, self.mag_sld_data) self.toggle_error_functionality() # validators # scale, volume and background must be positive validat_regex_pos = QtCore.QRegExp('^[+]?([.]\d+|\d+([.]\d+)?)$') self.txtScale.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_pos, self.txtScale)) self.txtBackground.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator( validat_regex_pos, self.txtBackground)) self.txtTotalVolume.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator( validat_regex_pos, self.txtTotalVolume)) # fraction of spin up between 0 and 1 validat_regexbetween0_1 = QtCore.QRegExp('^(0(\.\d*)*|1(\.0+)?)$') self.txtUpFracIn.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regexbetween0_1, self.txtUpFracIn)) self.txtUpFracOut.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regexbetween0_1, self.txtUpFracOut)) # angles, SLD must be float values validat_regex_float = QtCore.QRegExp('^[+-]?([0-9]+([.][0-9]*)?|[.][0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$') self.txtUpTheta.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtUpTheta)) self.txtUpPhi.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtUpPhi)) self.txtSolventSLD.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtSolventSLD)) self.txtNucl.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtNucl)) self.txtMx.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtMx)) self.txtMy.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtMy)) self.txtMz.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtMz)) self.txtXstepsize.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtXstepsize)) self.txtYstepsize.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtYstepsize)) self.txtZstepsize.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtZstepsize)) self.txtEnvYaw.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtEnvYaw)) self.txtEnvPitch.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtEnvPitch)) self.txtEnvRoll.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtEnvRoll)) self.txtSampleYaw.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtSampleYaw)) self.txtSamplePitch.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtSamplePitch)) self.txtSampleRoll.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_float, self.txtSampleRoll)) # 0 < Qmax <= 1000 validat_regex_q = QtCore.QRegExp('^1000$|^[+]?(\d{1,3}([.]\d+)?)$') self.txtQxMax.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_q, self.txtQxMax)) # 2 <= Qbin and nodes integers < 1000 validat_regex_int = QtCore.QRegExp('^[2-9]|[1-9]\d{1,2}$') self.txtNoQBins.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_int, self.txtNoQBins)) self.txtXnodes.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_int, self.txtXnodes)) self.txtYnodes.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_int, self.txtYnodes)) self.txtZnodes.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_int, self.txtZnodes)) # plots - 3D in real space self.trigger_plot_3d.connect(lambda: self.plot3d(has_arrow=False)) # plots - 3D in real space self.calculationFinishedSignal.connect(self.plot_1_2d) # notify main thread about file load complete self.loadingFinishedSignal.connect(self.complete_loading) # TODO the option Ellipsoid has not been implemented self.cbShape.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.selectedshapechange) # New font to display angstrom symbol new_font = 'font-family: -apple-system, "Helvetica Neue", "Ubuntu";' self.lblUnitSolventSLD.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitVolume.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lbl5.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitMx.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitMy.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitMz.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitNucl.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitx.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnity.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitz.setStyleSheet(new_font)
[docs] def setup_display(self): """ This function sets up the GUI display of the different coordinate systems. Since these cannot be set in the .ui file they should be QWidgets added to the self.coord_display layout. This is one of four functions affecting the coordinate system visualisation which should be updated if a new 3D rendering library is used: `setup_display()`, `update_coords()`, `update_polarisation_coords()`, `set_polarisation_visible()`. """ self.view_azim = 45 self.view_elev = 45 self.mouse_down = False sampleWindow = FigureCanvas(Figure()) axes_sample = Axes3D(sampleWindow.figure, azim=self.view_azim, elev=self.view_elev) envWindow = FigureCanvas(Figure()) axes_env = Axes3D(envWindow.figure, azim=self.view_azim, elev=self.view_elev) beamWindow = FigureCanvas(Figure()) axes_beam = Axes3D(beamWindow.figure, azim=self.view_azim, elev=self.view_elev) self.coord_windows = [sampleWindow, envWindow, beamWindow] self.coord_axes = [axes_sample, axes_env, axes_beam] self.coord_arrows = [] titles = ["sample", "environment", "beamline"] for i in range(len(self.coord_windows)): self.coordDisplay.addWidget(self.coord_windows[i]) if int(mpl_version.split(".")[0]) >= 3: # how mpl plots 3D graphs changed in 3.3.0 to allow better aspect ratios if int(mpl_version.split(".")[1]) >= 3: self.coord_axes[i].set_box_aspect((1,1,1)) self.coord_windows[i].installEventFilter(self) # stack in order zs, xs, ys to match the coord system used in sasview self.coord_arrows.append(Arrow3D(self.coord_axes[i].figure, [[0, 0],[0, 0],[0, 1]], [[0, 1],[0, 0],[0, 0]], [[0, 0],[0, 1],[0, 0]], [[1, 0 ,0],[0, 1, 0],[0, 0, 1]], arrowstyle = "->", mutation_scale=10, lw=2)) self.coord_arrows[i].set_realtime(True) self.coord_axes[i].add_artist(self.coord_arrows[i]) self.coord_axes[i].set_xlim3d(-1, 1) self.coord_axes[i].set_ylim3d(-1, 1) self.coord_axes[i].set_zlim3d(-1, 1) self.coord_axes[i].set_axis_off() self.coord_axes[i].set_title(titles[i]) self.coord_axes[i].disable_mouse_rotation() self.polarisation_arrow = Arrow3D(self.coord_axes[1].figure, [[0, 0.8]], [[0, 0]], [[0, 0]], [[1, 0 ,0.7]], arrowstyle = "->", mutation_scale=10, lw=3) self.polarisation_arrow.set_realtime(True) self.coord_axes[1].add_artist(self.polarisation_arrow) self.coord_axes[0].text2D(0.75, 0.01, 'x', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='red', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[0].transAxes) self.coord_axes[0].text2D(0.85, 0.01, 'y', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='green', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[0].transAxes) self.coord_axes[0].text2D(0.95, 0.01, 'z', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='blue', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[0].transAxes) self.p_text = self.coord_axes[1].text2D(0.65, 0.01, 'p', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='#ff00bb', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[1].transAxes) self.p_text.set_visible(False) self.coord_axes[1].text2D(0.75, 0.01, 'u', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='red', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[1].transAxes) self.coord_axes[1].text2D(0.85, 0.01, 'v', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='green', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[1].transAxes) self.coord_axes[1].text2D(0.95, 0.01, 'w', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='blue', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[1].transAxes) self.coord_axes[2].text2D(0.75, 0.01, 'U', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='red', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[2].transAxes) self.coord_axes[2].text2D(0.85, 0.01, 'V', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='green', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[2].transAxes) self.coord_axes[2].text2D(0.95, 0.01, 'W', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', color='blue', fontsize=15, transform=self.coord_axes[2].transAxes)
[docs] def update_coords(self): """ This function rotates the visualisation of the coordinate systems This is one of four functions affecting the coordinate system visualisation which should be updated if a new 3D rendering library is used: `setup_display()`, `update_coords()`, `update_polarisation_coords()`, `set_polarisation_visible()`. """ if self.txtEnvYaw.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtEnvPitch.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtEnvRoll.hasAcceptableInput() \ and self.txtSampleYaw.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtSamplePitch.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtSampleRoll.hasAcceptableInput(): UVW_to_uvw, UVW_to_xyz = self.create_rotation_matrices() basis_vectors = numpy.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]) #TODO: when scipy version updated can just use Rotation.as_matrix() to get new basis vectors - function name currently varies between versions used. uvw_matrix = UVW_to_uvw.apply(basis_vectors) xs, ys, zs = numpy.transpose(numpy.stack((numpy.zeros_like(uvw_matrix), uvw_matrix)), axes=(2, 1, 0)) self.coord_arrows[1].update_data(zs, xs, ys) # stack in order zs, xs, ys to match the coord system used in sasview xyz_matrix = UVW_to_xyz.apply(basis_vectors) xs, ys, zs = numpy.transpose(numpy.stack((numpy.zeros_like(xyz_matrix), xyz_matrix)), axes=(2, 1, 0)) self.coord_arrows[0].update_data(zs, xs, ys) # stack in order zs, xs, ys to match the coord system used in sasview self.update_polarisation_coords()
[docs] def update_polarisation_coords(self): """ This function rotates the visualisation of the polarisation vector This is one of four functions affecting the coordinate system visualisation which should be updated if a new 3D rendering library is used: `setup_display()`, `update_coords()`, `update_polarisation_coords()`, `set_polarisation_visible()`. """ if self.txtUpTheta.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtUpPhi.hasAcceptableInput(): theta = numpy.radians(float(self.txtUpTheta.text())) phi = numpy.radians(float(self.txtUpPhi.text())) UVW_to_uvw, _ = self.create_rotation_matrices() p_vec = (UVW_to_uvw * Rotation.from_euler("ZY", [phi, theta])).apply(numpy.array([0, 0, 0.8])) # vector relative to beamline coords self.polarisation_arrow.update_data([[0, p_vec[2]]], [[0, p_vec[0]]], [[0, p_vec[1]]])
[docs] def set_polarisation_visible(self, visible): """ This function updates the visibility of the polarisation vector This is one of four functions affecting the coordinate system visualisation which should be updated if a new 3D rendering library is used: `setup_display()`, `update_coords()`, `update_polarisation_coords()`, `set_polarisation_visible()`. """ self.polarisation_arrow.set_visible(visible) self.p_text.set_visible(visible) self.polarisation_arrow.base.canvas.draw()
[docs] def reset_camera(self): self.view_azim = 45 self.view_elev = 45 self.mouse_down = False for axes in self.coord_axes: axes.view_init(elev=self.view_elev, azim=self.view_azim) axes.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def gui_text_changed_slot(self): """Catches the signal that a textbox has beeen altered""" self.gui_text_changed(self.sender())
[docs] def eventFilter(self, target, event): """Catches the event that a textbox has been enabled/disabled""" if target in self.lineEdits and event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.EnabledChange: self.gui_text_changed(target) elif target in self.coord_windows: if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress: mEvent = QtGui.QMouseEvent(event) self.mouse_x = mEvent.x() self.mouse_y = mEvent.y() self.mouse_down = True elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease: self.mouse_down = False elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove and self.mouse_down: mEvent = QtGui.QMouseEvent(event) self.view_azim = (self.view_azim - mEvent.x() + self.mouse_x) % 360 self.view_elev = min(max(self.view_elev + mEvent.y() - self.mouse_y, -90), 90) self.mouse_x = mEvent.x() self.mouse_y = mEvent.y() for axes in self.coord_axes: axes.view_init(elev=self.view_elev, azim=self.view_azim) axes.figure.canvas.draw() return False
[docs] def gui_text_changed(self, sender): """check whether lineEdit values are valid This function checks whether lineEdits are valid, and if not highlights them and calls for functionality to be disabled. It checks for both errors and warnings. Error states highlight red and disable functionality. These are 'intermediate' states which do not match the regex. Warning states are highlighted orange and warn the user the value may be problematic. Warnings were previously checked for in the check_value() method. For warnings this checks that QMax and the number of Qbins is suitable given the user chosen values. Unlike the hard limits imposed by the regex, this does not prevent the user using the given value, but warns them that it may be unsuitable with a backcolour. :param sender: The QLineEdit in question :type sender: QWidget """ senderInvalid = sender in self.invalidLineEdits # If the LineEdit is disabled (i.e. value set programmatically) we trust the value if (not sender.isEnabled()): if senderInvalid: self.invalidLineEdits.remove(sender) self.toggle_error_functionality() sender.setStyleSheet("") # If the LineEdit has been corrected from an invalid value restore functionality elif sender.hasAcceptableInput() and senderInvalid: self.invalidLineEdits.remove(sender) self.toggle_error_functionality() sender.setStyleSheet(self.TEXTBOX_DEFAULT_STYLESTRING) # If the LineEdit has had an invalid value stored then remove functionality elif (not sender.hasAcceptableInput()) and (not senderInvalid): self.invalidLineEdits.append(sender) self.toggle_error_functionality() sender.setStyleSheet(self.TEXTBOX_ERROR_STYLESTRING) # If the LineEdit is an acceptable value according to the regex apply warnings # This functionality was previously found in check_value() if not(sender in self.invalidLineEdits): if sender == self.txtNoQBins : xnodes = float(self.txtXnodes.text()) ynodes = float(self.txtYnodes.text()) znodes = float(self.txtZnodes.text()) value = float(str(self.txtNoQBins.text())) max_step = 3*max(xnodes, ynodes, znodes) # limits qmin > maxq / nodes if value < 2 or value > max_step: self.txtNoQBins.setStyleSheet(self.TEXTBOX_WARNING_STYLESTRING) else: self.txtNoQBins.setStyleSheet(self.TEXTBOX_DEFAULT_STYLESTRING) elif sender == self.txtQxMax: xstepsize = float(self.txtXstepsize.text()) ystepsize = float(self.txtYstepsize.text()) zstepsize = float(self.txtZstepsize.text()) value = float(str(self.txtQxMax.text())) max_q = numpy.pi / (max(xstepsize, ystepsize, zstepsize)) if value <= 0 or value > max_q: self.txtQxMax.setStyleSheet(self.TEXTBOX_WARNING_STYLESTRING) else: self.txtQxMax.setStyleSheet(self.TEXTBOX_DEFAULT_STYLESTRING)
[docs] def selectedshapechange(self): """ TODO Temporary solution to display information about option 'Ellipsoid' """ print("The option Ellipsoid has not been implemented yet.") self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit( "The option Ellipsoid has not been implemented yet.")
[docs] def toggle_error_functionality(self): """Disables/Enables some functionality if the state of the GUI means calculation cannot proceed This function is called during any process whenever there is a risk that the state of the GUI will make the data invalid for plotting, drawing or saving. If that is the case then this functionality is disabled. This function is currently called when two files are being verified for compatibility, and when textboxes enter 'intermediate' states. """ verificationEnable = self.verified or not (self.is_mag and self.is_nuc) lineEditsEnable = len(self.invalidLineEdits) == 0 # disable necessary buttons to prevent the attempted merging of incompatible files self.cmdDraw.setEnabled(verificationEnable and lineEditsEnable) self.cmdDrawpoints.setEnabled(verificationEnable and lineEditsEnable) self.cmdSave.setEnabled(verificationEnable and lineEditsEnable) self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(verificationEnable and lineEditsEnable)
[docs] def change_data_type(self): """Adjusts the GUI for the enabled nuclear/magnetic data files When different combinations of nuclear and magnetic data files are loaded various options must be enabled/disabled or hidden/made visible. This function controls that behaviour and is called whenever the checkboxes for enabling files are altered. If the data file for a given type of data is not loaded then the average value textbox is enabled to allow the user to give a constant value for all points. If no data files are loaded then the node and stepsize textboxes are enabled to allow the user to specify a simple rectangular lattice. """ # update information on which files are enabled self.is_nuc = self.checkboxNucData.isChecked() self.is_mag = self.checkboxMagData.isChecked() # enable the corresponding text displays to show this to the user clearly self.txtNucData.setEnabled(self.is_nuc) self.txtMagData.setEnabled(self.is_mag) # only allow editing of mean values if no data file for that vlaue has been loaded # user provided mean values are taken as a constant across all points self.txtMx.setEnabled(not self.is_mag) self.txtMy.setEnabled(not self.is_mag) self.txtMz.setEnabled(not self.is_mag) if not self.is_mag: self.txtMx.setText("0.0") self.txtMy.setText("0.0") self.txtMz.setText("0.0") self.txtNucl.setEnabled(not self.is_nuc) if not self.is_nuc: self.txtNucl.setText("0.0") # The ability to change the number of nodes and stepsizes only if no laoded data file enabled both_disabled = (not self.is_mag) and (not self.is_nuc) if both_disabled: self.txtMx.setText("0.0") self.txtMy.setText("0.0") self.txtMz.setText("0.0") self.txtNucl.setText("6.97e-06") self.txtXnodes.setText("10") self.txtYnodes.setText("10") self.txtZnodes.setText("10") self.txtXstepsize.setText("6") self.txtYstepsize.setText("6") self.txtZstepsize.setText("6") self.txtXnodes.setEnabled(both_disabled) self.txtYnodes.setEnabled(both_disabled) self.txtZnodes.setEnabled(both_disabled) self.txtXstepsize.setEnabled(both_disabled) self.txtYstepsize.setEnabled(both_disabled) self.txtZstepsize.setEnabled(both_disabled) # update the gui with new values - sets the average values from enabled files self.update_gui() self.check_for_magnetic_controls()
[docs] def update_cbOptionsCalc_visibility(self): # Only allow 1D averaging if no magnetic data and not elements allow = not self.is_mag if self.is_nuc and allow: allow = not self.nuc_sld_data.is_elements self.cbOptionsCalc.setVisible(allow) if (allow): # A helper function to set up the averaging system self.change_is_avg() else: # If magnetic data present then no averaging is allowed self.is_avg = False self.txtMx.setEnabled(not self.is_mag) self.txtMy.setEnabled(not self.is_mag) self.txtMz.setEnabled(not self.is_mag)
[docs] def change_is_avg(self): """Adjusts the GUI for whether 1D averaging is enabled If the user has chosen to carry out Debye full averaging then the magnetic sld values must be set to 0, and made uneditable - because the calculator in is incapable of averaging systems with non-zero magnetic slds or polarisation. This function is called whenever different files are enabled or the user edits the averaging combobox. """ # update the averaging option fromthe button on the GUI # required as the button may have been previously hidden with # any value, and preserves this - we must update the variable to match the GUI self.is_avg = (self.cbOptionsCalc.currentIndex() == 1) # If averaging then set to 0 and diable the magnetic SLD textboxes if self.is_avg: self.txtMx.setEnabled(False) self.txtMy.setEnabled(False) self.txtMz.setEnabled(False) self.txtMx.setText("0.0") self.txtMy.setText("0.0") self.txtMz.setText("0.0") # If not averaging then re-enable the magnetic sld textboxes else: self.txtMx.setEnabled(True) self.txtMy.setEnabled(True) self.txtMz.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def check_for_magnetic_controls(self): if self.txtMx.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtMy.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtMz.hasAcceptableInput(): if (not self.is_mag) and float(self.txtMx.text()) == 0 and float(self.txtMy.text()) == 0 and float(self.txtMy.text()) == 0: self.txtUpFracIn.setEnabled(False) self.txtUpFracOut.setEnabled(False) self.txtUpTheta.setEnabled(False) self.txtUpPhi.setEnabled(False) self.set_polarisation_visible(False) return self.txtUpFracIn.setEnabled(True) self.txtUpFracOut.setEnabled(True) self.txtUpTheta.setEnabled(True) self.txtUpPhi.setEnabled(True) self.set_polarisation_visible(True)
[docs] def loadFile(self): """Opens a menu to choose the datafile to load Opens a file dialog to allow the user to select a datafile to be loaded. If a nuclear sld datafile is loaded then the allowed file types are: .SLD .sld .PDB .pdb If a magnetic sld datafile is loaded then the allowed file types are: .SLD .sld .OMF .omf This function then loads in the requested datafile, but does not enable it. If no previous datafile of this type was loaded then the checkbox to enable this file is enabled. :param load_nuc: Specifies whether the loaded file is nuclear or magnetic data. Defaults to `True`. `load_nuc=True` gives nuclear sld data. `load_nuc=False` gives magnetic sld data. :type load_nuc: bool """ try: load_nuc = self.sender() == self.cmdNucLoad # request a file from the user if load_nuc: self.datafile = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Choose a file", "","All supported files (*.SLD *.sld *.pdb *.PDB, *.vtk, *.VTK);;" "SLD files (*.SLD *.sld);;" "PDB files (*.pdb *.PDB);;" "VTK files (*.vtk *.VTK);;" "All files (*.*)", options=QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog | QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons, )[0] else: self.datafile = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Choose a file", "","All supported files (*.OMF *.omf *.SLD *.sld, *.vtk, *.VTK);;" "OMF files (*.OMF *.omf);;" "SLD files (*.SLD *.sld);;" "VTK files (*.vtk *.VTK);;" "All files (*.*)", options=QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog | QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons )[0] # If a file has been sucessfully chosen if self.datafile: # set basic data about the file self.default_shape = str(self.cbShape.currentText()) self.ext = os.path.splitext(str(self.datafile))[1] # select the required loader for the data format if self.ext in self.omf_reader.ext and (not load_nuc): # only load omf files for magnetic data loader = self.omf_reader elif self.ext in self.sld_reader.ext: loader = self.sld_reader elif self.ext in self.vtk_reader.ext: loader = self.vtk_reader elif self.ext in self.pdb_reader.ext and load_nuc: # only load pdb files for nuclear data loader = self.pdb_reader else: logging.warning("The selected file does not have a suitable file extension") return if self.reader is not None and self.reader.isrunning(): self.reader.stop() self.cmdNucLoad.setEnabled(False) self.cmdNucLoad.setText('Loading...') self.cmdMagLoad.setEnabled(False) self.cmdMagLoad.setText('Loading...') self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(False) self.cmdCompute.setText('Loading...') self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit( "Loading File {}".format(os.path.basename( str(self.datafile)))) self.reader = GenReader(path=str(self.datafile), loader=loader, completefn=lambda data=None: self.complete_loading_ex(data=data, load_nuc=load_nuc), updatefn=self.load_update) self.reader.queue() except (RuntimeError, IOError): log_msg = "Generic SAS Calculator: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1] raise return
[docs] def load_update(self): """ Legacy function used in GenRead """ if self.reader.isrunning(): status_type = "progress" else: status_type = "stop"
[docs] def complete_loading_ex(self, data=None, load_nuc=True): """Send the finish message from calculate threads to main thread :param data: The data loaded from the requested file. :type data: OMFData, MagSLD depending on filetype :param load_nuc: Specifies whether the loaded file is nuclear or magnetic data. Defaults to `True`. `load_nuc=True` gives nuclear sld data. `load_nuc=False` gives magnetic sld data. :type load_nuc: bool """ self.loadingFinishedSignal.emit(data, load_nuc)
[docs] def complete_loading(self, data=None, load_nuc=True): """Function which handles the datafiles once they have been loaded in - used in GenRead Once the data has been loaded in by the required reader it is necessary to do a small amount of final processing to put them in the required form. This involves converting all the data to instances of MagSLD and reporting any errors. Additionally verification of the newly loaded file is carried out. :param data: The data loaded from the requested file. :type data: OMFData, MagSLD depending on filetype :param load_nuc: Specifies whether the loaded file is nuclear or magnetic data. Defaults to `True`. `load_nuc=True` gives nuclear sld data. `load_nuc=False` gives magnetic sld data. :type load_nuc: bool """ assert isinstance(data, list) assert len(data)==1 data = data[0] self.cbShape.setEnabled(False) self.cmdNucLoad.setEnabled(True) self.cmdNucLoad.setText('Load') self.cmdMagLoad.setEnabled(True) self.cmdMagLoad.setText('Load') self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(True) self.cmdCompute.setText('Compute') if data is None: return try: is_pdbdata = False if load_nuc: self.txtNucData.setText(os.path.basename(str(self.datafile))) else: self.txtMagData.setText(os.path.basename(str(self.datafile))) if self.ext in self.omf_reader.ext: # only magnetic data can be read from omf files self.mag_sld_data = data self.check_units() elif self.ext in self.sld_reader.ext or self.ext in self.vtk_reader.ext: if load_nuc: self.nuc_sld_data = data else: self.mag_sld_data = data elif self.ext in self.pdb_reader.ext: # only nuclear data can be read from pdb files self.nuc_sld_data = data is_pdbdata = True except IOError: log_msg = "Loading Error: " \ "This file format is not supported for GenSAS." logging.warning(log_msg) raise except ValueError: log_msg = "Could not find any data" raise"Load Complete") # Once data files are loaded allow them to be enabled and then enable them if load_nuc: self.checkboxNucData.setEnabled(True) self.checkboxNucData.setChecked(True) else: self.checkboxMagData.setEnabled(True) self.checkboxMagData.setChecked(True) self.update_gui() # reset verification now we have loaded new files self.verify = False self.verified = self.model.file_verification(self.nuc_sld_data, self.mag_sld_data) self.toggle_error_functionality()
[docs] def check_units(self): """ Check if the units from the OMF file correspond to the default ones displayed on the interface. If not, modify the GUI with the correct units """ # TODO: adopt the convention of font and symbol for the updated values if sas_gen.OMFData().valueunit != 'A^(-2)': value_unit = sas_gen.OMFData().valueunit self.lbl_unitMx.setText(value_unit) self.lbl_unitMy.setText(value_unit) self.lbl_unitMz.setText(value_unit) self.lbl_unitNucl.setText(value_unit) if sas_gen.OMFData().meshunit != 'A': mesh_unit = sas_gen.OMFData().meshunit self.lbl_unitx.setText(mesh_unit) self.lbl_unity.setText(mesh_unit) self.lbl_unitz.setText(mesh_unit) self.lbl_unitVolume.setText(mesh_unit+"^3")
[docs] def update_gui(self): """Update the interface and model with values from loaded data This function updates the model parameter 'total_volume' with values from the loaded data and then updates all values in the gui with either model paramters or paramaters from the loaded data. """ self.update_cbOptionsCalc_visibility() if self.is_nuc: if self.nuc_sld_data.is_elements: self.model.params['total_volume'] = numpy.sum(self.nuc_sld_data.vol_pix) else: self.model.params['total_volume'] = len(self.nuc_sld_data.sld_n)*self.nuc_sld_data.vol_pix[0] elif self.is_mag: if self.mag_sld_data.is_elements: self.model.params['total_volume'] = numpy.sum(self.mag_sld_data.vol_pix) else: self.model.params['total_volume'] = len(self.mag_sld_data.sld_n)*self.mag_sld_data.vol_pix[0] else: # use same calculation of total volume as when converting OMF to SLD self.model.params['total_volume'] = (float(self.txtXstepsize.text()) * float(self.txtYstepsize.text()) * float(self.txtZstepsize.text()) * float(self.txtXnodes.text()) * float(self.txtYnodes.text()) * float(self.txtZnodes.text())) # add condition for activation of save button self.cmdSave.setEnabled(True) # Volume to write to interface: npts x volume of first pixel self.txtTotalVolume.setText(str(self.model.params['total_volume'])) # Chagne capitalisation for consistency with other values if self.txtTotalVolume.text() == "nan": self.txtTotalVolume.setText("NaN") # update the number of pixels with values from the loaded data or GUI if no datafiles enabled if self.is_nuc: if self.nuc_sld_data.is_elements: self.txtNoPixels.setText(str(len(self.nuc_sld_data.elements))) else: self.txtNoPixels.setText(str(len(self.nuc_sld_data.sld_n))) elif self.is_mag: if self.mag_sld_data.is_elements: self.txtNoPixels.setText(str(len(self.mag_sld_data.elements))) else: self.txtNoPixels.setText(str(len(self.mag_sld_data.sld_mx))) elif not(self.txtXnodes.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtYnodes.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtZnodes.hasAcceptableInput()): self.txtNoPixels.setText("NaN") else: self.txtNoPixels.setText(str(int(float(self.txtXnodes.text()) * float(self.txtYnodes.text()) * float(self.txtZnodes.text())))) self.txtNoPixels.setEnabled(False) # Fill right hand side of GUI if self.is_mag: self.txtMx.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.mag_sld_data.sld_mx)) self.txtMy.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.mag_sld_data.sld_my)) self.txtMz.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.mag_sld_data.sld_mz)) if self.is_nuc: self.txtNucl.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.nuc_sld_data.sld_n)) self.txtXnodes.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.nuc_sld_data.xnodes)) self.txtYnodes.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.nuc_sld_data.ynodes)) self.txtZnodes.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.nuc_sld_data.znodes)) self.txtXstepsize.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.nuc_sld_data.xstepsize)) self.txtYstepsize.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.nuc_sld_data.ystepsize)) self.txtZstepsize.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.nuc_sld_data.zstepsize)) if self.is_mag and ((not self.is_nuc) or self.txtXnodes.text() == "NaN"): # If unable to get node data from nuclear system (not enabled or not present) self.txtXnodes.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.mag_sld_data.xnodes)) self.txtYnodes.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.mag_sld_data.ynodes)) self.txtZnodes.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.mag_sld_data.znodes)) self.txtXstepsize.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.mag_sld_data.xstepsize)) self.txtYstepsize.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.mag_sld_data.ystepsize)) self.txtZstepsize.setText(GuiUtils.formatValue(self.mag_sld_data.zstepsize)) # otherwise leave as set since editable by user # If nodes or stepsize changed then this may effect what values are allowed self.gui_text_changed(sender=self.txtNoQBins) self.gui_text_changed(sender=self.txtQxMax)
[docs] def update_geometry_effects(self): """This function updates the number of pixels and total volume when the number of nodes/stepsize is changed This function only has an effect if no files are enabled otherwise the number of pixels and total volume may be set differently by the data from the file. """ if self.is_mag or self.is_nuc: # don't change the number if this is being set from a file as then the number of pixels may differ return if not(self.txtXnodes.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtYnodes.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtZnodes.hasAcceptableInput()): # do not try to update if textbox invalid - this cannot be used for computation anyway self.txtNoPixels.setText("NaN") self.txtTotalVolume.setText("NaN") return self.txtNoPixels.setText(str(int(float(self.txtXnodes.text()) * float(self.txtYnodes.text()) * float(self.txtZnodes.text())))) if not(self.txtXstepsize.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtYstepsize.hasAcceptableInput() and self.txtZstepsize.hasAcceptableInput()): # do not try to update if textbox invalid - this cannot be used for computation anyway self.txtTotalVolume.setText("NaN") return self.model.params['total_volume'] = (float(self.txtXstepsize.text()) * float(self.txtYstepsize.text()) * float(self.txtZstepsize.text()) * float(self.txtXnodes.text()) * float(self.txtYnodes.text()) * float(self.txtZnodes.text())) self.txtTotalVolume.setText(str(self.model.params['total_volume'])) # If nodes or stepsize changed then this may effect what values are allowed self.gui_text_changed(sender=self.txtNoQBins) self.gui_text_changed(sender=self.txtQxMax)
[docs] def write_new_values_from_gui(self): """Update parameters in model using modified inputs from GUI Before the model is used to calculate any scattering patterns it needs to be updated with values from the gui. This does not affect any fixed values, whose textboxes are disabled, and means that any user chosen changes are made. It also ensure that at all times the values in the GUI reflect the data output. """ if self.txtScale.isModified(): self.model.params['scale'] = float(self.txtScale.text()) if self.txtBackground.isModified(): self.model.params['background'] = float(self.txtBackground.text()) if self.txtSolventSLD.isModified(): self.model.params['solvent_SLD'] = float(self.txtSolventSLD.text()) # Different condition for total volume to get correct volume after # applying set_sld_data in compute if self.txtTotalVolume.isModified() \ or self.model.params['total_volume'] != float(self.txtTotalVolume.text()): self.model.params['total_volume'] = float(self.txtTotalVolume.text()) if self.txtUpFracIn.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_frac_in'] = float(self.txtUpFracIn.text()) if self.txtUpFracOut.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_frac_out'] = float(self.txtUpFracOut.text()) if self.txtUpTheta.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_theta'] = float(self.txtUpTheta.text()) if self.txtUpPhi.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_phi'] = float(self.txtUpPhi.text())
[docs] def onHelp(self): """ Bring up the Generic Scattering calculator Documentation whenever the HELP button is clicked. Calls Documentation Window with the path of the location within the documentation tree (after /doc/ ....". """ location = "/user/qtgui/Calculators/sas_calculator_help.html" self.manager.showHelp(location)
[docs] def onReset(self): """ Reset the GUI to its default state This resets all GUI parameters to their default values and also resets all GUI states such as loaded files, stored data, verification and disabled/enabled widgets. """ try: # reset values in textedits self.txtUpFracIn.setText("1.0") self.txtUpFracOut.setText("1.0") self.txtUpTheta.setText("0.0") self.txtUpPhi.setText("0.0") self.txtBackground.setText("0.0") self.txtScale.setText("1.0") self.txtSolventSLD.setText("0.0") self.txtTotalVolume.setText("216000.0") self.txtNoQBins.setText("30") self.txtQxMax.setText("0.3") self.txtNoPixels.setText("1000") self.txtMx.setText("0.0") self.txtMy.setText("0.0") self.txtMz.setText("0.0") self.txtNucl.setText("6.97e-06") self.txtXnodes.setText("10") self.txtYnodes.setText("10") self.txtZnodes.setText("10") self.txtXstepsize.setText("6") self.txtYstepsize.setText("6") self.txtZstepsize.setText("6") self.txtEnvYaw.setText("0.0") self.txtEnvPitch.setText("0.0") self.txtEnvRoll.setText("0.0") self.txtSampleYaw.setText("0.0") self.txtSamplePitch.setText("0.0") self.txtSampleRoll.setText("0.0") self.reset_camera() # re-enable any options disabled by failed verification self.verified = False self.toggle_error_functionality() # reset option for calculation self.cbOptionsCalc.setCurrentIndex(0) # reset shape button self.cbShape.setCurrentIndex(0) self.cbShape.setEnabled(True) # reset compute button self.cmdCompute.setText('Compute') self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(True) # reset Load button and textedit self.txtNucData.setText('No File Loaded') self.cmdNucLoad.setEnabled(True) self.cmdNucLoad.setText('Load') self.txtMagData.setText('No File Loaded') self.cmdMagLoad.setEnabled(True) self.cmdMagLoad.setText('Load') # disable all file checkboxes, as no files are now loaded self.checkboxNucData.setEnabled(False) self.checkboxMagData.setEnabled(False) self.checkboxNucData.setChecked(False) self.checkboxMagData.setChecked(False) # reset all file data to its default empty state self.is_nuc = False self.is_mag = False self.nuc_sld_data = None self.mag_sld_data = None # update the gui for the no files loaded case self.change_data_type() # verify that the new enabled files are compatible self.verified = self.model.file_verification(self.nuc_sld_data, self.mag_sld_data) self.toggle_error_functionality() finally: pass
[docs] def _create_default_2d_data(self): """Create the 2D data range for qx,qy Copied from previous version Create 2D data by default .. warning:: This data is never plotted. """ self.qmax_x = float(self.txtQxMax.text()) self.npts_x = int(self.txtNoQBins.text()) = Data2D() = False # Default values index = len( - 1[index].distance = 8000 # mm = 6 # A[index].pixel_size.x = 5 # mm[index].pixel_size.y = 5 # mm[index].beam_center.x = self.qmax_x[index].beam_center.y = self.qmax_x xmax = self.qmax_x xmin = -xmax ymax = self.qmax_x ymin = -ymax qstep = self.npts_x x = numpy.linspace(start=xmin, stop=xmax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) y = numpy.linspace(start=ymin, stop=ymax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) # use data info instead new_x = numpy.tile(x, (len(y), 1)) new_y = numpy.tile(y, (len(x), 1)) new_y = new_y.swapaxes(0, 1) # all data require now in 1d array qx_data = new_x.flatten() qy_data = new_y.flatten() q_data = numpy.sqrt(qx_data * qx_data + qy_data * qy_data) # set all True (standing for unmasked) as default mask = numpy.ones(len(qx_data), dtype=bool) = Source() = numpy.ones(len(mask)) = numpy.ones(len(mask)) = qx_data = qy_data = q_data = mask # store x and y bin centers in q space = x = y # max and min taking account of the bin sizes = xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax
[docs] def _create_default_sld_data(self): """Creates default sld data for use if no file has been loaded Copied from previous version .. warning:: deprecated """ sld_n_default = 6.97e-06 # what is this number?? omfdata = sas_gen.OMFData() omf2sld = sas_gen.OMF2SLD() omf2sld.set_data(omfdata, self.default_shape) self.sld_data = omf2sld.output self.sld_data.is_data = False self.sld_data.filename = "Default SLD Profile" self.sld_data.set_sldn(sld_n_default)
[docs] def _create_default_1d_data(self): """Create the 1D data range for q Copied from previous version Create 1D data by default .. warning:: This data is never plotted. residuals.x = data_copy.x[index] residuals.dy = numpy.ones(len(residuals.y)) residuals.dx = None residuals.dxl = None residuals.dxw = None """ self.qmax_x = float(self.txtQxMax.text()) self.npts_x = int(self.txtNoQBins.text()) # Default values xmax = self.qmax_x xmin = self.qmax_x * _Q1D_MIN qstep = self.npts_x x = numpy.linspace(start=xmin, stop=xmax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) # store x and y bin centers in q space y = numpy.ones(len(x)) dy = numpy.zeros(len(x)) dx = numpy.zeros(len(x)) = Data1D(x=x, y=y) = dx = dy
[docs] def create_full_sld_data(self): """Create the sld data to be used in the final calculation This function creates an instance of MagSLD which contains the required data for sas_gen and 3D plotting. It is the suitable combination of data from the magnetic data, nuclear data and set GUI parameters. Where nuclear and magnetic files are enabled it sometimes has to make a choice regarding which version of a parameter to keep. This is usually the nuclear data version, as in the case of .pdb files being used this version will contain more complete data. :return: The full sld data created from the various different sources :rtype: MagSLD """ # CARRY OUT COMPATIBILITY CHECK - ELSE RETURN None # Set default data when nothing loaded yet omfdata = sas_gen.OMFData() # load in user chosen position data # If no file given this will be used to generate the position data if (not self.is_mag) and (not self.is_nuc): omfdata.xnodes = int(self.txtXnodes.text()) omfdata.ynodes = int(self.txtYnodes.text()) omfdata.znodes = int(self.txtZnodes.text()) omfdata.xstepsize = float(self.txtXstepsize.text()) omfdata.ystepsize = float(self.txtYstepsize.text()) omfdata.zstepsize = float(self.txtZstepsize.text()) # convert into sld format omf2sld = sas_gen.OMF2SLD() omf2sld.set_data(omfdata, self.default_shape) sld_data = omf2sld.get_output() # only to be done once - load in the position data of the atoms # verification ensures that this is the same across nuclear and magnetic datafiles if self.is_nuc: sld_data.vol_pix = self.nuc_sld_data.vol_pix sld_data.pos_x = self.nuc_sld_data.pos_x sld_data.pos_y = self.nuc_sld_data.pos_y sld_data.pos_z = self.nuc_sld_data.pos_z sld_data.data_length = len(self.nuc_sld_data.pos_x) elif self.is_mag: sld_data.vol_pix = self.mag_sld_data.vol_pix sld_data.pos_x = self.mag_sld_data.pos_x sld_data.pos_y = self.mag_sld_data.pos_y sld_data.pos_z = self.mag_sld_data.pos_z sld_data.data_length = len(self.mag_sld_data.pos_x) if self.is_nuc: if self.nuc_sld_data.is_elements: sld_data.set_elements(self.nuc_sld_data.elements, self.nuc_sld_data.are_elements_array) elif self.is_mag: if self.mag_sld_data.is_elements: sld_data.set_elements(self.mag_sld_data.elements, self.mag_sld_data.are_elements_array) # set the sld data from the required model file/GUI textbox if (self.is_nuc): sld_data.set_sldn(self.nuc_sld_data.sld_n) else: sld_data.set_sldn(float(self.txtNucl.text()), non_zero_mag_only=False) if (self.is_mag): sld_data.set_sldms(self.mag_sld_data.sld_mx, self.mag_sld_data.sld_my, self.mag_sld_data.sld_mz) else: sld_data.set_sldms(float(self.txtMx.text()), float(self.txtMy.text()), float(self.txtMz.text())) # Provide data giving connections between atoms for 3D drawing # This SHOULD only occur in nuclear data files as it is a feature of # pdb files - however the option for it to be drawn from magnetic files # if present is given in case the sld file format is expanded to include them if self.is_nuc: if self.nuc_sld_data.has_conect: sld_data.has_conect=True sld_data.line_x = self.nuc_sld_data.line_x sld_data.line_y = self.nuc_sld_data.line_y sld_data.line_z = self.nuc_sld_data.line_z # If the nuclear data does not contain conect data try to find it in the magnetic data. # TODO: combine both lists properly. Probably only necessary if a filetype for magnetic data # is used which can contain such data. elif self.is_mag: if self.mag_sld_data.has_conect: sld_data.has_conect=True sld_data.line_x = self.mag_sld_data.line_x sld_data.line_y = self.mag_sld_data.line_y sld_data.line_z = self.mag_sld_data.line_z # take pixel data from nuclear sld as preference because may contatin atom types from pdb files if self.is_nuc: sld_data.pix_type = self.nuc_sld_data.pix_type sld_data.pix_symbol = self.nuc_sld_data.pix_symbol elif self.is_mag: sld_data.pix_type = self.mag_sld_data.pix_type sld_data.pix_symbol = self.mag_sld_data.pix_symbol return sld_data
[docs] def create_rotation_matrices(self): """Create the rotation matrices between different coordinate systems UVW coords: beamline coords uvw coords: environment coords xyz coords: sample coords The GUI contains values of yaw, pitch and roll from uvw to xyz coordinates and from UVW to uvw. These are right handed coordinate systems with UVW being the beamline coordinate system with: U: horizonatal axis V: vertical axis W: axis back from detector to sample The rotation given by the user transforms the BASIS VECTORS - the user gives the trasformation from beamline coords to samplecoords for example - so from there perspective the beamline is the fixed object and the environment and sample rotate. The rotation is first a yaw angle about the V axis (UVW -> U'V'W') then a pitch angle about the U' axis (U'V'W' -> U''V''W'') and finally a roll rotation abot the W'' axis (U''V''W'' -> uvw). This function expects that the textbox values are correct. :return: two rotations, the first from UVW to xyz coords, the second from UVW to uvw coords :rtype: tuple of scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation """ # in reverse # NOTE: If scipy version is updated above 1.4.0 in the future then this conversion can be replaced with the degrees=True argument # UVW to uvw env = Rotation.from_euler("YXZ", [numpy.radians(float(self.txtEnvYaw.text())), numpy.radians(float(self.txtEnvPitch.text())), numpy.radians(float(self.txtEnvRoll.text()))]) # uvw to xyz sample = Rotation.from_euler("YXZ", [numpy.radians(float(self.txtSampleYaw.text())), numpy.radians(float(self.txtSamplePitch.text())), numpy.radians(float(self.txtSampleRoll.text()))]) return env, sample*env
[docs] def onCompute(self): """Execute the computation of I(qx, qy) Copied from previous version """ try: # create the combined sld data and update from gui sld_data = self.create_full_sld_data() # TODO: implement fourier transform for meshes with multiple element or face types # The easy option is to simply convert all elements to tetrahedra - but this could rapidly # increase the calculation time. if sld_data.is_elements: if not sld_data.are_elements_array: logging.warning("SasView does not currently support computation of meshes with multiple element or face types") return self.model.set_sld_data(sld_data) UVW_to_uvw, UVW_to_xyz = self.create_rotation_matrices() # We do NOT need to invert these matrices - they are UVW to xyz for the basis vectors # and therefore xyz to UVW for the components of the vectors - as we desire self.model.set_rotations(UVW_to_uvw, UVW_to_xyz) self.write_new_values_from_gui() # create 2D or 1D data as appropriate if self.is_avg or self.is_avg is None: self._create_default_1d_data() inputs = [, []] else: self._create_default_2d_data() inputs = [,]"Computation is in progress...") self.cmdCompute.setText('Cancel') self.cmdCompute.setToolTip("<html><head/><body><p>Cancel the computation of the scattering calculation.</p></body></html>") self.cmdCompute.clicked.disconnect() self.cmdCompute.clicked.connect(self.onCancel) self.cancelCalculation = False #self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(False) d = threads.deferToThread(self.complete, inputs, self._update) # Add deferred callback for call return # d.addCallback(self.plot_1_2d) d.addCallback(self.calculateComplete) d.addErrback(self.calculateFailed) except Exception: log_msg = "{}. stop".format(sys.exc_info()[1]) return
[docs] def onCancel(self): """Notify the calculation thread that the user has cancelled the calculation. """ self.cancelCalculation = True self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(False) # don't allow user to start a new calculation until this one finishes cancelling
[docs] def _update(self, time=None, percentage=None): """ Copied from previous version """ if percentage is not None: msg = "%d%% complete..." % int(percentage) else: msg = "Computing..."
[docs] def calculateFailed(self, reason): """ """ print("Calculate Failed with:\n", reason) pass
[docs] def calculateComplete(self, d): """ Notify the main thread """ self.calculationFinishedSignal.emit()
[docs] def complete(self, input, update=None): """Carry out the compuation of I(qx, qy) in a new thread Gen compute complete function This function separates the range of q or (qx,qy) into chunks and then calculates each chunk with calls to the model. :param input: input list [qx_data, qy_data, i_out] :type input: list """ timer = timeit.default_timer update_rate = 1.0 # seconds between updates next_update = timer() + update_rate if update is not None else numpy.inf nq = len(input[0]) chunk_size = 32 if self.is_avg else 256 out = [] for ind in range(0, nq, chunk_size): t = timer() if t > next_update: update(time=t, percentage=100*ind/nq) time.sleep(0.01) next_update = t + update_rate if self.is_avg: inputi = [input[0][ind:ind + chunk_size], []] outi = else: inputi = [input[0][ind:ind + chunk_size], input[1][ind:ind + chunk_size]] outi = self.model.runXY(inputi) out.append(outi) if self.cancelCalculation: update(time=t, percentage=100*(ind + chunk_size)/nq) # ensure final progress shown self.data_to_plot = numpy.full(nq, numpy.nan) self.data_to_plot[:ind + chunk_size] = numpy.hstack(out)'Gen computation cancelled.') break else: out = numpy.hstack(out) self.data_to_plot = out'Gen computation completed.') self.cmdCompute.setText('Compute') self.cmdCompute.setToolTip("<html><head/><body><p>Compute the scattering pattern and display 1D or 2D plot depending on the settings.</p></body></html>") self.cmdCompute.clicked.disconnect() self.cmdCompute.clicked.connect(self.onCompute) self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(True) return
[docs] def onSaveFile(self): """Save data as .sld file""" path = os.path.dirname(str(self.datafile)) default_name = os.path.join(path, 'sld_file') kwargs = { 'parent': self, 'directory': default_name, 'filter': 'SLD file (*.sld)', 'options': QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog} # Query user for filename. filename_tuple = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(**kwargs) filename = filename_tuple[0] if filename: try: _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if not extension: filename = '.'.join((filename, 'sld')) sld_data = self.create_full_sld_data() sas_gen.SLDReader().write(filename, sld_data) except Exception: raise
[docs] def file_name(self): """Creates a suitable filename for display on graphs depending on which files are enabled :return: the filename :rtype: str """ if self.is_nuc: if self.is_mag: if self.nuc_sld_data.filename == self.mag_sld_data.filename: return self.nuc_sld_data.filename else: return self.nuc_sld_data.filename + " & " + self.mag_sld_data.filename else: return self.nuc_sld_data.filename else: if self.is_mag: return self.mag_sld_data.filename else: return "Rectangular grid from GUI"
[docs] def plot3d(self, has_arrow=False): """ Generate 3D plot in real space with or without arrows :param has_arrow: Whether to plot arrows for the magnetic field on the plot. Defaults to `False` :type has_arrow: bool """ sld_data = self.create_full_sld_data() self.write_new_values_from_gui() graph_title = " Graph {}: {} 3D SLD Profile".format(self.graph_num, self.file_name()) if has_arrow: graph_title += ' - Magnetic Vector as Arrow' plot3D = Plotter3D(self, graph_title) plot3D.plot(sld_data, has_arrow=has_arrow) self.graph_num += 1
[docs] def plot_1_2d(self): """ Generate 1D or 2D plot, called in Compute""" if self.is_avg or self.is_avg is None: data = Data1D(, y=self.data_to_plot) data.title = "GenSAS {} #{} 1D".format(self.file_name(), int(self.graph_num)) data.xaxis('\\rm{Q_{x}}', '\AA^{-1}') data.yaxis('\\rm{Intensity}', 'cm^{-1}') self.graph_num += 1 else: data = Data2D(image=numpy.nan_to_num(self.data_to_plot),,,,,,,, data.title = "GenSAS {} #{} 2D".format(self.file_name(), int(self.graph_num)) zeros = numpy.ones(, dtype=bool) data.mask = zeros data.xmin = data.xmax = data.ymin = data.ymax = self.graph_num += 1 # TODO new_item = GuiUtils.createModelItemWithPlot(data, name=data.title) self.communicator.updateModelFromPerspectiveSignal.emit(new_item) self.communicator.forcePlotDisplaySignal.emit([new_item, data])
[docs]class Plotter3DWidget(PlotterBase): """ 3D Plot widget for use with a QDialog """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, manager=None): super(Plotter3DWidget, self).__init__(parent, manager=manager)
@property def data(self): return self._data @data.setter def data(self, data=None): """ data setter """ self._data = data
[docs] def plot(self, data=None, has_arrow=False): """ Plot 3D self._data """ if not data: return = data # assert(self._data) # Prepare and show the plot self.showPlot(, has_arrow=has_arrow)
[docs] def showPlot(self, data, has_arrow=False): """ Render and show the current data """ # If we don't have any data, skip. if data is None: return # This import takes forever - place it here so the main UI starts faster from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D color_dic = {'H': 'blue', 'D': 'purple', 'N': 'orange', 'O': 'red', 'C': 'green', 'P': 'cyan', 'Other': 'k'} marker = ',' m_size = 2 pos_x = data.pos_x pos_y = data.pos_y pos_z = data.pos_z sld_mx = data.sld_mx sld_my = data.sld_my sld_mz = data.sld_mz sld_tot = numpy.fabs(sld_mx) + numpy.fabs(sld_my) + \ numpy.fabs(sld_mz) + numpy.fabs(data.sld_n) if data.is_elements: # Do not assign values to points if values are element-wise is_nonzero = numpy.ones_like(pos_x, dtype=bool) is_zero = numpy.zeros_like(pos_x, dtype=bool) else: is_nonzero = sld_tot > 0.0 is_zero = sld_tot == 0.0 pix_symbol = data.pix_symbol if data.pix_type == 'atom': marker = 'o' m_size = 3.5 self.figure.clear() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=.8, bottom=.1) ax = Axes3D(self.figure) ax.set_xlabel('x ($\A{}$)'.format(data.pos_unit)) ax.set_ylabel('z ($\A{}$)'.format(data.pos_unit)) ax.set_zlabel('y ($\A{}$)'.format(data.pos_unit)) # I. Plot null points if is_zero.any(): im = ax.plot(pos_x[is_zero], pos_z[is_zero], pos_y[is_zero], marker, c="y", alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor='y', markersize=m_size) pos_x = pos_x[is_nonzero] pos_y = pos_y[is_nonzero] pos_z = pos_z[is_nonzero] sld_mx = sld_mx[is_nonzero] sld_my = sld_my[is_nonzero] sld_mz = sld_mz[is_nonzero] pix_symbol = data.pix_symbol[is_nonzero] # II. Plot selective points in color other_color = numpy.ones(len(pix_symbol), dtype='bool') for key in list(color_dic.keys()): chosen_color = pix_symbol == key if numpy.any(chosen_color): other_color = other_color & (chosen_color!=True) color = color_dic[key] im = ax.plot(pos_x[chosen_color], pos_z[chosen_color], pos_y[chosen_color], marker, c=color, alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor=color, markersize=m_size, label=key) # III. Plot All others if numpy.any(other_color): a_name = '' if data.pix_type == 'atom': # Get atom names not in the list a_names = [symb for symb in pix_symbol \ if symb not in list(color_dic.keys())] a_name = a_names[0] for name in a_names: new_name = ", " + name if a_name.count(name) == 0: a_name += new_name # plot in black im = ax.plot(pos_x[other_color], pos_z[other_color], pos_y[other_color], marker, c="k", alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor="k", markersize=m_size, label=a_name) if data.pix_type == 'atom': ax.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 10}) # IV. Draws atomic bond with grey lines if any if data.has_conect: for ind in range(len(data.line_x)): im = ax.plot(data.line_x[ind], data.line_z[ind], data.line_y[ind], '-', lw=0.6, c="grey", alpha=0.3) # V. Draws magnetic vectors if has_arrow and len(pos_x) > 0: def _draw_arrow(input=None, update=None): """ draw magnetic vectors w/arrow """ max_mx = max(numpy.fabs(sld_mx)) max_my = max(numpy.fabs(sld_my)) max_mz = max(numpy.fabs(sld_mz)) max_m = max(max_mx, max_my, max_mz) if data.xstepsize is None or data.ystepsize is None or data.zstepsize is None: if data.is_elements: vol_per_element = numpy.sum(data.vol_pix)/len(data.elements) else: vol_per_element = numpy.sum(data.vol_pix)/len(data.pos_x) max_step = numpy.cbrt(vol_per_element) else: max_step = max(data.xstepsize, data.ystepsize, data.zstepsize) if max_step <= 0: max_step = 5 try: if max_m != 0: unit_x2 = sld_mx / max_m unit_y2 = sld_my / max_m unit_z2 = sld_mz / max_m # 0.8 is for avoiding the color becomes white=(1,1,1)) color_x = numpy.fabs(unit_x2 * 0.8) color_y = numpy.fabs(unit_y2 * 0.8) color_z = numpy.fabs(unit_z2 * 0.8) if data.is_elements: # convert positions to match elements # TODO: pos_x does not exist within the function - have to relocate from data, sld_mx etc. do carry through, why? if data.are_elements_array: vertices = numpy.unique(data.elements.reshape((data.elements.shape[0], -1)), axis=-1) pos_x = numpy.mean(data.pos_x[vertices], axis=-1) pos_y = numpy.mean(data.pos_y[vertices], axis=-1) pos_z = numpy.mean(data.pos_z[vertices], axis=-1) else: vertices = [list(set([vertex for face in element for vertex in face])) for element in data.elements] pos_x = numpy.array([numpy.mean([data.pos_x[vertex] for vertex in element]) for element in vertices]) pos_y = numpy.array([numpy.mean([data.pos_y[vertex] for vertex in element]) for element in vertices]) pos_z = numpy.array([numpy.mean([data.pos_z[vertex] for vertex in element]) for element in vertices]) x2 = pos_x + unit_x2 * max_step y2 = pos_y + unit_y2 * max_step z2 = pos_z + unit_z2 * max_step x_arrow = numpy.column_stack((pos_x, x2)) y_arrow = numpy.column_stack((pos_y, y2)) z_arrow = numpy.column_stack((pos_z, z2)) colors = numpy.column_stack((color_x, color_y, color_z)) arrows = Arrow3D(self.figure, x_arrow, z_arrow, y_arrow, colors, mutation_scale=10, lw=1, arrowstyle="->", alpha=0.5) ax.add_artist(arrows) except Exception: pass log_msg = "Arrow Drawing completed.\n" log_msg = "Arrow Drawing is in progress..." # Defer the drawing of arrows to another thread d = threads.deferToThread(_draw_arrow, ax) self.figure.canvas.resizing = False self.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def createContextMenu(self): """ Define common context menu and associated actions for the MPL widget """ self.defaultContextMenu()
[docs] def createContextMenuQuick(self): """ Define context menu and associated actions for the quickplot MPL widget """ return
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """ Overwrite the close event adding helper notification """ event.accept()
[docs]class Plotter3D(QtWidgets.QDialog, Plotter3DWidget):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, graph_title=''): self.graph_title = graph_title QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) Plotter3DWidget.__init__(self, manager=parent) self.setWindowTitle(self.graph_title)