.. _polymer-excl-volume: polymer_excl_volume ======================================================= Polymer Excluded Volume model ========== ================== ======= ============= Parameter Description Units Default value ========== ================== ======= ============= scale Source intensity None 1 background Source background |cm^-1| 0.001 rg Radius of Gyration |Ang| 60 porod_exp Porod exponent None 3 ========== ================== ======= ============= The returned value is scaled to units of |cm^-1| |sr^-1|, absolute scale. This model describes the scattering from polymer chains subject to excluded volume effects and has been used as a template for describing mass fractals. **Definition** The form factor was originally presented in the following integral form (Benoit, 1957) .. math:: P(Q)=2\int_0^{1}dx(1-x)exp\left[-\frac{Q^2a^2}{6}n^{2v}x^{2v}\right] where $\nu$ is the excluded volume parameter (which is related to the Porod exponent $m$ as $\nu=1/m$ ), $a$ is the statistical segment length of the polymer chain, and $n$ is the degree of polymerization. This integral was later put into an almost analytical form as follows (Hammouda, 1993) .. math:: P(Q)=\frac{1}{\nu U^{1/2\nu}}\gamma\left(\frac{1}{2\nu},U\right) - \frac{1}{\nu U^{1/\nu}}\gamma\left(\frac{1}{\nu},U\right) where $\gamma(x,U)$ is the incomplete gamma function .. math:: \gamma(x,U)=\int_0^{U}dt\ exp(-t)t^{x-1} and the variable $U$ is given in terms of the scattering vector $Q$ as .. math:: U=\frac{Q^2a^2n^{2\nu}}{6} = \frac{Q^2R_{g}^2(2\nu+1)(2\nu+2)}{6} The square of the radius-of-gyration is defined as .. math:: R_{g}^2 = \frac{a^2n^{2\nu}}{(2\nu+1)(2\nu+2)} Note that this model applies only in the mass fractal range (ie, $5/3<=m<=3$ ) and **does not apply** to surface fractals ( $3