Source code for sas.perspectives.calculator.data_operator

GUI for the data operations panel (sum and multiply)
import wx
import sys
import time
import numpy
from sas.dataloader.data_info import Data1D
from sas.plottools.PlotPanel import PlotPanel
from sas.plottools.plottables import Graph
from sas.plottools import transform
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from import StatusEvent
from sas.perspectives.calculator import calculator_widgets as widget
from sas.guiframe.documentation_window import DocumentationWindow

#Control panel width 
if sys.platform.count("win32") > 0:
    PANEL_TOP = 0
    PANEL_WIDTH = 790
    PANEL_HEIGTH = 370
    _BOX_WIDTH = 200
    ON_MAC = False
    PANEL_TOP = 60
    _BOX_WIDTH = 230
    PANEL_WIDTH = 900
    PANEL_HEIGTH = 430
    ON_MAC = True

[docs]class DataOperPanel(wx.ScrolledWindow): """ """ def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds): kwds['name'] = "Data Operation" kwds["size"] = (PANEL_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGTH) wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) self.parent = parent #sizers etc. self.main_sizer = None self.name_sizer = None self.button_sizer = None self.data_namectr = None self.numberctr = None self.data1_cbox = None self.operator_cbox = None self.data2_cbox = None self.data_title_tcl = None self.out_pic = None self.equal_pic = None self.data1_pic = None self.operator_pic = None self.data2_pic = None self.output = None self._notes = None #text grayed color self.color = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND) #data self._data = self.get_datalist() self._do_layout() self.fill_data_combox() self.fill_oprator_combox() self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.set_panel_on_focus) def _define_structure(self): """ define initial sizer """ self.main_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) title = "Data Operation " title += "[ + (add); - (subtract); " title += "* (multiply); / (divide); " title += "| (append) ]" name_box = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, title) self.name_sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(name_box, wx.HORIZONTAL) self.button_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) def _layout_name(self): """ Do the layout for data name related widgets """ new_data_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) equal_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) old_data1_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) operator_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) old_data2_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) data2_hori_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) data_name = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Output Data Name') equal_name = wx.StaticText(self, -1, ' =', size=(50, 25)) data1_name = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Data1') operator_name = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Operator') data2_name = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Data2 (or Number)') self.data_namectr = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 25), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.data_namectr.SetToolTipString("Hit 'Enter' key after typing.") self.data_namectr.SetValue(str('MyNewDataName')) self.numberctr = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH / 3, 25), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.numberctr.SetToolTipString("Hit 'Enter' key after typing.") self.numberctr.SetValue(str(1.0)) self.data1_cbox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 25), style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.operator_cbox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, size=(70, 25), style=wx.CB_READONLY) operation_tip = "Add: +, Subtract: -, " operation_tip += "Multiply: *, Divide: /, " operation_tip += "Append(Combine): | " self.operator_cbox.SetToolTipString(operation_tip) self.data2_cbox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH * 2 / 3, 25), style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.out_pic = SmallPanel(self, -1, True, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, _BOX_WIDTH), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.equal_pic = SmallPanel(self, -1, True, '=', size=(50, _BOX_WIDTH), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.data1_pic = SmallPanel(self, -1, True, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, _BOX_WIDTH), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.operator_pic = SmallPanel(self, -1, True, '+', size=(70, _BOX_WIDTH), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.data2_pic = SmallPanel(self, -1, True, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, _BOX_WIDTH), style=wx.NO_BORDER) for ax in self.equal_pic.axes: ax.set_frame_on(False) for ax in self.operator_pic.axes: ax.set_frame_on(False) new_data_sizer.AddMany([(data_name, 0, wx.LEFT, 3), (self.data_namectr, 0, wx.LEFT, 3), (self.out_pic, 0, wx.LEFT, 3)]) equal_sizer.AddMany([(13, 13), (equal_name, 0, wx.LEFT, 3), (self.equal_pic, 0, wx.LEFT, 3)]) old_data1_sizer.AddMany([(data1_name, 0, wx.LEFT, 3), (self.data1_cbox, 0, wx.LEFT, 3), (self.data1_pic, 0, wx.LEFT, 3)]) operator_sizer.AddMany([(operator_name, 0, wx.LEFT, 3), (self.operator_cbox, 0, wx.LEFT, 3), (self.operator_pic, 0, wx.LEFT, 3)]) data2_hori_sizer.AddMany([(self.data2_cbox, 0, wx.LEFT, 0), (self.numberctr, 0, wx.RIGHT, 0)]) old_data2_sizer.AddMany([(data2_name, 0, wx.LEFT, 3), (data2_hori_sizer, 0, wx.LEFT, 3), (self.data2_pic, 0, wx.LEFT, 3)]) self.name_sizer.AddMany([(new_data_sizer, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP, 5), (equal_sizer, 0, wx.TOP, 5), (old_data1_sizer, 0, wx.TOP, 5), (operator_sizer, 0, wx.TOP, 5), (old_data2_sizer, 0, wx.TOP, 5)]) self.data2_cbox.Show(True) self._show_numctrl(self.numberctr, False) wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER(self.data_namectr, -1, self.on_name) wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER(self.numberctr, -1, self.on_number) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.data1_cbox, -1, self.on_select_data1) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.operator_cbox, -1, self.on_select_operator) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.data2_cbox, -1, self.on_select_data2) def _show_numctrl(self, ctrl, enable=True): """ Show/Hide on Win Enable/Disable on MAC """ if ON_MAC: ctrl.Enable(enable) children = ctrl.GetChildren() if len(children) > 0: ctrl.GetChildren()[0].SetBackGroundColour(self.color) if enable: wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER(self.numberctr, -1, self.on_number) else: if not ctrl.IsEnabled(): ctrl.Enable(True) ctrl.Show(enable)
[docs] def on_name(self, event=None): """ On data name typing """ if event != None: event.Skip() item = event.GetEventObject() if item.IsEnabled(): self._set_textctrl_color(item, 'white') else: self._set_textctrl_color(item, self.color) text = item.GetValue().strip() self._check_newname(text)
def _check_newname(self, name=None): """ Check name ctr strings """ self.send_warnings('') msg = '' if name == None: text = self.data_namectr.GetValue().strip() else: text = name state_list = self.get_datalist().values() name_list = [] for state in state_list: if == None: theory_list = state.get_theory() theory, _ = theory_list.values()[0] d_name = str( else: d_name = str( name_list.append(d_name) if text in name_list: self._set_textctrl_color(self.data_namectr, 'pink') msg = "DataOperation: The name already exists." if len(text) == 0: self._set_textctrl_color(self.data_namectr, 'pink') msg = "DataOperation: Type the data name first." if self._notes: self.send_warnings(msg, 'error') self.name_sizer.Layout() self.Refresh() def _set_textctrl_color(self, ctrl, color): """ Set TextCtrl color """ if ON_MAC: children = ctrl.GetChildren() if len(children) > 0: children[0].SetBackgroundColour(color) else: ctrl.SetBackgroundColour(color) self.name_sizer.Layout()
[docs] def on_number(self, event=None): """ On selecting Number for Data2 """ self.send_warnings('') item = event.GetEventObject() text = item.GetValue().strip() if self.numberctr.IsShown(): if self.numberctr.IsEnabled(): self._set_textctrl_color(self.numberctr, 'white') try: val = float(text) pos = self.data2_cbox.GetCurrentSelection() self.data2_cbox.SetClientData(pos, val) except: self._set_textctrl_color(self.numberctr, 'pink') msg = "DataOperation: Number requires a float number." self.send_warnings(msg, 'error') return else: self._set_textctrl_color(self.numberctr, self.color) self.put_text_pic(self.data2_pic, content=str(val)) self.check_data_inputs() if self.output != None: = str(self.data_namectr.GetValue()) self.draw_output(self.output) self.Refresh()
[docs] def on_select_data1(self, event=None): """ On select data1 """ self.send_warnings('') item = event.GetEventObject() pos = item.GetCurrentSelection() data = item.GetClientData(pos) if data == None: content = "?" self.put_text_pic(self.data1_pic, content) else: self.data1_pic.add_image(data) self.check_data_inputs() if self.output != None: = str(self.data_namectr.GetValue()) self.draw_output(self.output)
[docs] def on_select_operator(self, event=None): """ On Select an Operator """ self.send_warnings('') item = event.GetEventObject() text = item.GetValue().strip() self.put_text_pic(self.operator_pic, content=text) self.check_data_inputs() if self.output != None: = str(self.data_namectr.GetValue()) self.draw_output(self.output)
[docs] def on_select_data2(self, event=None): """ On Selecting Data2 """ self.send_warnings('') item = event.GetEventObject() text = item.GetValue().strip().lower() self._show_numctrl(self.numberctr, text == 'number') pos = item.GetCurrentSelection() data = item.GetClientData(pos) content = "?" if not (self.numberctr.IsShown() and self.numberctr.IsEnabled()): if data == None: content = "?" self.put_text_pic(self.data2_pic, content) else: self.data2_pic.add_image(data) self.check_data_inputs() else: content = str(self.numberctr.GetValue().strip()) try: content = float(content) data = content except: self._set_textctrl_color(self.numberctr, 'pink') content = "?" data = None item.SetClientData(pos, data) if data != None: self.check_data_inputs() self.put_text_pic(self.data2_pic, content) if self.output != None: = str(self.data_namectr.GetValue()) self.draw_output(self.output)
[docs] def put_text_pic(self, pic=None, content=''): """ Put text to the pic """ pic.set_content(content) pic.add_text() pic.draw()
[docs] def check_data_inputs(self): """ Check data1 and data2 whether or not they are ready for operation """ self._set_textctrl_color(self.data1_cbox, 'white') self._set_textctrl_color(self.data2_cbox, 'white') flag = False pos1 = self.data1_cbox.GetCurrentSelection() data1 = self.data1_cbox.GetClientData(pos1) if data1 == None: self.output = None return flag pos2 = self.data2_cbox.GetCurrentSelection() data2 = self.data2_cbox.GetClientData(pos2) if data2 == None: self.output = None return flag if self.numberctr.IsShown(): if self.numberctr.IsEnabled(): self._set_textctrl_color(self.numberctr, 'white') try: float(data2) if self.operator_cbox.GetValue().strip() == '|': msg = "DataOperation: This operation can not accept " msg += "a float number." self.send_warnings(msg, 'error') self._set_textctrl_color(self.numberctr, 'pink') self.output = None return flag except: msg = "DataOperation: Number requires a float number." self.send_warnings(msg, 'error') self._set_textctrl_color(self.numberctr, 'pink') self.output = None return flag else: self._set_textctrl_color(self.numberctr, self.color) elif data1.__class__.__name__ != data2.__class__.__name__: self._set_textctrl_color(self.data1_cbox, 'pink') self._set_textctrl_color(self.data2_cbox, 'pink') msg = "DataOperation: Data types must be same." self.send_warnings(msg, 'error') self.output = None return flag try: self.output = self.make_data_out(data1, data2) except: self._check_newname() self._set_textctrl_color(self.data1_cbox, 'pink') self._set_textctrl_color(self.data2_cbox, 'pink') msg = "DataOperation: Data types must be same." self.send_warnings(msg, 'error') self.output = None return flag return True
[docs] def make_data_out(self, data1, data2): """ Make a temp. data output set """ output = None pos = self.operator_cbox.GetCurrentSelection() operator = self.operator_cbox.GetClientData(pos) try: exec "output = data1 %s data2" % operator except: raise return output
[docs] def draw_output(self, output): """ Draw output data(temp) """ out = self.out_pic if output == None: content = "?" self.put_text_pic(out, content) else: out.add_image(output) wx.CallAfter(self.name_sizer.Layout) self.Layout() self.Refresh()
def _layout_button(self): """ Do the layout for the button widgets """ self.bt_apply = wx.Button(self, -1, "Apply", size=(_BOX_WIDTH / 2, -1)) app_tip = "Generate the Data and send to Data Explorer." self.bt_apply.SetToolTipString(app_tip) self.bt_apply.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_click_apply) self.bt_help = wx.Button(self, -1, "HELP") app_tip = "Get help on Data Operations." self.bt_help.SetToolTipString(app_tip) self.bt_help.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_help) self.bt_close = wx.Button(self, -1, 'Close', size=(_BOX_WIDTH / 2, -1)) self.bt_close.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_close) self.bt_close.SetToolTipString("Close this panel.") self.button_sizer.AddMany([(PANEL_WIDTH / 2, 25), (self.bt_apply, 0, wx.RIGHT, 10), (self.bt_help, 0, wx.RIGHT, 10), (self.bt_close, 0, wx.RIGHT, 10)]) def _do_layout(self): """ Draw the current panel """ self._define_structure() self._layout_name() self._layout_button() self.main_sizer.AddMany([(self.name_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10), (self.button_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 5)]) self.SetSizer(self.main_sizer) self.SetScrollbars(20, 20, 25, 65) self.SetAutoLayout(True)
[docs] def set_panel_on_focus(self, event): """ On Focus at this window """ if event != None: event.Skip() self._data = self.get_datalist() if ON_MAC: self.fill_data_combox() else: children = self.GetChildren() # update the list only when it is on the top if self.FindFocus() in children: self.fill_data_combox()
[docs] def fill_oprator_combox(self): """ fill the current combobox with the operator """ operator_list = [' +', ' -', ' *', " /", " |"] for oper in operator_list: pos = self.operator_cbox.Append(str(oper)) self.operator_cbox.SetClientData(pos, str(oper.strip())) self.operator_cbox.SetSelection(0)
[docs] def fill_data_combox(self): """ fill the current combobox with the available data """ pos_pre1 = self.data1_cbox.GetCurrentSelection() pos_pre2 = self.data2_cbox.GetCurrentSelection() current1 = self.data1_cbox.GetLabel() current2 = self.data2_cbox.GetLabel() if pos_pre1 < 0: pos_pre1 = 0 if pos_pre2 < 0: pos_pre2 = 0 self.data1_cbox.Clear() self.data2_cbox.Clear() if not self._data: pos = self.data1_cbox.Append('No Data Available') self.data1_cbox.SetSelection(pos) self.data1_cbox.SetClientData(pos, None) pos2 = self.data2_cbox.Append('No Data Available') self.data2_cbox.SetSelection(pos2) self.data2_cbox.SetClientData(pos2, None) return pos1 = self.data1_cbox.Append('Select Data') self.data1_cbox.SetSelection(pos1) self.data1_cbox.SetClientData(pos1, None) pos2 = self.data2_cbox.Append('Select Data') self.data2_cbox.SetSelection(pos2) self.data2_cbox.SetClientData(pos2, None) pos3 = self.data2_cbox.Append('Number') val = None if (self.numberctr.IsShown() and self.numberctr.IsEnabled()): try: val = float(self.numberctr.GetValue()) except: val = None self.data2_cbox.SetClientData(pos3, val) dnames = [] ids = self._data.keys() for id in ids: if id != None: if self._data[id].data != None: dnames.append(self._data[id] else: theory_list = self._data[id].get_theory() theory, _ = theory_list.values()[0] dnames.append( ind = numpy.argsort(dnames) if len(ind) > 0: val_list = numpy.array(self._data.values())[ind] for datastate in val_list: data = if data != None: name = pos1 = self.data1_cbox.Append(str(name)) self.data1_cbox.SetClientData(pos1, data) pos2 = self.data2_cbox.Append(str(name)) self.data2_cbox.SetClientData(pos2, data) if str(current1) == str(name): pos_pre1 = pos1 if str(current2) == str(name): pos_pre2 = pos2 try: theory_list = datastate.get_theory() for theory, _ in theory_list.values(): th_name = posth1 = self.data1_cbox.Append(str(th_name)) self.data1_cbox.SetClientData(posth1, theory) posth2 = self.data2_cbox.Append(str(th_name)) self.data2_cbox.SetClientData(posth2, theory) if str(current1) == str(th_name): pos_pre1 = posth1 if str(current2) == str(th_name): pos_pre2 = posth2 except: continue self.data1_cbox.SetSelection(pos_pre1) self.data2_cbox.SetSelection(pos_pre2)
[docs] def get_datalist(self): """ """ data_manager = self.parent.parent.get_data_manager() if data_manager != None: return data_manager.get_all_data() else: return {}
[docs] def on_click_apply(self, event): """ changes are saved in data object imported to edit """ self.send_warnings('') self.data_namectr.SetBackgroundColour('white') state_list = self.get_datalist().values() name = self.data_namectr.GetValue().strip() name_list = [] for state in state_list: if == None: theory_list = state.get_theory() theory, _ = theory_list.values()[0] d_name = str( else: d_name = str( name_list.append(d_name) if name in name_list: self._set_textctrl_color(self.data_namectr, 'pink') msg = "The Output Data Name already exists... " wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Error') return if name == '': self._set_textctrl_color(self.data_namectr, 'pink') msg = "Please type the output data name first... " wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Error') return if self.output == None: msg = "No Output Data has been generated... " wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Error') return # send data to data manager = name = "Data Operation" self.output.instrument = "SasView" = str(name) + str(time.time()) data = { :self.output} self.parent.parent.add_data(data) self.name_sizer.Layout() self.Refresh() #must post event here event.Skip()
[docs] def on_help(self, event): """ Bring up the Data Operations Panel Documentation whenever the HELP button is clicked. Calls DocumentationWindow with the path of the location within the documentation tree (after /doc/ ....". Note that when using old versions of Wx (before 2.9) and thus not the release version of installers, the help comes up at the top level of the file as webbrowser does not pass anything past the # to the browser when it is running "file:///...." :param evt: Triggers on clicking the help button """ _TreeLocation = "user/perspectives/calculator/data_operator_help.html" _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, _TreeLocation, "", "Data Operation Help")
[docs] def disconnect_panels(self): """ """ self.out_pic.connect.disconnect() self.equal_pic.connect.disconnect() self.data1_pic.connect.disconnect() self.operator_pic.connect.disconnect() self.data2_pic.connect.disconnect()
[docs] def on_close(self, event): """ leave data as it is and close """ self.parent.OnClose()
[docs] def set_plot_unfocus(self): """ Unfocus on right click """
[docs] def send_warnings(self, msg='', info='info'): """ Send warning to status bar """ wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info=info))
[docs]class SmallPanel(PlotPanel): """ PlotPanel for Quick plot and masking plot """ def __init__(self, parent, id= -1, is_number=False, content='?', **kwargs): """ """ PlotPanel.__init__(self, parent, id=id, **kwargs) self.is_number = is_number self.content = content self.point = None self.position = (0.4, 0.5) self.scale = 'linear' self.prevXtrans = "x" self.prevYtrans = "y" self.viewModel = "--" self.subplot.set_xticks([]) self.subplot.set_yticks([]) self.add_text() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1)
[docs] def set_content(self, content=''): """ Set text content """ self.content = str(content)
[docs] def add_toolbar(self): """ Add toolbar """ # Not implemented pass
[docs] def on_set_focus(self, event): """ send to the parenet the current panel on focus """ pass
[docs] def add_image(self, plot): """ Add Image """ self.content = '' self.textList = [] self.plots = {} self.clear() self.point = plot try: self.figure.delaxes(self.figure.axes[0]) self.subplot = self.figure.add_subplot(111) #self.figure.delaxes(self.figure.axes[1]) except: pass try: name = except: name = plot.filename self.plots[name] = plot #init graph self.graph = Graph() #add plot self.graph.add(plot) #draw self.graph.render(self) try: self.figure.delaxes(self.figure.axes[1]) except: pass self.subplot.figure.canvas.resizing = False self.subplot.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=9) # Draw zero axis lines self.subplot.axhline(linewidth=1, color='r') self.subplot.axvline(linewidth=1, color='r') self.erase_legend() try: # mpl >= 1.1.0 self.figure.tight_layout() except: self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1) self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def add_text(self): """ Text in the plot """ if not self.is_number: return self.clear() try: self.figure.delaxes(self.figure.axes[0]) self.subplot = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.figure.delaxes(self.figure.axes[1]) except: pass self.subplot.set_xticks([]) self.subplot.set_yticks([]) label = self.content FONT = FontProperties() xpos, ypos = (0.4, 0.5) font = FONT.copy() font.set_size(14) self.textList = [] self.subplot.set_xlim((0, 1)) self.subplot.set_ylim((0, 1)) try: if self.content != '?': float(label) except: self.subplot.set_frame_on(False) try: # mpl >= 1.1.0 self.figure.tight_layout() except: self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1) if len(label) > 0 and xpos > 0 and ypos > 0: new_text = self.subplot.text(str(xpos), str(ypos), str(label), fontproperties=font) self.textList.append(new_text)
[docs] def erase_legend(self): """ Remove Legend """ #for ax in self.axes: self.remove_legend(self.subplot)
[docs] def onMouseMotion(self, event): """ Disable dragging 2D image """
[docs] def onWheel(self, event): """ """
[docs] def onLeftDown(self, event): """ Disables LeftDown """
[docs] def onPick(self, event): """ Remove Legend """ for ax in self.axes: self.remove_legend(ax)
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draw """ if self.dimension == 3: pass else: self.subplot.figure.canvas.resizing = False self.subplot.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=9) self.erase_legend() self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle() try: self.figure.delaxes(self.figure.axes[1]) except: pass
[docs] def onContextMenu(self, event): """ Default context menu for a plot panel """ id = wx.NewId() slicerpop = wx.Menu() data = self.point if issubclass(data.__class__, Data1D): slicerpop.Append(id, '&Change Scale') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onProperties) else: slicerpop.Append(id, '&Toggle Linear/Log Scale') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.ontogglescale) try: # mouse event pos_evt = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos_evt) except: # toolbar event pos_x, pos_y = self.toolbar.GetPositionTuple() pos = (pos_x, pos_y + 5) self.PopupMenu(slicerpop, pos)
[docs] def ontogglescale(self, event): """ On toggle 2d scale """ self._onToggleScale(event) try: # mpl >= 1.1.0 self.figure.tight_layout() except: self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1) try: self.figure.delaxes(self.figure.axes[1]) except: pass
def _onProperties(self, event): """ when clicking on Properties on context menu , The Property dialog is displayed The user selects a transformation for x or y value and a new plot is displayed """ list = [] list = self.graph.returnPlottable() if len(list.keys()) > 0: first_item = list.keys()[0] if first_item.x != []: from sas.plottools.PropertyDialog import Properties dial = Properties(self, -1, 'Change Scale') # type of view or model used dial.xvalue.Clear() dial.yvalue.Clear() dial.view.Clear() dial.xvalue.Insert("x", 0) dial.xvalue.Insert("log10(x)", 1) dial.yvalue.Insert("y", 0) dial.yvalue.Insert("log10(y)", 1) dial.view.Insert("--", 0) dial.view.Insert("Linear y vs x", 1) dial.setValues(self.prevXtrans, self.prevYtrans, self.viewModel) dial.Update() if dial.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.xLabel, self.yLabel, self.viewModel = dial.getValues() if self.viewModel == "Linear y vs x": self.xLabel = "x" self.yLabel = "y" self.viewModel = "--" dial.setValues(self.xLabel, self.yLabel, self.viewModel) self._onEVT_FUNC_PROPERTY() dial.Destroy() def _onEVT_FUNC_PROPERTY(self, remove_fit=True): """ Receive the x and y transformation from myDialog, Transforms x and y in View and set the scale """ list = [] list = self.graph.returnPlottable() # Changing the scale might be incompatible with # currently displayed data (for instance, going # from ln to log when all plotted values have # negative natural logs). # Go linear and only change the scale at the end. self.set_xscale("linear") self.set_yscale("linear") _xscale = 'linear' _yscale = 'linear' for item in list: item.setLabel(self.xLabel, self.yLabel) # control axis labels from the panel itself yname, yunits = item.get_yaxis() xname, xunits = item.get_xaxis() # Goes through all possible scales # Goes through all possible scales if(self.xLabel == "x"): item.transformX(transform.toX, transform.errToX) self.graph._xaxis_transformed("%s" % xname, "%s" % xunits) if(self.xLabel == "log10(x)"): item.transformX(transform.toX_pos, transform.errToX_pos) _xscale = 'log' self.graph._xaxis_transformed("%s" % xname, "%s" % xunits) if(self.yLabel == "y"): item.transformY(transform.toX, transform.errToX) self.graph._yaxis_transformed("%s" % yname, "%s" % yunits) if(self.yLabel == "log10(y)"): item.transformY(transform.toX_pos, transform.errToX_pos) _yscale = 'log' self.graph._yaxis_transformed("%s" % yname, "%s" % yunits) item.transformView() self.prevXtrans = self.xLabel self.prevYtrans = self.yLabel self.set_xscale(_xscale) self.set_yscale(_yscale) self.draw()
[docs]class DataOperatorWindow(widget.CHILD_FRAME): def __init__(self, parent, manager, *args, **kwds): kwds["size"] = (PANEL_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGTH) widget.CHILD_FRAME.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) self.parent = parent self.manager = manager self.panel = DataOperPanel(parent=self) wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnClose) self.SetPosition((wx.LEFT, PANEL_TOP)) self.Show()
[docs] def OnClose(self, event=None): """ On close event """ if self.manager != None: self.manager.data_operator_frame = None self.panel.disconnect_panels() self.Destroy()
if __name__ == "__main__": app = wx.App() widget.CHILD_FRAME = wx.Frame window = DataOperatorWindow(parent=None, data=[], title="Data Editor") app.MainLoop()