Source code for sas.sasgui.perspectives.fitting.fitting

    Fitting perspective
#This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the
#Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE)
#project funded by the US National Science Foundation.
#See the license text in license.txt
#copyright 2009, University of Tennessee
from __future__ import print_function

import re
import sys
import os
import wx
import logging
import numpy as np
import time
from copy import deepcopy
import traceback

import bumps.options
from bumps.gui.fit_dialog import show_fit_config
    from bumps.gui.fit_dialog import EVT_FITTER_CHANGED
except ImportError:
    # CRUFT: bumps and below
    EVT_FITTER_CHANGED = None  # type: wx.PyCommandEvent

from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader
from import BumpsFit as Fit
from import Reader, PageState, SimFitPageState
from import models

from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import Data2D
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import check_data_validity
from import NewPlotEvent
from import StatusEvent
from import EVT_SLICER_PANEL
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME_ID
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.plugin_base import PluginBase
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.data_processor import BatchCell
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_manager import MDIFrame
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.documentation_window import DocumentationWindow

from sas.sasgui.perspectives.calculator.model_editor import TextDialog
from sas.sasgui.perspectives.calculator.model_editor import EditorWindow
from sas.sasgui.perspectives.calculator.pyconsole import PyConsole

from .fitting_widgets import DataDialog
from .fit_thread import FitThread
from .fitpage import Chi2UpdateEvent
from .console import ConsoleUpdate
from .fitproblem import FitProblemDictionary
from .fitpanel import FitPanel
from .model_thread import Calc1D, Calc2D
from .resultpanel import ResultPanel, PlotResultEvent
from .gpu_options import GpuOptions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


(PageInfoEvent, EVT_PAGE_INFO) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()

if sys.platform == "win32":
    ON_MAC = False
    ON_MAC = True

[docs]class Plugin(PluginBase): """ Fitting plugin is used to perform fit """ def __init__(self): PluginBase.__init__(self, name="Fitting") #list of panel to send to guiframe self.mypanels = [] # reference to the current running thread self.calc_2D = None self.calc_1D = None self.color_dict = {} self.fit_thread_list = {} self.residuals = None self.weight = None self.fit_panel = None self.plot_panel = None # Start with a good default self.elapsed = 0.022 self.fit_panel = None ## dictionary of page closed and id self.closed_page_dict = {} ## Relative error desired in the sum of squares (float) self.batch_reset_flag = True #List of selected data self.selected_data_list = [] ## list of slicer panel created to display slicer parameters and results self.slicer_panels = [] # model 2D view self.model2D_id = None #keep reference of the simultaneous fit page self.sim_page = None self.sim_menu = None self.batch_page = None self.batch_menu = None self.index_model = 0 self.test_model_color = None #Create a reader for fit page's state self.state_reader = None self._extensions = '.fitv' self.menu1 = None self.new_model_frame = None self.temp_state = [] self.state_index = 0 self.sfile_ext = None # take care of saving data, model and page associated with each other self.page_finder = {} # Log startup"Fitting plug-in started") self.batch_capable = self.get_batch_capable()
[docs] def get_batch_capable(self): """ Check if the plugin has a batch capability """ return True
[docs] def create_fit_problem(self, page_id): """ Given an ID create a fitproblem container """ self.page_finder[page_id] = FitProblemDictionary()
[docs] def delete_fit_problem(self, page_id): """ Given an ID create a fitproblem container """ if page_id in self.page_finder.iterkeys(): del self.page_finder[page_id]
[docs] def add_color(self, color, id): """ adds a color as a key with a plot id as its value to a dictionary """ self.color_dict[id] = color
[docs] def on_batch_selection(self, flag): """ switch the the notebook of batch mode or not """ self.batch_on = flag if self.fit_panel is not None: self.fit_panel.batch_on = self.batch_on
[docs] def populate_menu(self, owner): """ Create a menu for the Fitting plug-in :param id: id to create a menu :param owner: owner of menu :return: list of information to populate the main menu """ #Menu for fitting self.menu1 = wx.Menu() id1 = wx.NewId() simul_help = "Add new fit panel" self.menu1.Append(id1, '&New Fit Page', simul_help) wx.EVT_MENU(owner, id1, self.on_add_new_page) self.menu1.AppendSeparator() self.id_simfit = wx.NewId() simul_help = "Constrained or Simultaneous Fit" self.menu1.Append(self.id_simfit, '&Constrained or Simultaneous Fit', simul_help) wx.EVT_MENU(owner, self.id_simfit, self.on_add_sim_page) self.sim_menu = self.menu1.FindItemById(self.id_simfit) self.sim_menu.Enable(False) #combined Batch self.id_batchfit = wx.NewId() batch_help = "Combined Batch" self.menu1.Append(self.id_batchfit, '&Combine Batch Fit', batch_help) wx.EVT_MENU(owner, self.id_batchfit, self.on_add_sim_page) self.batch_menu = self.menu1.FindItemById(self.id_batchfit) self.batch_menu.Enable(False) self.menu1.AppendSeparator() self.id_bumps_options = wx.NewId() bopts_help = "Fitting options" self.menu1.Append(self.id_bumps_options, 'Fit &Options', bopts_help) wx.EVT_MENU(owner, self.id_bumps_options, self.on_bumps_options) self.bumps_options_menu = self.menu1.FindItemById(self.id_bumps_options) self.bumps_options_menu.Enable(True) self.id_gpu_options_panel = wx.NewId() self.menu1.Append(self.id_gpu_options_panel, "OpenCL Options", "Choose OpenCL driver or turn it off") wx.EVT_MENU(owner, self.id_gpu_options_panel, self.on_gpu_options) self.id_result_panel = wx.NewId() self.menu1.Append(self.id_result_panel, "Fit Results", "Show fit results panel") wx.EVT_MENU(owner, self.id_result_panel, self.on_fit_results) self.menu1.AppendSeparator() self.id_reset_flag = wx.NewId() resetf_help = "BatchFit: If checked, the initial param values will be " resetf_help += "propagated from the previous results. " resetf_help += "Otherwise, the same initial param values will be used " resetf_help += "for all fittings." self.menu1.AppendCheckItem(self.id_reset_flag, "Chain Fitting [BatchFit Only]", resetf_help) wx.EVT_MENU(owner, self.id_reset_flag, self.on_reset_batch_flag) chain_menu = self.menu1.FindItemById(self.id_reset_flag) chain_menu.Check(not self.batch_reset_flag) chain_menu.Enable(self.batch_on) self.menu1.AppendSeparator() self.edit_model_menu = wx.Menu() # Find and put files name in menu try: self.set_edit_menu(owner=owner) except: raise self.id_edit = wx.NewId() self.menu1.AppendMenu(self.id_edit, "Plugin Model Operations", self.edit_model_menu) #create menubar items return [(self.menu1, self.sub_menu)]
[docs] def edit_custom_model(self, event): """ Get the python editor panel """ event_id = event.GetId() label = self.edit_menu.GetLabel(event_id) filename = os.path.join(models.find_plugins_dir(), label) frame = PyConsole(parent=self.parent, manager=self, panel=self.fit_panel, title='Advanced Plugin Model Editor', filename=filename) self.put_icon(frame) frame.Show(True)
[docs] def delete_custom_model(self, event): """ Delete custom model file """ event_id = event.GetId() label = self.delete_menu.GetLabel(event_id) toks = os.path.splitext(label) path = os.path.join(models.find_plugins_dir(), toks[0]) message = "Are you sure you want to delete the file {}?".format(path) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.frame, message, '', wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) if not dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: return try: for ext in ['.py', '.pyc']: p_path = path + ext if ext == '.pyc' and not os.path.isfile(path + ext): # If model is invalid, .pyc file may not exist as model has # never been compiled. Don't try and delete it continue os.remove(p_path) self.update_custom_combo() if os.path.isfile(p_path): msg = "Sorry! unable to delete the default " msg += "plugin model... \n" msg += "Please manually remove the files (.py, .pyc) " msg += "in the 'plugin_models' folder \n" msg += "inside of the SasView application, " msg += "and try it again." wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info') #evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, type='stop', info='warning') #wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) else: self.delete_menu.Delete(event_id) for item in self.edit_menu.GetMenuItems(): if item.GetLabel() == label: self.edit_menu.DeleteItem(item) msg = "The plugin model, %s, has been deleted." % label evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, type='stop', info='info') wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) break except Exception: traceback.print_exc() msg = 'Delete Error: \nCould not delete the file; Check if in use.' wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Error')
[docs] def make_sum_model(self, event): """ Edit summodel template and make one """ event_id = event.GetId() model_manager = models.ModelManager() model_list = model_manager.composable_models() plug_dir = models.find_plugins_dir() textdial = TextDialog(None, self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Easy Sum/Multi(p1, p2) Editor', model_list, plug_dir) self.put_icon(textdial) textdial.ShowModal() textdial.Destroy()
[docs] def make_new_model(self, event): """ Make new model """ if self.new_model_frame is not None: self.new_model_frame.Show(False) self.new_model_frame.Show(True) else: event_id = event.GetId() dir_path = models.find_plugins_dir() title = "New Plugin Model Function" self.new_model_frame = EditorWindow(parent=self, base=self, path=dir_path, title=title) self.put_icon(self.new_model_frame) self.new_model_frame.Show(True)
[docs] def load_plugin_models(self, event): """ Update of models in plugin_models folder """ event_id = event.GetId() self.update_custom_combo()
[docs] def update_custom_combo(self): """ Update custom model list in the fitpage combo box """ try: # Update edit menus self.set_edit_menu_helper(self.parent, self.edit_custom_model) self.set_edit_menu_helper(self.parent, self.delete_custom_model) new_pmodel_list = self.fit_panel.reset_pmodel_list() if not new_pmodel_list: return # Redraws to a page not in focus are showing up as if they are # in the current page tab. current_page_index = self.fit_panel.GetSelection() current_page = self.fit_panel.GetCurrentPage() last_drawn_page = current_page # Set the new plugin model list for all fit pages; anticipating # categories, the updated plugin may be in either the form factor # or the structure factor combo boxes for uid, page in self.fit_panel.opened_pages.iteritems(): pbox = getattr(page, "formfactorbox", None) sbox = getattr(page, "structurebox", None) if pbox is None: continue # Set the new model list for the page page.model_list_box = new_pmodel_list # Grab names of the P and S models from the page. Need to do # this before resetting the form factor box since that clears # the structure factor box. old_struct = old_form = None form_name = pbox.GetValue() struct_name = sbox.GetStringSelection() if form_name: old_form = pbox.GetClientData(pbox.GetCurrentSelection()) if struct_name: old_struct = sbox.GetClientData(sbox.GetCurrentSelection()) # Reset form factor combo box. We are doing this for all # categories not just plugins since eventually the category # manager will allow plugin models to be anywhere. page._show_combox_helper() form_index = pbox.FindString(form_name) pbox.SetSelection(form_index) new_form = (pbox.GetClientData(form_index) if form_index != wx.NOT_FOUND else None) #print("form: %r"%form_name, old_form, new_form) # Reset structure factor combo box; even if the model list # hasn't changed, the model may have. Show the structure # factor combobox if the selected model is a form factor. sbox.Clear() page.initialize_combox() if new_form is not None and getattr(new_form, 'is_form_factor', False): sbox.Show() sbox.Enable() page.text2.Show() page.text2.Enable() struct_index = sbox.FindString(struct_name) sbox.SetSelection(struct_index) new_struct = (sbox.GetClientData(struct_index) if struct_index != wx.NOT_FOUND else None) #print("struct: %r"%struct_name, old_struct, new_struct) # Update the page if P or S has changed if old_form != new_form or old_struct != new_struct: #print("triggering model update") page._on_select_model(keep_pars=True) last_drawn_page = page # If last drawn is not the current, then switch the current to the # last drawn then switch back. Very ugly. if last_drawn_page != current_page: for page_index in range(self.fit_panel.PageCount): if self.fit_panel.GetPage(page_index) == last_drawn_page: self.fit_panel.SetSelection(page_index) break self.fit_panel.SetSelection(current_page_index) except Exception: logger.error("update_custom_combo: %s", sys.exc_value)
[docs] def set_edit_menu(self, owner): """ Set list of the edit model menu labels """ wx_id = wx.NewId() #new_model_menu = wx.Menu() self.edit_model_menu.Append(wx_id, 'New Plugin Model', 'Add a new model function') wx.EVT_MENU(owner, wx_id, self.make_new_model) wx_id = wx.NewId() self.edit_model_menu.Append(wx_id, 'Sum|Multi(p1, p2)', 'Sum of two model functions') wx.EVT_MENU(owner, wx_id, self.make_sum_model) e_id = wx.NewId() self.edit_menu = wx.Menu() self.edit_model_menu.AppendMenu(e_id, 'Advanced Plugin Editor', self.edit_menu) self.set_edit_menu_helper(owner, self.edit_custom_model) d_id = wx.NewId() self.delete_menu = wx.Menu() self.edit_model_menu.AppendMenu(d_id, 'Delete Plugin Models', self.delete_menu) self.set_edit_menu_helper(owner, self.delete_custom_model) wx_id = wx.NewId() self.edit_model_menu.Append(wx_id, 'Load Plugin Models', '(Re)Load all models present in user plugin_models folder') wx.EVT_MENU(owner, wx_id, self.load_plugin_models)
[docs] def set_edit_menu_helper(self, owner=None, menu=None): """ help for setting list of the edit model menu labels """ if menu is None: menu = self.edit_custom_model list_fnames = os.listdir(models.find_plugins_dir()) list_fnames.sort() for f_item in list_fnames: name = os.path.basename(f_item) toks = os.path.splitext(name) if toks[-1] == '.py' and not toks[0] == '__init__': if menu == self.edit_custom_model: if toks[0] == 'easy_sum_of_p1_p2': continue submenu = self.edit_menu else: submenu = self.delete_menu has_file = False for item in submenu.GetMenuItems(): if name == submenu.GetLabel(item.GetId()): has_file = True if not has_file: wx_id = wx.NewId() submenu.Append(wx_id, name) wx.EVT_MENU(owner, wx_id, menu) has_file = False
[docs] def put_icon(self, frame): """ Put icon in the frame title bar """ if hasattr(frame, "IsIconized"): if not frame.IsIconized(): try: icon = self.parent.GetIcon() frame.SetIcon(icon) except: pass
[docs] def on_add_sim_page(self, event): """ Create a page to access simultaneous fit option """ event_id = event.GetId() caption = "Const & Simul Fit" page = self.sim_page if event_id == self.id_batchfit: caption = "Combined Batch" page = self.batch_page def set_focus_page(page): page.Show(True) page.Refresh() page.SetFocus() #self.parent._mgr.Update() msg = "%s already opened\n" % str(page.window_caption) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) if page is not None: return set_focus_page(page) if caption == "Const & Simul Fit": self.sim_page = self.fit_panel.add_sim_page(caption=caption) else: self.batch_page = self.fit_panel.add_sim_page(caption=caption)
[docs] def get_context_menu(self, plotpanel=None): """ Get the context menu items available for P(r).them allow fitting option for Data2D and Data1D only. :param graph: the Graph object to which we attach the context menu :return: a list of menu items with call-back function :note: if Data1D was generated from Theory1D the fitting option is not allowed """ self.plot_panel = plotpanel graph = plotpanel.graph fit_option = "Select data for fitting" fit_hint = "Dialog with fitting parameters " if graph.selected_plottable not in plotpanel.plots: return [] item = plotpanel.plots[graph.selected_plottable] if item.__class__.__name__ is "Data2D": if hasattr(item, "is_data"): if item.is_data: return [[fit_option, fit_hint, self._onSelect]] else: return [] return [[fit_option, fit_hint, self._onSelect]] else: # if is_data is true , this in an actual data loaded #else it is a data created from a theory model if hasattr(item, "is_data"): if item.is_data: return [[fit_option, fit_hint, self._onSelect]] else: return [] return [[fit_option, fit_hint, self._onSelect]] return []
[docs] def get_panels(self, parent): """ Create and return a list of panel objects """ self.parent = parent #self.parent.Bind(EVT_FITSTATE_UPDATE, self.on_set_state_helper) # Creation of the fit panel self.frame = MDIFrame(self.parent, None, 'None', (100, 200)) self.fit_panel = FitPanel(parent=self.frame, manager=self) self.frame.set_panel(self.fit_panel) self._frame_set_helper() self.on_add_new_page(event=None) #Set the manager for the main panel self.fit_panel.set_manager(self) # List of windows used for the perspective self.perspective = [] self.perspective.append(self.fit_panel.window_name) self.result_frame = MDIFrame(self.parent, None, ResultPanel.window_caption, (220, 200)) self.result_panel = ResultPanel(parent=self.result_frame, manager=self) self.perspective.append(self.result_panel.window_name) #index number to create random model name self.index_model = 0 self.index_theory = 0 self.parent.Bind(EVT_SLICER_PANEL, self._on_slicer_event) self.parent.Bind(EVT_SLICER_PARS_UPDATE, self._onEVT_SLICER_PANEL) # CRUFT: EVT_FITTER_CHANGED is not None for bumps and above if EVT_FITTER_CHANGED is not None: self.parent.Bind(EVT_FITTER_CHANGED, self.on_fitter_changed) self._set_fitter_label(bumps.options.FIT_CONFIG) #self.parent._mgr.Bind(wx.aui.EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE,self._onclearslicer) #Create reader when fitting panel are created self.state_reader = Reader(self.set_state) #append that reader to list of available reader loader = Loader() loader.associate_file_reader(".fitv", self.state_reader) #Send the fitting panel to guiframe self.mypanels.append(self.fit_panel) self.mypanels.append(self.result_panel) return self.mypanels
[docs] def clear_panel(self): """ """ self.fit_panel.clear_panel()
[docs] def delete_data(self, data): """ delete the given data from panel """ self.fit_panel.delete_data(data)
[docs] def set_data(self, data_list=None): """ receive a list of data to fit """ if data_list is None: data_list = [] selected_data_list = [] if self.batch_on: self.add_fit_page(data=data_list) else: if len(data_list) > MAX_NBR_DATA: dlg = DataDialog(data_list=data_list, nb_data=MAX_NBR_DATA) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selected_data_list = dlg.get_data() dlg.Destroy() else: selected_data_list = data_list try: group_id = wx.NewId() for data in selected_data_list: if data is not None: # 2D has no same group_id if data.__class__.__name__ == 'Data2D': group_id = wx.NewId() data.group_id = group_id if group_id not in data.list_group_id: data.list_group_id.append(group_id) self.add_fit_page(data=[data]) except: msg = "Fitting set_data: " + str(sys.exc_value) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error"))
[docs] def set_theory(self, theory_list=None): """ """ #set the model state for a given theory_state: for item in theory_list: try: _, theory_state = item self.fit_panel.set_model_state(theory_state) except Exception: msg = "Fitting: cannot deal with the theory received" evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error") logger.error("set_theory " + msg + "\n" + str(sys.exc_value)) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt)
[docs] def set_state(self, state=None, datainfo=None, format=None): """ Call-back method for the fit page state reader. This method is called when a .fitv/.svs file is loaded. : param state: PageState object : param datainfo: data """ if isinstance(state, PageState): state = state.clone() self.temp_state.append(state) elif isinstance(state, SimFitPageState): if self.fit_panel.sim_page is None: self.fit_panel.add_sim_page() self.fit_panel.sim_page.load_from_save_state(state) else: self.temp_state = [] # index to start with for a new set_state self.state_index = 0 # state file format self.sfile_ext = format self.on_set_state_helper(event=None)
[docs] def on_set_state_helper(self, event=None): """ Set_state_helper. This actually sets state after plotting data from state file. : event: FitStateUpdateEvent called by dataloader.plot_data from guiframe """ if len(self.temp_state) == 0: if self.state_index == 0 and len(self.mypanels) <= 0 \ and self.sfile_ext == '.svs': self.temp_state = [] self.state_index = 0 return try: # Load fitting state state = self.temp_state[self.state_index] #panel state should have model selection to set_state if state.formfactorcombobox is not None: #set state data = self.parent.create_gui_data( data.group_id = self.parent.add_data(data_list={ data}) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=data, title=data.title)) #need to be fix later make sure we are sendind #to panel = data page = self.fit_panel.set_state(state) else: #just set data because set_state won't work data = self.parent.create_gui_data( data.group_id = self.parent.add_data(data_list={ data}) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=data, title=data.title)) page = self.add_fit_page([data]) caption = page.window_caption self.store_data(uid=page.uid, data_list=page.get_data_list(), caption=caption) self.mypanels.append(page) # get ready for the next set_state self.state_index += 1 #reset state variables to default when all set_state is finished. if len(self.temp_state) == self.state_index: self.temp_state = [] #self.state_index = 0 # Make sure the user sees the fitting panel after loading #self.parent.set_perspective(self.perspective) self.on_perspective(event=None) except: self.state_index = 0 self.temp_state = [] raise
[docs] def set_param2fit(self, uid, param2fit): """ Set the list of param names to fit for fitprobelm """ self.page_finder[uid].set_param2fit(param2fit)
[docs] def set_graph_id(self, uid, graph_id): """ Set graph_id for fitprobelm """ self.page_finder[uid].set_graph_id(graph_id)
[docs] def get_graph_id(self, uid): """ Set graph_id for fitprobelm """ return self.page_finder[uid].get_graph_id()
[docs] def save_fit_state(self, filepath, fitstate): """ save fit page state into file """ self.state_reader.write(filename=filepath, fitstate=fitstate)
[docs] def set_fit_weight(self, uid, flag, is2d=False, fid=None): """ Set the fit weights of a given page for all its data by default. If fid is provide then set the range only for the data with fid as id :param uid: id corresponding to a fit page :param fid: id corresponding to a fit problem (data, model) :param weight: current dy data """ # If we are not dealing with a specific fit problem, then # there is no point setting the weights. if fid is None: return if uid in self.page_finder.keys(): self.page_finder[uid].set_weight(flag=flag, is2d=is2d)
[docs] def set_fit_range(self, uid, qmin, qmax, fid=None): """ Set the fitting range of a given page for all its data by default. If fid is provide then set the range only for the data with fid as id :param uid: id corresponding to a fit page :param fid: id corresponding to a fit problem (data, model) :param qmin: minimum value of the fit range :param qmax: maximum value of the fit range """ if uid in self.page_finder.keys(): self.page_finder[uid].set_range(qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax, fid=fid)
[docs] def schedule_for_fit(self, value=0, uid=None): """ Set the fit problem field to 0 or 1 to schedule that problem to fit. Schedule the specified fitproblem or get the fit problem related to the current page and set value. :param value: integer 0 or 1 :param uid: the id related to a page containing fitting information """ if uid in self.page_finder.keys(): self.page_finder[uid].schedule_tofit(value)
[docs] def get_page_finder(self): """ return self.page_finder used also by """ return self.page_finder
[docs] def set_page_finder(self, modelname, names, values): """ Used by to reset a parameter given the string constrainst. :param modelname: the name of the model for with the parameter has to reset :param value: can be a string in this case. :param names: the parameter name """ sim_page_id = self.sim_page.uid for uid, value in self.page_finder.iteritems(): if uid != sim_page_id and uid != self.batch_page.uid: model_list = value.get_model() model = model_list[0] if == modelname: value.set_model_param(names, values) break
[docs] def split_string(self, item): """ receive a word containing dot and split it. used to split parameterset name into model name and parameter name example: :: parameterset (item) = M1.A Will return model_name = M1 , parameter name = A """ if item.find(".") >= 0: param_names = re.split(r"\.", item) model_name = param_names[0] ##Assume max len is 3; eg., M0.radius.width if len(param_names) == 3: param_name = param_names[1] + "." + param_names[2] else: param_name = param_names[1] return model_name, param_name
[docs] def on_bumps_options(self, event=None): """ Open the bumps options panel. """ show_fit_config(self.parent, help=self.on_help)
[docs] def on_fitter_changed(self, event): self._set_fitter_label(event.config)
def _set_fitter_label(self, config): self.fit_panel.parent.SetTitle(self.fit_panel.window_name + " - Active Fitting Optimizer: " + config.selected_name)
[docs] def on_help(self, algorithm_id): _TreeLocation = "user/sasgui/perspectives/fitting/optimizer.html" _anchor = "#fit-"+algorithm_id DocumentationWindow(self.parent, wx.ID_ANY, _TreeLocation, _anchor, "Optimizer Help")
[docs] def on_fit_results(self, event=None): """ Make the Fit Results panel visible. """ self.result_frame.Show() self.result_frame.Raise()
[docs] def on_gpu_options(self, event=None): """ Make the Fit Results panel visible. """ dialog = GpuOptions(None, wx.ID_ANY, "") dialog.Show()
[docs] def stop_fit(self, uid): """ Stop the fit """ if uid in self.fit_thread_list.keys(): calc_fit = self.fit_thread_list[uid] if calc_fit is not None and calc_fit.isrunning(): calc_fit.stop() msg = "Fit stop!" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, type="stop")) del self.fit_thread_list[uid] #set the fit button label of page when fit stop is trigger from #simultaneous fit pane sim_flag = self.sim_page is not None and uid == self.sim_page.uid batch_flag = self.batch_page is not None and uid == self.batch_page.uid if sim_flag or batch_flag: for uid, value in self.page_finder.iteritems(): if value.get_scheduled() == 1: if uid in self.fit_panel.opened_pages.keys(): panel = self.fit_panel.opened_pages[uid] panel._on_fit_complete()
[docs] def set_smearer(self, uid, smearer, fid, qmin=None, qmax=None, draw=True, enable_smearer=False): """ Get a smear object and store it to a fit problem of fid as id. If proper flag is enable , will plot the theory with smearing information. :param smearer: smear object to allow smearing data of id fid :param enable_smearer: Define whether or not all (data, model) contained in the structure of id uid will be smeared before fitting. :param qmin: the maximum value of the theory plotting range :param qmax: the maximum value of the theory plotting range :param draw: Determine if the theory needs to be plot """ if uid not in self.page_finder.keys(): return self.page_finder[uid].enable_smearing(flag=enable_smearer) self.page_finder[uid].set_smearer(smearer, fid=fid) if draw: ## draw model 1D with smeared data data = self.page_finder[uid].get_fit_data(fid=fid) if data is None: msg = "set_mearer requires at least data.\n" msg += "Got data = %s .\n" % str(data) return #raise ValueError, msg model = self.page_finder[uid].get_model(fid=fid) if model is None: return enable1D = issubclass(data.__class__, Data1D) enable2D = issubclass(data.__class__, Data2D) ## if user has already selected a model to plot ## redraw the model with data smeared smear = self.page_finder[uid].get_smearer(fid=fid) # compute weight for the current data weight = self.page_finder[uid].get_weight(fid=fid) self.draw_model(model=model, data=data, page_id=uid, smearer=smear, enable1D=enable1D, enable2D=enable2D, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax, weight=weight)
[docs] def draw_model(self, model, page_id, data=None, smearer=None, enable1D=True, enable2D=False, state=None, fid=None, toggle_mode_on=False, qmin=None, qmax=None, update_chisqr=True, weight=None, source='model'): """ Draw model. :param model: the model to draw :param name: the name of the model to draw :param data: the data on which the model is based to be drawn :param description: model's description :param enable1D: if true enable drawing model 1D :param enable2D: if true enable drawing model 2D :param qmin: Range's minimum value to draw model :param qmax: Range's maximum value to draw model :param qstep: number of step to divide the x and y-axis :param update_chisqr: update chisqr [bool] """ #self.weight = weight if issubclass(data.__class__, Data1D) or not enable2D: ## draw model 1D with no loaded data self._draw_model1D(model=model, data=data, page_id=page_id, enable1D=enable1D, smearer=smearer, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax, fid=fid, weight=weight, toggle_mode_on=toggle_mode_on, state=state, update_chisqr=update_chisqr, source=source) else: ## draw model 2D with no initial data self._draw_model2D(model=model, page_id=page_id, data=data, enable2D=enable2D, smearer=smearer, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax, fid=fid, weight=weight, state=state, toggle_mode_on=toggle_mode_on, update_chisqr=update_chisqr, source=source)
[docs] def onFit(self, uid): """ Get series of data, model, associates parameters and range and send then to series of fitters. Fit data and model, display result to corresponding panels. :param uid: id related to the panel currently calling this fit function. """ if uid is None: raise RuntimeError("no page to fit") # Should never happen sim_page_uid = getattr(self.sim_page, 'uid', None) batch_page_uid = getattr(self.batch_page, 'uid', None) if uid == sim_page_uid: fit_type = 'simultaneous' elif uid == batch_page_uid: fit_type = 'combined_batch' else: fit_type = 'single' fitter_list = [] sim_fitter = None if fit_type == 'simultaneous': # for simultaneous fitting only one fitter is needed sim_fitter = Fit() sim_fitter.fitter_id = self.sim_page.uid fitter_list.append(sim_fitter) self.current_pg = None list_page_id = [] fit_id = 0 for page_id, page_info in self.page_finder.iteritems(): # For simulfit (uid give with None), do for-loop # if uid is specified (singlefit), do it only on the page. if page_id in (sim_page_uid, batch_page_uid): continue if fit_type == "single" and page_id != uid: continue try: if page_info.get_scheduled() == 1: page_info.nbr_residuals_computed = 0 page = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(page_id) self.set_fit_weight(uid=page.uid, flag=page.get_weight_flag(), is2d=page._is_2D()) if not page.param_toFit: msg = "No fitting parameters for %s" % page.window_caption evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error", type="stop") wx.PostEvent(page.parent.parent, evt) return False if not page._update_paramv_on_fit(): msg = "Fitting range or parameter values are" msg += " invalid in %s" % \ page.window_caption evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error", type="stop") wx.PostEvent(page.parent.parent, evt) return False pars = [str(element[1]) for element in page.param_toFit] fitproblem_list = page_info.values() for fitproblem in fitproblem_list: if sim_fitter is None: fitter = Fit() fitter.fitter_id = page_id fitter_list.append(fitter) else: fitter = sim_fitter self._add_problem_to_fit(fitproblem=fitproblem, pars=pars, fitter=fitter, fit_id=fit_id) fit_id += 1 list_page_id.append(page_id) page_info.clear_model_param() except KeyboardInterrupt: msg = "Fitting terminated" evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, info="info", type="stop") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) return True except: raise msg = "Fitting error: %s" % str(sys.exc_value) evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error", type="stop") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) return False ## If a thread is already started, stop it #if self.calc_fitis not None and self.calc_fit.isrunning(): # self.calc_fit.stop() msg = "Fitting is in progress..." wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, type="progress")) #Handler used to display fit message handler = ConsoleUpdate(parent=self.parent, manager=self, improvement_delta=0.1) # batch fit batch_inputs = {} batch_outputs = {} if fit_type == "simultaneous": page = self.sim_page elif fit_type == "combined_batch": page = self.batch_page else: page = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(uid) if page.batch_on: calc_fit = FitThread(handler=handler, fn=fitter_list, pars=pars, batch_inputs=batch_inputs, batch_outputs=batch_outputs, page_id=list_page_id, completefn=self._batch_fit_complete, reset_flag=self.batch_reset_flag) else: ## Perform more than 1 fit at the time calc_fit = FitThread(handler=handler, fn=fitter_list, batch_inputs=batch_inputs, batch_outputs=batch_outputs, page_id=list_page_id, updatefn=handler.update_fit, completefn=self._fit_completed) #self.fit_thread_list[current_page_id] = calc_fit self.fit_thread_list[uid] = calc_fit calc_fit.queue() calc_fit.ready(2.5) msg = "Fitting is in progress..." wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, type="progress")) return True
[docs] def remove_plot(self, uid, fid=None, theory=False): """ remove model plot when a fit page is closed :param uid: the id related to the fitpage to close :param fid: the id of the fitproblem(data, model, range,etc) """ if uid not in self.page_finder.keys(): return fitproblemList = self.page_finder[uid].get_fit_problem(fid) for fitproblem in fitproblemList: data = fitproblem.get_fit_data() model = fitproblem.get_model() plot_id = None if model is not None: plot_id = + if theory: plot_id = + group_id = data.group_id wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(id=plot_id, group_id=group_id, action='remove'))
[docs] def store_data(self, uid, data_list=None, caption=None): """ Receive a list of data and store them ans well as a caption of the fit page where they come from. :param uid: if related to a fit page :param data_list: list of data to fit :param caption: caption of the window related to these data """ if data_list is None: data_list = [] self.page_finder[uid].set_fit_data(data=data_list) if caption is not None: self.page_finder[uid].set_fit_tab_caption(caption=caption)
[docs] def on_add_new_page(self, event=None): """ ask fit panel to create a new empty page """ try: page = self.fit_panel.add_empty_page() # add data associated to the page created if page is not None: evt = StatusEvent(status="Page Created", info="info") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) else: msg = "Page was already Created" evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, info="warning") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) except Exception: msg = "Creating Fit page: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error"))
[docs] def add_fit_page(self, data): """ given a data, ask to the fitting panel to create a new fitting page, get this page and store it into the page_finder of this plug-in :param data: is a list of data """ page = self.fit_panel.set_data(data) # page could be None when loading state files if page is None: return page #append Data1D to the panel containing its theory #if theory already plotted if page.uid in self.page_finder: data = page.get_data() theory_data = self.page_finder[page.uid].get_theory_data( if issubclass(data.__class__, Data2D): data.group_id = wx.NewId() if theory_data is not None: group_id = str(page.uid) + " Model1D" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(group_id=group_id, action="delete")) self.parent.update_data(prev_data=theory_data, new_data=data) else: if theory_data is not None: group_id = str(page.uid) + " Model2D" data.group_id = theory_data.group_id wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(group_id=group_id, action="delete")) self.parent.update_data(prev_data=theory_data, new_data=data) self.store_data(uid=page.uid, data_list=page.get_data_list(), caption=page.window_caption) if self.sim_page is not None and not self.batch_on: self.sim_page.draw_page() if self.batch_page is not None and self.batch_on: self.batch_page.draw_page() return page
def _onEVT_SLICER_PANEL(self, event): """ receive and event telling to update a panel with a name starting with event.panel_name. this method update slicer panel for a given interactor. :param event: contains type of slicer , parameters for updating the panel and panel_name to find the slicer 's panel concerned. """ event.panel_name for item in self.parent.panels: name = event.panel_name if self.parent.panels[item].window_caption.startswith(name): self.parent.panels[item].set_slicer(event.type, event.params) #self.parent._mgr.Update() def _closed_fitpage(self, event): """ request fitpanel to close a given page when its unique data is removed from the plot. close fitpage only when the a loaded data is removed """ if event is None or is None: return if hasattr(, "is_data"): if not or \ == "Data1D": self.fit_panel.close_page_with_data( def _reset_schedule_problem(self, value=0, uid=None): """ unschedule or schedule all fitproblem to be fit """ # case that uid is not specified if uid is None: for page_id in self.page_finder.keys(): self.page_finder[page_id].schedule_tofit(value) # when uid is given else: if uid in self.page_finder.keys(): self.page_finder[uid].schedule_tofit(value) def _add_problem_to_fit(self, fitproblem, pars, fitter, fit_id): """ Create and set fitter with series of data and model """ data = fitproblem.get_fit_data() model = fitproblem.get_model() smearer = fitproblem.get_smearer() qmin, qmax = fitproblem.get_range() #Extra list of parameters and their constraints listOfConstraint = [] param = fitproblem.get_model_param() if len(param) > 0: for item in param: ## check if constraint if item[0] is not None and item[1] is not None: listOfConstraint.append((item[0], item[1])) new_model = model fitter.set_model(new_model, fit_id, pars, data=data, constraints=listOfConstraint) fitter.set_data(data=data, id=fit_id, smearer=smearer, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax) fitter.select_problem_for_fit(id=fit_id, value=1) def _onSelect(self, event): """ when Select data to fit a new page is created .Its reference is added to self.page_finder """ panel = self.plot_panel if panel is None: raise ValueError, "Fitting:_onSelect: NonType panel" Plugin.on_perspective(self, event=event) self.select_data(panel)
[docs] def select_data(self, panel): """ """ for plottable in panel.graph.plottables: if plottable.__class__.__name__ in ["Data1D", "Theory1D"]: data_id = panel.graph.selected_plottable if plottable == panel.plots[data_id]: data = plottable self.add_fit_page(data=[data]) return else: data = plottable self.add_fit_page(data=[data])
[docs] def update_fit(self, result=None, msg=""): """ """ print("update_fit result", result)
def _batch_fit_complete(self, result, pars, page_id, batch_outputs, batch_inputs, elapsed=None): """ Display fit result in batch :param result: list of objects received from fitters :param pars: list of fitted parameters names :param page_id: list of page ids which called fit function :param elapsed: time spent at the fitting level """ uid = page_id[0] if uid in self.fit_thread_list.keys(): del self.fit_thread_list[uid] wx.CallAfter(self._update_fit_button, page_id) t1 = time.time() str_time = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ", time.localtime(t1)) msg = "Fit completed on %s \n" % str_time msg += "Duration time: %s s.\n" % str(elapsed) evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, info="info", type="stop") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) if batch_outputs is None: batch_outputs = {} # format batch_outputs batch_outputs["Chi2"] = [] #Don't like these loops # Need to create dictionary of all fitted parameters # since the number of parameters can differ between each fit result for list_res in result: for res in list_res: model, data = res.inputs[0] if model is not None and hasattr(model, "model"): model = model.model #get all fittable parameters of the current model for param in model.getParamList(): if param not in batch_outputs.keys(): batch_outputs[param] = [] for param in model.getDispParamList(): if not model.is_fittable(param) and \ param in batch_outputs.keys(): del batch_outputs[param] # Add fitted parameters and their error for param in res.param_list: if param not in batch_outputs.keys(): batch_outputs[param] = [] err_param = "error on %s" % str(param) if err_param not in batch_inputs.keys(): batch_inputs[err_param] = [] msg = "" for list_res in result: for res in list_res: pid = res.fitter_id model, data = res.inputs[0] correct_result = False if model is not None and hasattr(model, "model"): model = model.model if data is not None and hasattr(data, "sas_data"): data = data.sas_data is_data2d = issubclass(data.__class__, Data2D) # Check consistency of arrays if not is_data2d: if len(res.theory) == len(res.index[res.index]) and \ len(res.index) == len(data.y): correct_result = True else: copy_data = deepcopy(data) new_theory = new_theory[res.index] = res.theory new_theory[res.index == False] = np.nan correct_result = True # Get all fittable parameters of the current model param_list = model.getParamList() for param in model.getDispParamList(): if '.' in param and param in param_list: # Ensure polydispersity results are displayed p1, p2 = param.split('.') if not model.is_fittable(p1) and not (p2 == 'width' and param in res.param_list)\ and param in param_list: param_list.remove(param) elif not model.is_fittable(param) and \ param in param_list: param_list.remove(param) if not correct_result or is None or \ not np.isfinite( or \ np.any(res.pvec is None) or not \ np.all(np.isfinite(res.pvec)): data_name = str(None) if data is not None: data_name = str( model_name = str(None) if model is not None: model_name = str( msg += "Data %s and Model %s did not fit.\n" % (data_name, model_name) ERROR = np.NAN cell = BatchCell() cell.label = cell.value = batch_outputs["Chi2"].append(ERROR) for param in param_list: # Save value of fixed parameters if param not in res.param_list: batch_outputs[str(param)].append(ERROR) else: # Save only fitted values batch_outputs[param].append(ERROR) batch_inputs["error on %s" % str(param)].append(ERROR) else: # TODO: Why sometimes res.pvec comes with np.float64? # probably from scipy lmfit if res.pvec.__class__ == np.float64: res.pvec = [res.pvec] cell = BatchCell() cell.label = cell.value = batch_outputs["Chi2"].append(cell) # add parameters to batch_results for param in param_list: # save value of fixed parameters if param not in res.param_list: batch_outputs[str(param)].append(model.getParam(param)) else: index = res.param_list.index(param) #save only fitted values batch_outputs[param].append(res.pvec[index]) if res.stderr is not None and \ len(res.stderr) == len(res.param_list): item = res.stderr[index] batch_inputs["error on %s" % param].append(item) else: batch_inputs["error on %s" % param].append('-') model.setParam(param, res.pvec[index]) #fill the batch result with emtpy value if not in the current #model EMPTY = "-" for key in batch_outputs.keys(): if key not in param_list and key not in ["Chi2", "Data"]: batch_outputs[key].append(EMPTY) self.page_finder[pid].set_batch_result(batch_inputs=batch_inputs, batch_outputs=batch_outputs) cpage = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(pid) cpage._on_fit_complete() self.page_finder[pid][].set_result(res) fitproblem = self.page_finder[pid][] qmin, qmax = fitproblem.get_range() plot_result = False if correct_result: if not is_data2d: self._complete1D(x=data.x[res.index], y=res.theory, page_id=pid, elapsed=None, index=res.index, model=model, weight=None,, toggle_mode_on=False, state=None, data=data, update_chisqr=False, source='fit', plot_result=plot_result) else: self._complete2D(image=new_theory, data=data, model=model, page_id=pid, elapsed=None, index=res.index, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax,, weight=None, toggle_mode_on=False, state=None, update_chisqr=False, source='fit', plot_result=plot_result) self.on_set_batch_result(page_id=pid,, batch_outputs=batch_outputs, batch_inputs=batch_inputs) evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, error="info", type="stop") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) # Remove parameters that are not shown cpage = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(uid) tbatch_outputs = {} shownkeystr = cpage.get_copy_params() for key in batch_outputs.keys(): if key in ["Chi2", "Data"] or shownkeystr.count(key) > 0: tbatch_outputs[key] = batch_outputs[key] wx.CallAfter(self.parent.on_set_batch_result, tbatch_outputs, batch_inputs, self.sub_menu)
[docs] def on_set_batch_result(self, page_id, fid, batch_outputs, batch_inputs): """ """ pid = page_id if fid not in self.page_finder[pid]: return fitproblem = self.page_finder[pid][fid] index = self.page_finder[pid].nbr_residuals_computed - 1 residuals = fitproblem.get_residuals() theory_data = fitproblem.get_theory_data() data = fitproblem.get_fit_data() model = fitproblem.get_model() #fill batch result information if "Data" not in batch_outputs.keys(): batch_outputs["Data"] = [] cell = BatchCell() cell.label = cell.value = index if theory_data is not None: #Suucessful fit = wx.NewId() = + "[%s]" % str( if issubclass(theory_data.__class__, Data2D): group_id = wx.NewId() theory_data.group_id = group_id if group_id not in theory_data.list_group_id: theory_data.list_group_id.append(group_id) try: # associate residuals plot if issubclass(residuals.__class__, Data2D): group_id = wx.NewId() residuals.group_id = group_id if group_id not in residuals.list_group_id: residuals.list_group_id.append(group_id) batch_outputs["Chi2"][index].object = [residuals] except: pass cell.object = [data, theory_data] batch_outputs["Data"].append(cell) for key, value in data.meta_data.iteritems(): if key not in batch_inputs.keys(): batch_inputs[key] = [] #if key.lower().strip() != "loader": batch_inputs[key].append(value) param = "temperature" if hasattr(data.sample, param): if param not in batch_inputs.keys(): batch_inputs[param] = [] batch_inputs[param].append(data.sample.temperature)
def _fit_completed(self, result, page_id, batch_outputs, batch_inputs=None, pars=None, elapsed=None): """ Display result of the fit on related panel(s). :param result: list of object generated when fit ends :param pars: list of names of parameters fitted :param page_id: list of page ids which called fit function :param elapsed: time spent at the fitting level """ t1 = time.time() str_time = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ", time.localtime(t1)) msg = "Fit completed on %s \n" % str_time msg += "Duration time: %s s.\n" % str(elapsed) evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, info="info", type="stop") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) wx.PostEvent(self.result_panel, PlotResultEvent(result=result)) wx.CallAfter(self._update_fit_button, page_id) result = result[0] self.fit_thread_list = {} if page_id is None: page_id = [] ## fit more than 1 model at the same time try: index = 0 # Update potential simfit page(s) if self.sim_page is not None: self.sim_page._on_fit_complete() if self.batch_page: self.batch_page._on_fit_complete() # Update all fit pages for uid in page_id: res = result[index] fit_msg = res.mesg if is None or \ not np.isfinite( or \ np.any(res.pvec is None) or \ not np.all(np.isfinite(res.pvec)): fit_msg += "\nFitting did not converge!!!" wx.CallAfter(self._update_fit_button, page_id) else: #set the panel when fit result are float not list if res.pvec.__class__ == np.float64: pvec = [res.pvec] else: pvec = res.pvec if res.stderr.__class__ == np.float64: stderr = [res.stderr] else: stderr = res.stderr cpage = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(uid) # Make sure we got all results #(CallAfter is important to MAC) try: #if res is not None: wx.CallAfter(cpage.onsetValues,, res.param_list, pvec, stderr) index += 1 wx.CallAfter(cpage._on_fit_complete) except KeyboardInterrupt: fit_msg += "\nSingular point: Fitting stopped." except Exception: fit_msg += "\nSingular point: Fitting error occurred." if fit_msg: evt = StatusEvent(status=fit_msg, info="warning", type="stop") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) except Exception: msg = ("Fit completed but the following error occurred: %s" % sys.exc_value) #msg = "\n".join((traceback.format_exc(), msg)) evt = StatusEvent(status=msg, info="warning", type="stop") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) def _update_fit_button(self, page_id): """ Update Fit button when fit stopped : parameter page_id: fitpage where the button is """ if page_id.__class__.__name__ != 'list': page_id = [page_id] for uid in page_id: page = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(uid) page._on_fit_complete() def _on_show_panel(self, event): """ """ pass
[docs] def on_reset_batch_flag(self, event): """ Set batch_reset_flag """ event.Skip() if self.menu1 is None: return menu_item = self.menu1.FindItemById(self.id_reset_flag) flag = menu_item.IsChecked() if not flag: menu_item.Check(False) self.batch_reset_flag = True else: menu_item.Check(True) self.batch_reset_flag = False ## post a message to status bar msg = "Set Chain Fitting: %s" % str(not self.batch_reset_flag) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg))
def _on_slicer_event(self, event): """ Receive a panel as event and send it to guiframe :param event: event containing a panel """ if event.panel is not None: self.slicer_panels.append(event.panel) # Set group ID if available event_id = self.parent.popup_panel(event.panel) event.panel.uid = event_id self.mypanels.append(event.panel) def _onclearslicer(self, event): """ Clear the boxslicer when close the panel associate with this slicer """ name = event.GetEventObject().frame.GetTitle() for panel in self.slicer_panels: if panel.window_caption == name: for item in self.parent.panels: if hasattr(self.parent.panels[item], "uid"): if self.parent.panels[item].uid == panel.base.uid: self.parent.panels[item].onClearSlicer(event) #self.parent._mgr.Update() break break def _on_model_panel(self, evt): """ react to model selection on any combo box or model menu.plot the model :param evt: wx.combobox event """ model = evt.model uid = evt.uid qmin = evt.qmin qmax = evt.qmax caption = evt.caption enable_smearer = evt.enable_smearer if model is None: return if uid not in self.page_finder.keys(): return # save the name containing the data name with the appropriate model self.page_finder[uid].set_model(model) self.page_finder[uid].enable_smearing(enable_smearer) self.page_finder[uid].set_range(qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax) self.page_finder[uid].set_fit_tab_caption(caption=caption) if self.sim_page is not None and not self.batch_on: self.sim_page.draw_page() if self.batch_page is not None and self.batch_on: self.batch_page.draw_page() def _update1D(self, x, output): """ Update the output of plotting model 1D """ msg = "Plot updating ... " wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, type="update"))
[docs] def create_theory_1D(self, x, y, page_id, model, data, state, data_description, data_id, dy=None): """ Create a theory object associate with an existing Data1D and add it to the data manager. @param x: x-values of the data @param y: y_values of the data @param page_id: fit page ID @param model: model used for fitting @param data: Data1D object to create the theory for @param state: model state @param data_description: title to use in the data manager @param data_id: unique data ID """ new_plot = Data1D(x=x, y=y) if dy is None: new_plot.is_data = False new_plot.dy = np.zeros(len(y)) # If this is a theory curve, pick the proper symbol to make it a curve new_plot.symbol = GUIFRAME_ID.CURVE_SYMBOL_NUM else: new_plot.is_data = True new_plot.dy = dy new_plot.interactive = True new_plot.dx = None new_plot.dxl = None new_plot.dxw = None _yaxis, _yunit = data.get_yaxis() _xaxis, _xunit = data.get_xaxis() new_plot.title = new_plot.group_id = data.group_id if new_plot.group_id is None: new_plot.group_id = data.group_id = data_id # Find if this theory was already plotted and replace that plot given # the same id self.page_finder[page_id].get_theory_data( if data.is_data: data_name = str( else: data_name = str(model.__class__.__name__) = data_description + " [" + data_name + "]" new_plot.xaxis(_xaxis, _xunit) new_plot.yaxis(_yaxis, _yunit) self.page_finder[page_id].set_theory_data(data=new_plot, self.parent.update_theory(, theory=new_plot, state=state) return new_plot
def _complete1D(self, x, y, page_id, elapsed, index, model, weight=None, fid=None, toggle_mode_on=False, state=None, data=None, update_chisqr=True, source='model', plot_result=True, unsmeared_model=None, unsmeared_data=None, unsmeared_error=None, sq_model=None, pq_model=None): """ Complete plotting 1D data @param unsmeared_model: fit model, without smearing @param unsmeared_data: data, rescaled to unsmeared model @param unsmeared_error: data error, rescaled to unsmeared model """ number_finite = np.count_nonzero(np.isfinite(y)) np.nan_to_num(y) new_plot = self.create_theory_1D(x, y, page_id, model, data, state,, data_id=str(page_id) + " " + plots_to_update = [] # List of plottables that have changed since last calculation # Create the new theories if unsmeared_model is not None: unsmeared_model_plot = self.create_theory_1D(x, unsmeared_model, page_id, model, data, state, + " unsmeared", data_id=str(page_id) + " " + + " unsmeared") plots_to_update.append(unsmeared_model_plot) if unsmeared_data is not None and unsmeared_error is not None: unsmeared_data_plot = self.create_theory_1D(x, unsmeared_data, page_id, model, data, state, data_description="Data unsmeared", data_id="Data " + + " unsmeared", dy=unsmeared_error) plots_to_update.append(unsmeared_data_plot) if sq_model is not None and pq_model is not None: sq_id = str(page_id) + " " + + " S(q)" sq_plot = self.create_theory_1D(x, sq_model, page_id, model, data, state, + " S(q)", data_id=sq_id) plots_to_update.append(sq_plot) pq_id = str(page_id) + " " + + " P(q)" pq_plot = self.create_theory_1D(x, pq_model, page_id, model, data, state, + " P(q)", data_id=pq_id) plots_to_update.append(pq_plot) # Update the P(Q), S(Q) and unsmeared theory plots if they exist wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plots=plots_to_update, action='update')) current_pg = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(page_id) title = new_plot.title batch_on = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(page_id).batch_on if not batch_on: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=str(title))) elif plot_result: top_data_id = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(page_id) if == top_data_id: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=str(title))) caption = current_pg.window_caption self.page_finder[page_id].set_fit_tab_caption(caption=caption) self.page_finder[page_id].set_theory_data(data=new_plot, if toggle_mode_on: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(group_id=str(page_id) + " Model2D", action="Hide")) else: if update_chisqr: output = self._cal_chisqr(data=data, fid=fid, weight=weight, page_id=page_id, index=index) wx.PostEvent(current_pg, Chi2UpdateEvent(output=output)) else: self._plot_residuals(page_id=page_id, data=data, fid=fid, index=index, weight=weight) if not number_finite: logger.error("Using the present parameters the model does not return any finite value. ") msg = "Computing Error: Model did not return any finite value." wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) else: msg = "Computation completed!" if number_finite != y.size: msg += ' PROBLEM: For some Q values the model returns non finite intensities!' logger.error("For some Q values the model returns non finite intensities.") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, type="stop")) def _calc_exception(self, etype, value, tb): """ Handle exception from calculator by posting it as an error. """ logger.error("".join(traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb))) msg = traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb, limit=1) evt = StatusEvent(status="".join(msg), type="stop", info="error") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt) def _update2D(self, output, time=None): """ Update the output of plotting model """ msg = "Plot updating ... " wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(msg, type="update")) def _complete2D(self, image, data, model, page_id, elapsed, index, qmin, qmax, fid=None, weight=None, toggle_mode_on=False, state=None, update_chisqr=True, source='model', plot_result=True): """ Complete get the result of modelthread and create model 2D that can be plot. """ number_finite = np.count_nonzero(np.isfinite(image)) np.nan_to_num(image) new_plot = Data2D(image=image, err_image=data.err_data) = + '2d' new_plot.title = "Analytical model 2D " = str(page_id) + " " + new_plot.group_id = str(page_id) + " Model2D" new_plot.detector = data.detector new_plot.source = data.source new_plot.is_data = False new_plot.qx_data = data.qx_data new_plot.qy_data = data.qy_data new_plot.q_data = data.q_data new_plot.mask = data.mask ## plot boundaries new_plot.ymin = data.ymin new_plot.ymax = data.ymax new_plot.xmin = data.xmin new_plot.xmax = data.xmax title = data.title new_plot.is_data = False if data.is_data: data_name = str( else: data_name = str(model.__class__.__name__) + '2d' if len(title) > 1: new_plot.title = "Model2D for %s " % + data_name = + " [" + \ data_name + "]" theory_data = deepcopy(new_plot) self.page_finder[page_id].set_theory_data(data=theory_data, self.parent.update_theory(, theory=new_plot, state=state) current_pg = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(page_id) title = new_plot.title if not source == 'fit' and plot_result: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=title)) if toggle_mode_on: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(group_id=str(page_id) + " Model1D", action="Hide")) else: # Chisqr in fitpage if update_chisqr: output = self._cal_chisqr(data=data, weight=weight, fid=fid, page_id=page_id, index=index) wx.PostEvent(current_pg, Chi2UpdateEvent(output=output)) else: self._plot_residuals(page_id=page_id, data=data, fid=fid, index=index, weight=weight) if not number_finite: logger.error("Using the present parameters the model does not return any finite value. ") msg = "Computing Error: Model did not return any finite value." wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) else: msg = "Computation completed!" if number_finite != image.size: msg += ' PROBLEM: For some Qx,Qy values the model returns non finite intensities!' logger.error("For some Qx,Qy values the model returns non finite intensities.") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, type="stop")) def _draw_model2D(self, model, page_id, qmin, qmax, data=None, smearer=None, description=None, enable2D=False, state=None, fid=None, weight=None, toggle_mode_on=False, update_chisqr=True, source='model'): """ draw model in 2D :param model: instance of the model to draw :param description: the description of the model :param enable2D: when True allows to draw model 2D :param qmin: the minimum value to draw model 2D :param qmax: the maximum value to draw model 2D :param qstep: the number of division of Qx and Qy of the model to draw """ if not enable2D: return None try: ## If a thread is already started, stop it if (self.calc_2D is not None) and self.calc_2D.isrunning(): self.calc_2D.stop() ## stop just raises a flag to tell the thread to kill ## itself -- see the fix in Calc1D implemented to fix ## an actual problem. Seems the fix should also go here ## and may be the cause of other noted instabilities ## ## -PDB August 12, 2014 while self.calc_2D.isrunning(): time.sleep(0.1) self.calc_2D = Calc2D(model=model, data=data, page_id=page_id, smearer=smearer, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax, weight=weight, fid=fid, toggle_mode_on=toggle_mode_on, state=state, completefn=self._complete2D, update_chisqr=update_chisqr, exception_handler=self._calc_exception, source=source) self.calc_2D.queue() except: raise def _draw_model1D(self, model, page_id, data, qmin, qmax, smearer=None, state=None, weight=None, fid=None, toggle_mode_on=False, update_chisqr=True, source='model', enable1D=True): """ Draw model 1D from loaded data1D :param data: loaded data :param model: the model to plot """ if not enable1D: return try: ## If a thread is already started, stop it if (self.calc_1D is not None) and self.calc_1D.isrunning(): self.calc_1D.stop() ## stop just raises the flag -- the thread is supposed to ## then kill itself but cannot. Paul Kienzle came up with ## this fix to prevent threads from stepping on each other ## which was causing a simple custom plugin model to crash ##Sasview. ## We still don't know why the fit sometimes lauched a second ## thread -- something which should also be investigated. ## The thread approach was implemented in order to be able ## to lauch a computation in a separate thread from the GUI so ## that the GUI can still respond to user input including ## a request to stop the computation. ## It seems thus that the whole thread approach used here ## May need rethinking ## ## -PDB August 12, 2014 while self.calc_1D.isrunning(): time.sleep(0.1) self.calc_1D = Calc1D(data=data, model=model, page_id=page_id, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax, smearer=smearer, state=state, weight=weight, fid=fid, toggle_mode_on=toggle_mode_on, completefn=self._complete1D, #updatefn = self._update1D, update_chisqr=update_chisqr, exception_handler=self._calc_exception, source=source) self.calc_1D.queue() except: msg = " Error occurred when drawing %s Model 1D: " % msg += " %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) def _cal_chisqr(self, page_id, data, weight, fid=None, index=None): """ Get handy Chisqr using the output from draw1D and 2D, instead of calling expansive CalcChisqr in guithread """ try: data_copy = deepcopy(data) except: return # default chisqr chisqr = None #to compute chisq make sure data has valid data # return None if data is None if not check_data_validity(data_copy) or data_copy is None: return chisqr # Get data: data I, theory I, and data dI in order if data_copy.__class__.__name__ == "Data2D": if index is None: index = np.ones(len(, dtype=bool) if weight is not None: data_copy.err_data = weight # get rid of zero error points index = index & (data_copy.err_data != 0) index = index & (np.isfinite( fn =[index] theory_data = self.page_finder[page_id].get_theory_data( if theory_data is None: return chisqr gn =[index] en = data_copy.err_data[index] else: # 1 d theory from model_thread is only in the range of index if index is None: index = np.ones(len(data_copy.y), dtype=bool) if weight is not None: data_copy.dy = weight if data_copy.dy is None or data_copy.dy == []: dy = np.ones(len(data_copy.y)) else: ## Set consistently w/AbstractFitengine: # But this should be corrected later. dy = deepcopy(data_copy.dy) dy[dy == 0] = 1 fn = data_copy.y[index] theory_data = self.page_finder[page_id].get_theory_data( if theory_data is None: return chisqr gn = theory_data.y en = dy[index] # residual try: res = (fn - gn) / en except ValueError: print("Unmatch lengths %s, %s, %s" % (len(fn), len(gn), len(en))) return residuals = res[np.isfinite(res)] # get chisqr only w/finite chisqr = np.average(residuals * residuals) self._plot_residuals(page_id=page_id, data=data_copy, fid=fid, weight=weight, index=index) return chisqr def _plot_residuals(self, page_id, weight, fid=None, data=None, index=None): """ Plot the residuals :param data: data :param index: index array (bool) : Note: this is different from the residuals in cal_chisqr() """ data_copy = deepcopy(data) # Get data: data I, theory I, and data dI in order if data_copy.__class__.__name__ == "Data2D": # build residuals residuals = Data2D() #residuals.copy_from_datainfo(data) # Not for trunk the line below, instead use the line above data_copy.clone_without_data(len(, residuals) = None fn = theory_data = self.page_finder[page_id].get_theory_data( gn = if weight is None: en = data_copy.err_data else: en = weight = (fn - gn) / en residuals.qx_data = data_copy.qx_data residuals.qy_data = data_copy.qy_data residuals.q_data = data_copy.q_data residuals.err_data = np.ones(len( residuals.xmin = min(residuals.qx_data) residuals.xmax = max(residuals.qx_data) residuals.ymin = min(residuals.qy_data) residuals.ymax = max(residuals.qy_data) residuals.q_data = data_copy.q_data residuals.mask = data_copy.mask residuals.scale = 'linear' # check the lengths if len( != len(residuals.q_data): return else: # 1 d theory from model_thread is only in the range of index if data_copy.dy is None or data_copy.dy == []: dy = np.ones(len(data_copy.y)) else: if weight is None: dy = np.ones(len(data_copy.y)) ## Set consitently w/AbstractFitengine: ## But this should be corrected later. else: dy = weight dy[dy == 0] = 1 fn = data_copy.y[index] theory_data = self.page_finder[page_id].get_theory_data( gn = theory_data.y en = dy[index] # build residuals residuals = Data1D() try: residuals.y = (fn - gn) / en except: msg = "ResidualPlot Error: different # of data points in theory" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) residuals.y = (fn - gn[index]) / en residuals.x = data_copy.x[index] residuals.dy = np.ones(len(residuals.y)) residuals.dx = None residuals.dxl = None residuals.dxw = None residuals.ytransform = 'y' # For latter scale changes residuals.xaxis('\\rm{Q} ', 'A^{-1}') residuals.yaxis('\\rm{Residuals} ', 'normalized') theory_name = str([0]) new_plot = residuals = "Residuals for " + str(theory_name) + "[" + \ str( + "]" ## allow to highlight data when plotted new_plot.interactive = True ## when 2 data have the same id override the 1 st plotted = "res" + str( + str(theory_name) ##group_id specify on which panel to plot this data group_id = self.page_finder[page_id].get_graph_id() if group_id is None: group_id = data.group_id new_plot.group_id = "res" + str(group_id) #new_plot.is_data = True ##post data to plot title = self.page_finder[page_id].set_residuals(residuals=new_plot, self.parent.update_theory(, theory=new_plot) batch_on = self.fit_panel.get_page_by_id(page_id).batch_on if not batch_on: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=title))