.. _power-law: power_law ======================================================= Simple power law with a flat background ========== =============================== ======= ============= Parameter Description Units Default value ========== =============================== ======= ============= scale Scale factor or Volume fraction None 1 background Source background |cm^-1| 0.001 power Power law exponent None 4 ========== =============================== ======= ============= The returned value is scaled to units of |cm^-1| |sr^-1|, absolute scale. This model calculates a simple power law with a flat background. **Definition** .. math:: I(q) = \text{scale} \cdot q^{-\text{power}} + \text{background} Note the minus sign in front of the exponent. The exponent *power* should therefore be entered as a **positive** number for fitting. Also note that unlike many other models, *scale* in this model is NOT explicitly related to a volume fraction. Be careful if combining this model with other models. .. figure:: img/power_law_autogenfig.png 1D plot corresponding to the default parameters of the model. **Source** :download:`power_law.py ` **References** None. **Authorship and Verification** * **Author:** * **Last Modified by:** * **Last Reviewed by:**