Source code for sas.sasgui.guiframe.local_perspectives.data_loader.data_loader

plugin DataLoader responsible of loading data
import os
import sys
import wx
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from sas import get_local_config

from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader
from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader_exceptions import NoKnownLoaderException

from sas.sasgui.guiframe.plugin_base import PluginBase
from import StatusEvent
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_manager import DEFAULT_OPEN_FOLDER

config = get_local_config()
extension_list = []

[docs]class Plugin(PluginBase): def __init__(self): PluginBase.__init__(self, name="DataLoader") # Default location self._default_save_location = DEFAULT_OPEN_FOLDER self.loader = Loader() self._data_menu = None
[docs] def populate_file_menu(self): """ get a menu item and append it under file menu of the application add load file menu item and load folder item """ # menu for data files data_file_hint = "load one or more data in the application" menu_list = [('&Load Data File(s)', data_file_hint, self.load_data)] gui_style = self.parent.get_style() style = gui_style & GUIFRAME.MULTIPLE_APPLICATIONS if style == GUIFRAME.MULTIPLE_APPLICATIONS: # menu for data from folder data_folder_hint = "load multiple data in the application" menu_list.append(('&Load Data Folder', data_folder_hint, self._load_folder)) return menu_list
[docs] def load_data(self, event): """ Load data """ path = None self._default_save_location = self.parent._default_save_location if self._default_save_location is None: self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() cards = self.loader.get_wildcards() temp = [APPLICATION_WLIST] + PLUGINS_WLIST for item in temp: if item in cards: cards.remove(item) wlist = '|'.join(cards) style = wx.OPEN | wx.FD_MULTIPLE dlg = wx.FileDialog(self.parent, "Choose a file", self._default_save_location, "", wlist, style=style) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: file_list = dlg.GetPaths() if len(file_list) >= 0 and file_list[0] is not None: self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(file_list[0]) path = self._default_save_location dlg.Destroy() if path is None or not file_list or file_list[0] is None: return self.parent._default_save_location = self._default_save_location self.get_data(file_list)
[docs] def can_load_data(self): """ if return True, then call handler to load data """ return True
def _load_folder(self, event): """ Load entire folder """ path = None self._default_save_location = self.parent._default_save_location if self._default_save_location is None: self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() dlg = wx.DirDialog(self.parent, "Choose a directory", self._default_save_location, style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self._default_save_location = path dlg.Destroy() if path is not None: self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) else: return file_list = self.get_file_path(path) self.get_data(file_list) self.parent._default_save_location = self._default_save_location
[docs] def load_error(self, error=None): """ Pop up an error message. :param error: details error message to be displayed """ if error is not None or str(error).strip() != "": dial = wx.MessageDialog(self.parent, str(error), 'Error Loading File', wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) dial.ShowModal()
[docs] def get_file_path(self, path): """ Receive a list containing folder then return a list of file """ if os.path.isdir(path): return [os.path.join(os.path.abspath(path), filename) for filename in os.listdir(path)]
def _process_data_and_errors(self, item, p_file, output, message): """ Check to see if data set loaded with any errors. If so, append to error message to be sure user knows the issue. """ data_error = False if hasattr(item, 'errors'): for error_data in item.errors: data_error = True message += "\tError: {0}\n".format(error_data) else: logger.error("Loader returned an invalid object:\n %s" % str(item)) data_error = True data = self.parent.create_gui_data(item, p_file) output[] = data return output, message, data_error
[docs] def get_data(self, path, format=None): """ """ file_errors = {} output = {} exception_occurred = False for p_file in path: basename = os.path.basename(p_file) # Skip files that start with a period if basename.startswith("."): msg = "The folder included a potential hidden file - %s." \ % basename msg += " Do you wish to load this file as data?" msg_box = wx.MessageDialog(None, msg, 'Warning', wx.OK | wx.CANCEL) if msg_box.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: continue _, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) if extension.lower() in EXTENSIONS: log_msg = "Data Loader cannot " log_msg += "load: {}\n".format(str(p_file)) log_msg += "Please try to open that file from \"open project\"" log_msg += "or \"open analysis\" menu." file_errors[basename] = [log_msg] continue try: message = "Loading {}...\n".format(p_file) self.load_update(message=message, info="info") temp = self.loader.load(p_file, format) if not isinstance(temp, list): temp = [temp] for item in temp: error_message = "" output, error_message, data_error = \ self._process_data_and_errors(item, p_file, output, error_message) if data_error: if basename in file_errors.keys(): file_errors[basename] += [error_message] else: file_errors[basename] = [error_message] self.load_update(message="Loaded {}\n".format(p_file), info="info") except NoKnownLoaderException as e: exception_occurred = True error_message = "Loading data failed!\n" + e.message file_errors[basename] = [error_message] except Exception as e: exception_occurred = True file_err = "The Data file you selected could not be " file_err += "loaded.\nMake sure the content of your file" file_err += " is properly formatted.\n" file_err += "When contacting the SasView team, mention the" file_err += " following:\n" file_err += e.message file_errors[basename] = [file_err] if len(file_errors) > 0: error_message = "" for filename, error_array in file_errors.iteritems(): error_message += "The following issues were found whilst " error_message += "loading {}:\n".format(filename) for message in error_array: error_message += message + "\n" error_message = error_message[:-1] self.load_complete(output=output, message=error_message, info="error") elif not exception_occurred: # Everything loaded as expected self.load_complete(output=output, message="Loading data complete!", info="info")
[docs] def load_update(self, message="", info="warning"): """ print update on the status bar """ if message != "": wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=message, info=info, type="progress"))
[docs] def load_complete(self, output, message="", info="warning"): """ post message to status bar and return list of data """ wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=message, info=info, type="stop")) if output is not None: self.parent.add_data(data_list=output)