Source code for sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter

from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

import functools
import copy
import sys
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from packaging import version

from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterBase import PlotterBase
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.AddText import AddText
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Binder import BindArtist
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.SetGraphRange import SetGraphRange
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.LinearFit import LinearFit
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.QRangeSlider import QRangeSlider
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotProperties import PlotProperties
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.ScaleProperties import ScaleProperties

import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils
import sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotUtilities as PlotUtilities

[docs]def _legendResize(width, parent): """ resize factor for the legend, based on total canvas width """ # The factor 4.0 was chosen to look similar in size/ratio to what we had in 4.x if not hasattr(parent.parent, "manager"): return None if parent is None or parent.parent is None or parent.parent.manager is None \ or parent.parent.manager.parent is None or parent.parent.manager.parent._parent is None: return None screen_width = parent.parent.manager.parent._parent.screen_width screen_height = parent.parent.manager.parent._parent.screen_height screen_factor = screen_width * screen_height if sys.platform == 'win32': factor = 4 denomintor = 100 scale_factor = width/denomintor + factor else: #Function inferred based on tests for several resolutions scale_factor = (3e-6*screen_factor + 1)*width/640 return scale_factor
[docs]class PlotterWidget(PlotterBase): """ 1D Plot widget for use with a QDialog """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, manager=None, quickplot=False): super(PlotterWidget, self).__init__(parent, manager=manager, quickplot=quickplot) self.parent = parent # Dictionary of {plot_id:Data1d} self.plot_dict = {} # Dictionaty of {plot_id:line} self.plot_lines = {} # Dictionary of slider interactors {plot_id:interactor} self.sliders = {} # Window for text add self.addText = AddText(self) # Log-ness of the axes self.xLogLabel = "log10(x)" self.yLogLabel = "log10(y)" # Data container for the linear fit self.fit_result = Data1D(x=[], y=[], dy=None) self.fit_result.symbol = 17 = "Fit" # Range setter - used to store active SetGraphRange instance # Initialize to None so graph range is only stored once data is present. self.setRange = None # Connections used to prevent conflict between built in mpl toolbar actions and SasView context menu actions. # Toolbar actions only needed in 1D plots. 2D plots have no such conflicts. self.toolbar._actions['home'].triggered.connect(self._home) self.toolbar._actions['back'].triggered.connect(self._back) self.toolbar._actions['forward'].triggered.connect(self._forward) self.toolbar._actions['pan'].triggered.connect(self._pan) self.toolbar._actions['zoom'].triggered.connect(self._zoom) self.legendVisible = True parent.geometry()
@property def data(self): return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): """ data setter """ #self._data = value self._data.append(value) if value._xunit: self.xLabel = "%s(%s)"%(value._xaxis, value._xunit) else: self.xLabel = "%s"%(value._xaxis) if value._yunit: self.yLabel = "%s(%s)"%(value._yaxis, value._yunit) else: self.yLabel = "%s"%(value._yaxis) if value.scale == 'linear' or value.isSesans: self.xscale = 'linear' self.yscale = 'linear' self.title(
[docs] def plot(self, data=None, color=None, marker=None, hide_error=False, transform=True): """ Add a new plot of self._data to the chart. """ if data is None: # just refresh self.canvas.draw_idle() return # Data1D if isinstance(data, Data1D): is_fit = ("fit") if not is_fit: # make sure we have some function to operate on if data.xtransform is None: if data.isSesans: data.xtransform='x' else: data.xtransform = 'log10(x)' if data.ytransform is None: if data.isSesans: data.ytransform='y' else: data.ytransform = 'log10(y)' #Added condition to Dmax explorer from P(r) perspective if data._xaxis == 'D_{max}': self.xscale = 'linear' # Transform data if required. if transform and (data.xtransform is not None or data.ytransform is not None): self.xLabel, self.yLabel, xscale, yscale = \ GuiUtils.xyTransform(data, data.xtransform, data.ytransform) if xscale != 'log' and xscale != self.xscale: self.xscale = xscale if yscale != 'log' and yscale != self.yscale: self.yscale = yscale # Redefine the Scale properties dialog = ScaleProperties(self, init_scale_x=data.xtransform, init_scale_y=data.ytransform) # Shortcuts ax = x = data.view.x y = data.view.y label = # was self._title # Marker symbol. Passed marker is one of matplotlib.markers characters # Alternatively, picked up from Data1D as an int index of PlotUtilities.SHAPES dict if marker is None: marker = data.symbol # Try name first try: marker = dict(PlotUtilities.SHAPES)[marker] except KeyError: marker = list(PlotUtilities.SHAPES.values())[marker] assert marker is not None # Plot name if data.title: self.title(title=data.title) else: self.title( # Error marker toggle if hide_error is None: hide_error = data.hide_error # Plot color if color is None: color = data.custom_color color = PlotUtilities.getValidColor(color) data.custom_color = color markersize = data.markersize # Include scaling (log vs. linear) if version.parse(mpl.__version__) < version.parse("3.3"): ax.set_xscale(self.xscale, nonposx='clip') if self.xscale != 'linear' else ax.set_yscale(self.yscale, nonposy='clip') if self.yscale != 'linear' else else: ax.set_xscale(self.xscale, nonpositive='clip') if self.xscale != 'linear' else ax.set_yscale(self.yscale, nonpositive='clip') if self.yscale != 'linear' else # Draw non-standard markers l_width = markersize * 0.4 if marker == '-' or marker == '--': line =, y, color=color, lw=l_width, marker='', linestyle=marker, label=label, zorder=10)[0] elif marker == 'vline': y_min = min(y)*9.0/10.0 if min(y) < 0 else 0.0 line =, ymin=y_min, ymax=y, color=color, linestyle='-', label=label, lw=l_width, zorder=1) elif marker == 'step': line =, y, color=color, marker='', linestyle='-', label=label, lw=l_width, zorder=1)[0] else: # plot data with/without errorbars if hide_error: line = ax.plot(x, y, marker=marker, color=color, markersize=markersize, linestyle='', label=label, picker=True) else: dy = data.view.dy # Convert tuple (lo,hi) to array [(x-lo),(hi-x)] if dy is not None and type(dy) == type(()): dy = np.vstack((y - dy[0], dy[1] - y)).transpose() line = ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=dy, xerr=None, capsize=2, linestyle='', barsabove=False, color=color, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, lolims=False, uplims=False, xlolims=False, xuplims=False, label=label, zorder=1, picker=True) # Display horizontal axis if requested if data.show_yzero: ax.axhline(color='black', linewidth=1) # Update the list of data sets (plots) in chart self.plot_dict[] = data self.plot_lines[] = line # Now add the legend with some customizations. if self.showLegend: width=_legendResize(self.canvas.size().width(), self.parent) if width is not None: self.legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, prop={'size':width}) else: self.legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True) if self.legend: self.legend.set_picker(True) self.legend.set_visible(self.legendVisible) # Current labels for axes if self.yLabel and not is_fit: ax.set_ylabel(self.yLabel) if self.xLabel and not is_fit: ax.set_xlabel(self.xLabel) # define the ranges if isinstance(self.setRange, SetGraphRange) and self.setRange.rangeModified: # Assume the range has changed and retain the current and default ranges for future use modified = self.setRange.rangeModified default_x_range = self.setRange.defaultXRange default_y_range = self.setRange.defaultYRange x_range = self.setRange.xrange() y_range = self.setRange.yrange() else: # Use default ranges given by matplotlib x_range = default_x_range = y_range = default_y_range = modified = False self.setRange = SetGraphRange(parent=self, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range) self.setRange.rangeModified = modified self.setRange.defaultXRange = default_x_range self.setRange.defaultYRange = default_y_range # Go to expected range[0], x_range[1])[0], y_range[1]) # Add q-range sliders if data.show_q_range_sliders: # Grab existing slider if it exists existing_slider = self.sliders.pop(, None) sliders = QRangeSlider(self,, data=data) # New sliders should be visible but existing sliders that were turned off should remain off if existing_slider is not None and not existing_slider.is_visible: sliders.toggle() self.sliders[] = sliders # refresh canvas self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def onResize(self, event): """ Resize the legend window/font on canvas resize """ if not self.showLegend or not self.legendVisible: return width = _legendResize(event.width, self.parent) # resize the legend to follow the canvas width. if width is not None: self.legend.prop.set_size(width)
[docs] def createContextMenu(self): """ Define common context menu and associated actions for the MPL widget """ self.defaultContextMenu() # Separate plots self.addPlotsToContextMenu() # Additional menu items self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionAddText = self.contextMenu.addAction("Add Text") self.actionRemoveText = self.contextMenu.addAction("Remove Text") self.contextMenu.addSeparator() if self.show_legend: self.actionToggleLegend = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Legend") self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionChangeScale = self.contextMenu.addAction("Change Scale") self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionSetGraphRange = self.contextMenu.addAction("Set Graph Range") self.actionResetGraphRange =\ self.contextMenu.addAction("Reset Graph Range") # Add the title change for dialogs self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionWindowTitle = self.contextMenu.addAction("Window Title") self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionToggleMenu = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Navigation Menu") # Define the callbacks self.actionAddText.triggered.connect(self.onAddText) self.actionRemoveText.triggered.connect(self.onRemoveText) self.actionChangeScale.triggered.connect(self.onScaleChange) self.actionSetGraphRange.triggered.connect(self.onSetGraphRange) self.actionResetGraphRange.triggered.connect(self.onResetGraphRange) self.actionWindowTitle.triggered.connect(self.onWindowsTitle) self.actionToggleMenu.triggered.connect(self.onToggleMenu) if self.show_legend: self.actionToggleLegend.triggered.connect(self.onToggleLegend)
[docs] def addPlotsToContextMenu(self): """ Adds operations on all plotted sets of data to the context menu """ for id in list(self.plot_dict.keys()): plot = self.plot_dict[id] name = if else plot.title plot_menu = self.contextMenu.addMenu('&%s' % name) self.actionDataInfo = plot_menu.addAction("&DataInfo") self.actionDataInfo.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onDataInfo, plot)) self.actionSavePointsAsFile = plot_menu.addAction("&Save Points as a File") self.actionSavePointsAsFile.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onSavePoints, plot)) plot_menu.addSeparator() if != 'fit': self.actionLinearFit = plot_menu.addAction('&Linear Fit') self.actionLinearFit.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onLinearFit, id)) plot_menu.addSeparator() self.actionRemovePlot = plot_menu.addAction("Remove") self.actionRemovePlot.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onRemovePlot, id)) if plot.show_q_range_sliders: self.actionToggleSlider = plot_menu.addAction("Toggle Q-Range Slider Visibility") self.actionToggleSlider.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.toggleSlider, id)) if not plot.is_data: self.actionFreeze = plot_menu.addAction('&Freeze') self.actionFreeze.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onFreeze, id)) plot_menu.addSeparator() if plot.is_data: self.actionHideError = plot_menu.addAction("Hide Error Bar") if plot.dy is not None and plot.dy != []: if plot.hide_error: self.actionHideError.setText('Show Error Bar') else: self.actionHideError.setEnabled(False) self.actionHideError.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onToggleHideError, id)) plot_menu.addSeparator() self.actionModifyPlot = plot_menu.addAction('&Modify Plot Property') self.actionModifyPlot.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onModifyPlot, id))
[docs] def createContextMenuQuick(self): """ Define context menu and associated actions for the quickplot MPL widget """ # Default actions self.defaultContextMenu() # Additional actions self.actionToggleGrid = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Grid On/Off") self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionChangeScale = self.contextMenu.addAction("Change Scale") # Define the callbacks self.actionToggleGrid.triggered.connect(self.onGridToggle) self.actionChangeScale.triggered.connect(self.onScaleChange) if self.show_legend: self.actionToggleLegend = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Legend") self.actionToggleLegend.triggered.connect(self.onToggleLegend)
[docs] def onScaleChange(self): """ Show a dialog allowing axes rescaling """ if == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: self.xLogLabel, self.yLogLabel = for d in d.xtransform = self.xLogLabel d.ytransform = self.yLogLabel self.xyTransform(self.xLogLabel, self.yLogLabel)
[docs] def onAddText(self): """ Show a dialog allowing adding custom text to the chart """ if self.addText.exec_() != QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: return # Retrieve the new text, its font and color extra_text = self.addText.text() extra_font = self.addText.font() extra_color = self.addText.color() # Place the text on the screen at the click location pos_x = self.x_click pos_y = self.y_click # Map QFont onto MPL font mpl_font = FontProperties() mpl_font.set_size(int(extra_font.pointSize())) mpl_font.set_family(str( mpl_font.set_weight(int(extra_font.weight())) # MPL style names styles = ['normal', 'italic', 'oblique'] # QFont::Style maps directly onto the above try: mpl_font.set_style(styles[]) except: pass if len(extra_text) > 0: new_text =, pos_y, extra_text, color=extra_color, fontproperties=mpl_font) # Update the list of annotations self.textList.append(new_text) self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def onRemoveText(self): """ Remove the most recently added text """ num_text = len(self.textList) if num_text < 1: return txt = self.textList[num_text - 1] text_remove = txt.get_text() try: txt.remove() except ValueError: # Text got already deleted somehow pass self.textList.remove(txt) self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def _zoom_pan_handler(self, event): if not self.setRange: self.setRange = SetGraphRange(parent=self) x_range = y_range = self.setRange.txtXmin.setText(str(x_range[0])) self.setRange.txtXmax.setText(str(x_range[1])) self.setRange.txtYmin.setText(str(y_range[0])) self.setRange.txtYmax.setText(str(y_range[1])) self._setGraphRange()
[docs] def _zoom_handler(self, event): """ Explicitly call toolbar method to ensure range is changed. In MPL 2.2, local events take precedence over the toolbar events, so the range isn't zoomed until after _zoom_pan_handler is run. """ self.toolbar.release_zoom(event) self._zoom_pan_handler(event)
[docs] def _pan_handler(self, event): """ Explicitly call toolbar method to ensure range is changed. In MPL 2.2, local events take precedence over the toolbar events, so the range isn't panned until after _zoom_pan_handler is run. """ self.toolbar.release_pan(event) self._zoom_pan_handler(event)
[docs] def _home(self, event): """ Catch home button click events """ self.onResetGraphRange()
[docs] def _back(self, event): """ Catch back button click events """ self.toolbar.back() self._zoom_pan_handler(event)
[docs] def _forward(self, event): """ Catch forward button click events """ self.toolbar.forward() self._zoom_pan_handler(event)
[docs] def _pan(self, event): """ Catch pan button click events """ self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self._pan_handler)
[docs] def _zoom(self, event): """ Catch zoom button click events """ self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self._zoom_handler)
[docs] def onSetGraphRange(self): """ Show a dialog allowing setting the chart ranges """ # min and max of data if self.setRange.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: self._setGraphRange()
[docs] def _setGraphRange(self): x_range = self.setRange.xrange() y_range = self.setRange.yrange() if x_range is not None and y_range is not None: self.setRange.rangeModified = (self.setRange.defaultXRange != x_range or self.setRange.defaultYRange != y_range) self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def onResetGraphRange(self): """ Resets the chart X and Y ranges to their original values """ # Clear graph and plot everything again self.setRange = None for ids in self.plot_dict: # Color, marker, etc. are stored in each data set and will be used to restore visual changes on replot self.plot(data=self.plot_dict[ids], hide_error=self.plot_dict[ids].hide_error) # Redraw self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def onLinearFit(self, id): """ Creates and displays a simple linear fit for the selected plot """ selected_plot = self.plot_dict[id] maxrange = (min(selected_plot.x), max(selected_plot.x)) fitrange = fit_dialog = LinearFit(parent=self, data=selected_plot, max_range=maxrange, fit_range=fitrange, xlabel=self.xLogLabel, ylabel=self.yLogLabel) fit_dialog.updatePlot.connect(self.onFitDisplay) if fit_dialog.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: return
[docs] def replacePlot(self, id, new_plot, retain_dimensions=True): """ Remove plot 'id' and add 'new_plot' to the chart. This effectlvely refreshes the chart with changes to one of its plots """ # Pull the current transform settings from the old plot selected_plot = self.plot_dict[id] new_plot.xtransform = selected_plot.xtransform new_plot.ytransform = selected_plot.ytransform #Adding few properties ftom ModifyPlot to preserve them in future changes new_plot.title = selected_plot.title new_plot.custom_color = selected_plot.custom_color new_plot.markersize = selected_plot.markersize new_plot.symbol = selected_plot.symbol self.removePlot(id) self.plot(data=new_plot) # Apply user-defined plot range if retain_dimensions or self.setRange.rangeModified: x_bounds = self.setRange.xrange() y_bounds = self.setRange.yrange()[0], x_bounds[1])[0], y_bounds[1])
[docs] def onRemovePlot(self, id): """ Responds to the plot delete action """ self.removePlot(id) if len(self.plot_dict) == 0: # last plot: graph is empty must be the panel must be destroyed self.parent.close()
[docs] def removePlot(self, id): """ Deletes the selected plot from the chart """ if id not in list(self.plot_dict.keys()): return # Remove the plot from the list of plots self.plot_dict.pop(id) # Labels might have been changed xl = yl = # Recreate Artist bindings after plot clear self.connect = BindArtist(self.figure) for ids in self.plot_dict: if ids != id: self.plot(data=self.plot_dict[ids], hide_error=self.plot_dict[ids].hide_error) # Reset the labels self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def toggleSlider(self, id): if id in self.sliders.keys(): slider = self.sliders.get(id) slider.toggle()
[docs] def onFreeze(self, id): """ Freezes the selected plot to a separate chart """ plot = self.plot_dict[id] plot = copy.deepcopy(plot) self.manager.add_data(data_list={id:plot}) self.manager.freezeDataToItem(plot)
[docs] def onModifyPlot(self, id): """ Allows for MPL modifications to the selected plot """ selected_plot = self.plot_dict[id] # Old style color - single integer for enum color # New style color - #hhhhhh color = selected_plot.custom_color # marker symbol and size marker = selected_plot.symbol marker_size = selected_plot.markersize # plot name legend = plotPropertiesWidget = PlotProperties(self, color=color, marker=marker, marker_size=marker_size, legend=legend) if plotPropertiesWidget.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: # Update Data1d selected_plot.markersize = plotPropertiesWidget.markersize() selected_plot.custom_color = plotPropertiesWidget.color() selected_plot.symbol = plotPropertiesWidget.marker() = plotPropertiesWidget.legend() # Redraw the plot self.replacePlot(id, selected_plot)
[docs] def onToggleHideError(self, id): """ Toggles hide error/show error menu item """ selected_plot = self.plot_dict[id] current = selected_plot.hide_error # Flip the flag selected_plot.hide_error = not current plot_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.plot_dict) self.plot_dict = {} # Clean the canvas # Recreate the plots but reverse the error flag for the current for ids in plot_dict: if ids == id: self.plot(data=plot_dict[ids], hide_error=(not current)) else: self.plot(data=plot_dict[ids], hide_error=plot_dict[ids].hide_error)
[docs] def xyTransform(self, xLabel="", yLabel=""): """ Transforms x and y in View and set the scale """ # Transform all the plots on the chart for id in list(self.plot_dict.keys()): current_plot = self.plot_dict[id] if == "fit": self.removePlot(id) continue new_xlabel, new_ylabel, xscale, yscale =\ GuiUtils.xyTransform(current_plot, xLabel, yLabel) self.xscale = xscale self.yscale = yscale # Plot the updated chart self.removePlot(id) # This assignment will wrap the label in Latex "$" self.xLabel = new_xlabel self.yLabel = new_ylabel self.plot(data=current_plot, transform=False) pass # debug hook
[docs] def onFitDisplay(self, fit_data): """ Add a linear fitting line to the chart """ # Create new data structure with fitting result tempx = fit_data[0] tempy = fit_data[1] self.fit_result.x = [] self.fit_result.y = [] self.fit_result.x = tempx self.fit_result.y = tempy self.fit_result.dx = None self.fit_result.dy = None self.fit_result.reset_view() #self.offset_graph() # Set plot properties = 'fit' self.fit_result.title = 'Fit' = 'Fit' if in self.plot_dict.keys(): # Replace an existing Fit and ensure the plot range is not reset self.replacePlot("Fit", new_plot=self.fit_result) else: # Otherwise, Plot a new line self.plot(data=self.fit_result, marker='-', hide_error=True)
[docs] def onToggleLegend(self): """ Toggle legend visibility in the chart """ if not self.showLegend: return #visible = self.legend.get_visible() self.legendVisible = not self.legendVisible self.legend.set_visible(self.legendVisible) self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def onMplMouseDown(self, event): """ Left button down and ready to drag """ # Check that the LEFT button was pressed if event.button != 1: return self.leftdown = True for text in self.textList: if text.contains(event)[0]: # If user has clicked on text self.selectedText = text return if event.inaxes is None: return try: self.x_click = float(event.xdata) # / size_x self.y_click = float(event.ydata) # / size_y except: self.position = None x_str = GuiUtils.formatNumber(self.x_click) y_str = GuiUtils.formatNumber(self.y_click) coord_str = "x: {}, y: {}".format(x_str, y_str) self.manager.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(coord_str)
[docs] def onMplMouseUp(self, event): """ Set the data coordinates of the click """ self.x_click = event.xdata self.y_click = event.ydata # Check that the LEFT button was released if event.button == 1: self.leftdown = False self.selectedText = None #release the legend if self.gotLegend == 1: self.gotLegend = 0
[docs] def onMplMouseMotion(self, event): """ Check if the left button is press and the mouse in moving. Compute delta for x and y coordinates and then perform the drag """ if self.gotLegend == 1 and self.leftdown: self.onLegendMotion(event) return #if self.leftdown and self.selectedText is not None: if not self.leftdown or self.selectedText is None: return # User has clicked on text and is dragging if event.inaxes is None: # User has dragged outside of axes self.selectedText = None else: # Only move text if mouse is within axes self.selectedText.set_position((event.xdata, event.ydata)) self.canvas.draw_idle() return
[docs] def onMplPick(self, event): """ On pick legend """ legend = self.legend if event.artist != legend: return # Get the box of the legend. bbox = self.legend.get_window_extent() # Get mouse coordinates at time of pick. self.mouse_x = event.mouseevent.x self.mouse_y = event.mouseevent.y # Get legend coordinates at time of pick. self.legend_x = bbox.xmin self.legend_y = bbox.ymin # Indicate we picked up the legend. self.gotLegend = 1
[docs] def onLegendMotion(self, event): """ On legend in motion """ ax = event.inaxes if ax is None: return # Event occurred inside a plotting area lo_x, hi_x = ax.get_xlim() lo_y, hi_y = ax.get_ylim() # How much the mouse moved. x = mouse_diff_x = self.mouse_x - event.x y = mouse_diff_y = self.mouse_y - event.y # Put back inside if x < lo_x: x = lo_x if x > hi_x: x = hi_x if y < lo_y: y = lo_y if y > hi_y: y = hi_y # Move the legend from its previous location by that same amount loc_in_canvas = self.legend_x - mouse_diff_x, \ self.legend_y - mouse_diff_y # Transform into legend coordinate system trans_axes = self.legend.parent.transAxes.inverted() loc_in_norm_axes = trans_axes.transform_point(loc_in_canvas) self.legend_pos_loc = tuple(loc_in_norm_axes) self.legend._loc = self.legend_pos_loc self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def onMplWheel(self, event): """ Process mouse wheel as zoom events """ ax = event.inaxes step = event.step if ax is not None: # Event occurred inside a plotting area lo, hi = ax.get_xlim() lo, hi = PlotUtilities.rescale(lo, hi, step, pt=event.xdata, scale=ax.get_xscale()) if not self.xscale == 'log' or lo > 0: self._scale_xlo = lo self._scale_xhi = hi ax.set_xlim((lo, hi)) lo, hi = ax.get_ylim() lo, hi = PlotUtilities.rescale(lo, hi, step, pt=event.ydata, scale=ax.get_yscale()) if not self.yscale == 'log' or lo > 0: self._scale_ylo = lo self._scale_yhi = hi ax.set_ylim((lo, hi)) else: # Check if zoom happens in the axes xdata, ydata = None, None x, y = event.x, event.y for ax in self.axes: insidex, _ = ax.xaxis.contains(event) if insidex: xdata, _ = ax.transAxes.inverted().transform_point((x, y)) insidey, _ = ax.yaxis.contains(event) if insidey: _, ydata = ax.transAxes.inverted().transform_point((x, y)) if xdata is not None: lo, hi = ax.get_xlim() lo, hi = PlotUtilities.rescale(lo, hi, step, bal=xdata, scale=ax.get_xscale()) if not self.xscale == 'log' or lo > 0: self._scale_xlo = lo self._scale_xhi = hi ax.set_xlim((lo, hi)) if ydata is not None: lo, hi = ax.get_ylim() lo, hi = PlotUtilities.rescale(lo, hi, step, bal=ydata, scale=ax.get_yscale()) if not self.yscale == 'log' or lo > 0: self._scale_ylo = lo self._scale_yhi = hi ax.set_ylim((lo, hi)) self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs]class Plotter(QtWidgets.QDialog, PlotterWidget):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, quickplot=False): QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) PlotterWidget.__init__(self, parent=self, manager=parent, quickplot=quickplot) icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/res/ball.ico"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) self.setWindowIcon(icon)