Source code for sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.FittingPerspective

from distutils.command.config import config

import numpy
import copy

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

from bumps import options
from bumps import fitters

import sas.qtgui.Utilities.LocalConfig as LocalConfig
import sas.qtgui.Utilities.ObjectLibrary as ObjectLibrary
import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils
from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.Constraint import Constraint

from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.FittingWidget import FittingWidget
from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.ConstraintWidget import ConstraintWidget
from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.FittingOptions import FittingOptions
from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.GPUOptions import GPUOptions

[docs]class FittingWindow(QtWidgets.QTabWidget): """ """ tabsModifiedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() fittingStartedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list) fittingStoppedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list) name = "Fitting" # For displaying in the combo box in DataExplorer ext = "fitv" # Extension used for saving analyses
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, data=None): super(FittingWindow, self).__init__() self.parent = parent self._data = data # List of active fits self.tabs = [] # Max index for adding new, non-clashing tab names self.maxIndex = 1 # The default optimizer self.optimizer = 'Levenberg-Marquardt' # Dataset index -> Fitting tab mapping self.dataToFitTab = {} # The tabs need to be closeable self.setTabsClosable(True) # The tabs need to be movabe self.setMovable(True) self.communicate = self.parent.communicator() # Initialize the first tab self.addFit(None) # Deal with signals self.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.tabCloses) self.communicate.dataDeletedSignal.connect(self.dataDeleted) self.fittingStartedSignal.connect(self.onFittingStarted) self.fittingStoppedSignal.connect(self.onFittingStopped) self.communicate.copyFitParamsSignal.connect(self.onParamCopy) self.communicate.pasteFitParamsSignal.connect(self.onParamPaste) self.communicate.copyExcelFitParamsSignal.connect(self.onExcelCopy) self.communicate.copyLatexFitParamsSignal.connect(self.onLatexCopy) self.communicate.SaveFitParamsSignal.connect(self.onParamSave) # Perspective window not allowed to close by default self._allow_close = False # Fit options - uniform for all tabs self.fit_options = options.FIT_CONFIG self.fit_options_widget = FittingOptions(self, config=self.fit_options) self.fit_options.selected_id = # Listen to GUI Manager signal updating fit options self.fit_options_widget.fit_option_changed.connect(self.onFittingOptionsChange) # GPU Options self.gpu_options_widget = GPUOptions(self) self.updateWindowTitle() # Add new tab mini-button self.plusButton = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) self.plusButton.setText("+") self.setCornerWidget(self.plusButton) self.plusButton.setToolTip("Add a new Fit Page") self.plusButton.clicked.connect(lambda: self.addFit(None))
[docs] def updateWindowTitle(self): """ Update the window title with the current optimizer name """ self.optimizer = self.fit_options.selected_name self.setWindowTitle('Fit panel - Active Fitting Optimizer: %s' % self.optimizer)
[docs] def setClosable(self, value=True): """ Allow outsiders to close this widget """ assert isinstance(value, bool) self._allow_close = value
[docs] def onParamCopy(self): self.currentTab.onCopyToClipboard("")
[docs] def onParamPaste(self): self.currentTab.onParameterPaste()
[docs] def onExcelCopy(self): self.currentTab.onCopyToClipboard("Excel")
[docs] def onLatexCopy(self): self.currentTab.onCopyToClipboard("Latex")
[docs] def serializeAll(self): return self.serializeAllFitpage()
[docs] def serializeAllFitpage(self): # serialize all active fitpages and return # a dictionary: {data_id: fitpage_state} state = {} for i, tab in enumerate(self.tabs): tab_state = self.getSerializedFitpage(tab) for key, value in tab_state.items(): if key in state: state[key].update(value) else: state[key] = value return state
[docs] def serializeCurrentPage(self): # serialize current(active) fitpage return self.getSerializedFitpage(self.currentTab)
[docs] def getSerializedFitpage(self, tab): """ get serialize requested fit tab """ state = {} fitpage_state = tab.getFitPage() fitpage_state += tab.getFitModel() # put the text into dictionary line_dict = {} for line in fitpage_state: #content = line.split(',') if len(line) > 1: line_dict[line[0]] = line[1:] if 'data_id' not in line_dict: return state id = line_dict['data_id'][0] if not isinstance(id, list): id = [id] for i in id: if 'is_constraint' in line_dict.keys(): state[i] = line_dict elif i in state and 'fit-params' in state[i]: state[i]['fit_params'].update(line_dict) else: state[i] = {'fit_params': [line_dict]} return state
[docs] def currentTabDataId(self): """ Returns the data ID of the current tab """ tab_id = [] if not return tab_id for item in self.currentTab.all_data: data = GuiUtils.dataFromItem(item) tab_id.append( return tab_id
[docs] def updateFromParameters(self, parameters): """ Pass the update parameters to the current fit page """ self.currentTab.createPageForParameters(parameters)
[docs] def updateFromConstraints(self, constraint_dict): """ Updates all tabs with constraints present in *constraint_dict*, where *constraint_dict* keys are the fit page name, and the value is a list of constraints. A constraint is represented by a list [value, param, value_ex, validate, function] of attributes of a Constraint object """ for fit_page_name, constraint_list in constraint_dict.items(): tab = self.getTabByName(fit_page_name) for constraint_param in constraint_list: if constraint_param is not None and len(constraint_param) == 5: constraint = Constraint() constraint.value = constraint_param[0] constraint.func = constraint_param[4] constraint.param = constraint_param[1] constraint.value_ex = constraint_param[2] constraint.validate = constraint_param[3] tab.addConstraintToRow(constraint=constraint, row=tab.getRowFromName( constraint_param[1]))
[docs] def onParamSave(self): self.currentTab.onCopyToClipboard("Save")
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """ Overwrite QDialog close method to allow for custom widget close """ # Invoke fit page events if self._allow_close: # reset the closability flag self.setClosable(value=False) # Tell the MdiArea to close the container if it is visible if self.parentWidget(): self.parentWidget().close() event.accept() else: # Maybe we should just minimize self.setWindowState(QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized) event.ignore()
[docs] def addFit(self, data, is_batch=False, tab_index=None): """ Add a new tab for passed data """ if tab_index is None: tab_index = self.maxIndex else: self.maxIndex = tab_index tab = FittingWidget(parent=self.parent, data=data, tab_id=tab_index) tab.is_batch_fitting = is_batch # Add this tab to the object library so it can be retrieved by scripting/jupyter tab_name = self.getTabName(is_batch=is_batch) ObjectLibrary.addObject(tab_name, tab) self.tabs.append(tab) if data: self.updateFitDict(data, tab_name) self.maxIndex = max([tab.tab_id for tab in self.tabs], default=0) + 1 icon = QtGui.QIcon() if is_batch: icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("src/sas/qtgui/images/icons/layers.svg")) self.addTab(tab, icon, tab_name) # Show the new tab self.setCurrentWidget(tab) # Notify listeners self.tabsModifiedSignal.emit()
[docs] def addConstraintTab(self): """ Add a new C&S fitting tab """ tabs = [isinstance(tab, ConstraintWidget) for tab in self.tabs] if any(tabs): # We already have a C&S tab: show it self.setCurrentIndex(tabs.index(True)) return tab = ConstraintWidget(parent=self) # Add this tab to the object library so it can be retrieved by scripting/jupyter tab_name = self.getCSTabName() # TODO update the tab name scheme ObjectLibrary.addObject(tab_name, tab) self.tabs.append(tab) icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("src/sas/qtgui/images/icons/link.svg")) self.addTab(tab, icon, tab_name) # This will be the last tab, so set the index accordingly self.setCurrentIndex(self.count()-1)
[docs] def updateFitDict(self, item_key, tab_name): """ Create a list if none exists and append if there's already a list """ item_key_str = str(item_key) if item_key_str in list(self.dataToFitTab.keys()): self.dataToFitTab[item_key_str].append(tab_name) else: self.dataToFitTab[item_key_str] = [tab_name]
[docs] def getTabName(self, is_batch=False): """ Get the new tab name, based on the number of fitting tabs so far """ page_name = "BatchPage" if is_batch else "FitPage" page_name = page_name + str(self.maxIndex) return page_name
[docs] def getCSTabName(self): """ Get the new tab name, based on the number of fitting tabs so far """ page_name = "Const. & Simul. Fit" return page_name
[docs] def closeTabByIndex(self, index): """ Close/delete a tab with the given index. No checks on validity of the index. """ try: ObjectLibrary.deleteObjectByRef(self.tabs[index]) self.removeTab(index) del self.tabs[index] self.tabsModifiedSignal.emit() except IndexError: # The tab might have already been deleted previously pass
[docs] def resetTab(self, index): """ Adds a new tab and removes the last tab as a way of resetting the fit tabs """ # If data on tab empty - do nothing if index in self.tabs and not self.tabs[index].data: return # Add a new, empy tab self.addFit(None) # Remove the previous last tab self.tabCloses(index)
[docs] def tabCloses(self, index): """ Update local bookkeeping on tab close """ # don't remove the last tab if len(self.tabs) <= 1: self.resetTab(index) return self.closeTabByIndex(index)
[docs] def closeTabByName(self, tab_name): """ Given name of the fitting tab - close it """ for tab_index in range(len(self.tabs)): if self.tabText(tab_index) == tab_name: self.tabCloses(tab_index) pass # debug hook
[docs] def dataDeleted(self, index_list): """ Delete fit tabs referencing given data """ if not index_list or not self.dataToFitTab: return for index_to_delete in index_list: index_to_delete_str = str(index_to_delete) orig_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.dataToFitTab) for tab_key in orig_dict.keys(): if index_to_delete_str in tab_key: for tab_name in orig_dict[tab_key]: self.closeTabByName(tab_name) self.dataToFitTab.pop(tab_key)
[docs] def allowBatch(self): """ Tell the caller that we accept multiple data instances """ return True
[docs] def allowSwap(self): """ Tell the caller that you can swap data """ return True
[docs] def isSerializable(self): """ Tell the caller that this perspective writes its state """ return True
[docs] def setData(self, data_item=None, is_batch=False, tab_index=None): """ Assign new dataset to the fitting instance Obtain a QStandardItem object and dissect it to get Data1D/2D Pass it over to the calculator """ assert data_item is not None if not isinstance(data_item, list): msg = "Incorrect type passed to the Fitting Perspective" raise AttributeError(msg) if not isinstance(data_item[0], QtGui.QStandardItem): msg = "Incorrect type passed to the Fitting Perspective" raise AttributeError(msg) if is_batch: # Just create a new fit tab. No empty batchFit tabs self.addFit(data_item, is_batch=is_batch) return items = [data_item] if is_batch else data_item for data in items: # Find the first unassigned tab. # If none, open a new tab. available_tabs = [tab.acceptsData() for tab in self.tabs] tab_ids = [tab.tab_id for tab in self.tabs] if tab_index is not None: if tab_index not in tab_ids: self.addFit(data, is_batch=is_batch, tab_index=tab_index) else: self.setCurrentIndex(tab_index-1) self.swapData(data) return if numpy.any(available_tabs): first_good_tab = available_tabs.index(True) self.tabs[first_good_tab].data = data tab_name = str(self.tabText(first_good_tab)) self.updateFitDict(data, tab_name) else: self.addFit(data, is_batch=is_batch)
[docs] def swapData(self, data): """ Replace the data from the current fitting tab """ if not isinstance(self.currentWidget(), FittingWidget): msg = "Current tab is not a fitting widget" raise TypeError(msg) if not isinstance(data, QtGui.QStandardItem): msg = "Incorrect type passed to the Fitting Perspective" raise AttributeError(msg) if self.currentTab.is_batch_fitting: msg = "Data in Batch Fitting cannot be swapped" raise RuntimeError(msg) = data tab_name = str(self.tabText(self.currentIndex())) self.updateFitDict(data, tab_name)
[docs] def onFittingOptionsChange(self, fit_engine): """ React to the fitting algorithm change by modifying window title """ fitter = [ for f in options.FITTERS if == str(fit_engine)][0] # set the optimizer self.fit_options.selected_id = str(fitter) # Update the title self.updateWindowTitle()
[docs] def onFittingStarted(self, tabs_for_fitting=None): """ Notify tabs listed in tabs_for_fitting that the fitting thread started """ assert(isinstance(tabs_for_fitting, list)) assert(len(tabs_for_fitting)>0) for tab_object in self.tabs: if not isinstance(tab_object, FittingWidget): continue page_name = "Page%s"%tab_object.tab_id if any([page_name in tab for tab in tabs_for_fitting]): tab_object.disableInteractiveElements() pass
[docs] def onFittingStopped(self, tabs_for_fitting=None): """ Notify tabs listed in tabs_for_fitting that the fitting thread stopped """ assert(isinstance(tabs_for_fitting, list)) assert(len(tabs_for_fitting)>0) for tab_object in self.tabs: if not isinstance(tab_object, FittingWidget): continue page_name = "Page%s"%tab_object.tab_id if any([page_name in tab for tab in tabs_for_fitting]): tab_object.enableInteractiveElements()
[docs] def getCurrentStateAsXml(self): """ Returns an XML version of the current state """ state = {} for tab in self.tabs: pass return state
@property def currentTab(self): """ Returns the tab widget currently shown """ return self.currentWidget()
[docs] def getFitTabs(self): """ Returns the list of fitting tabs """ return [tab for tab in self.tabs if isinstance(tab, FittingWidget)]
[docs] def getActiveConstraintList(self): """ Returns a list of the constraints for all fitting tabs. Constraints are a tuple of strings (parameter, expression) e.g. ('M1.scale', 'M2.scale + 2') """ constraints = [] for tab in self.getFitTabs(): tab_name = tab.modelName() tab_constraints = tab.getConstraintsForModel() constraints.extend((tab_name + "." + par, expr) for par, expr in tab_constraints) return constraints
[docs] def getSymbolDictForConstraints(self): """ Returns a dictionary containing all the symbols in all constrained tabs and their values. """ symbol_dict = {} for tab in self.getFitTabs(): symbol_dict.update(tab.getSymbolDict()) return symbol_dict
[docs] def getConstraintTab(self): """ Returns the constraint tab, or None if no constraint tab is active """ if any(isinstance(tab, ConstraintWidget) for tab in self.tabs): constraint_tab = next(tab for tab in self.tabs if isinstance(tab, ConstraintWidget)) else: constraint_tab = None return constraint_tab
[docs] def getTabByName(self, name): """ Returns the tab with with attribute name *name* """ assert isinstance(name, str) for tab in self.tabs: if tab.modelName() == name: return tab return None