Source code for sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.ComplexConstraint

Widget for multi-model constraints.
import os

# numpy methods required for the validator! Don't remove.
# pylint: disable=unused-import,unused-wildcard-import,redefined-builtin
from numpy import *

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
import webbrowser

from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting import FittingUtilities
import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils
from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.Constraint import Constraint

#ALLOWED_OPERATORS = ['=','<','>','>=','<=']

# Local UI
from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.UI.ComplexConstraintUI import Ui_ComplexConstraintUI

[docs]class ComplexConstraint(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_ComplexConstraintUI): constraintReadySignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(tuple) def __init__(self, parent=None, tabs=None): super(ComplexConstraint, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.setModal(True) # disable the context help icon windowFlags = self.windowFlags() self.setWindowFlags(windowFlags & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) # Useful globals self.tabs = tabs self.params = None self.tab_names = None self.operator = '=' self._constraint = Constraint() self.all_menu = None self.parent = parent self.warning = self.lblWarning.text() self.setupData() self.setupSignals() self.setupWidgets() self.setupTooltip() # Default focus is on OK self.cmdOK.setFocus()
[docs] def setupData(self): """ Digs into self.tabs and pulls out relevant info """ self.tab_names = [ for tab in self.tabs] self.params = [tab.getParamNames() for tab in self.tabs]
[docs] def setupSignals(self): """ Signals from various elements """ self.cmdOK.clicked.connect(self.onApply) self.cmdHelp.clicked.connect(self.onHelp) self.cmdAddAll.clicked.connect(self.onSetAll) self.txtConstraint.editingFinished.connect(self.validateFormula) self.cbModel1.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onModelIndexChange) self.cbModel2.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onModelIndexChange) self.cbParam1.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onParamIndexChange) self.cbParam2.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onParamIndexChange) self.cbOperator.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onOperatorChange)
[docs] def setupWidgets(self): """ Setup widgets based on current parameters """ self.cbModel1.insertItems(0, self.tab_names) self.cbModel2.insertItems(0, self.tab_names) self.setupParamWidgets() self.setupMenu()
[docs] def setupMenu(self): # Show Add All button, if necessary if self.cbModel1.currentText() ==self.cbModel2.currentText(): self.cmdAddAll.setVisible(False) else: self.cmdAddAll.setVisible(True) return
[docs] def setupParamWidgets(self): """ Fill out comboboxes and set labels with non-constrained parameters """ self.cbParam1.clear() tab_index1 = self.cbModel1.currentIndex() items1 = [param for param in self.params[tab_index1] if not self.tabs[tab_index1].paramHasConstraint(param)] self.cbParam1.addItems(items1) # M2 doesn't have to be non-constrained self.cbParam2.clear() tab_index2 = self.cbModel2.currentIndex() items2 = [param for param in self.params[tab_index2]] self.cbParam2.addItems(items2) self.txtParam.setText(self.tab_names[tab_index1] + ":" + self.cbParam1.currentText()) self.cbOperator.clear() self.cbOperator.addItems(ALLOWED_OPERATORS) self.txtOperator.setText(self.cbOperator.currentText()) self.txtConstraint.setText(self.tab_names[tab_index2]+"."+self.cbParam2.currentText()) # disable Apply if no parameters available if len(items1)==0: self.cmdOK.setEnabled(False) self.cmdAddAll.setEnabled(False) txt = "No parameters in model "+self.tab_names[0] +\ " are available for constraining." self.lblWarning.setText(txt) else: self.cmdOK.setEnabled(True) self.cmdAddAll.setEnabled(True) txt = "" self.lblWarning.setText(txt)
[docs] def setupTooltip(self): """ Tooltip for txtConstraint """ p1 = self.tab_names[0] + ":" + self.cbParam1.currentText() p2 = self.tab_names[1]+"."+self.cbParam2.currentText() tooltip = "E.g.\n%s = 2.0 * (%s)\n" %(p1, p2) tooltip += "%s = sqrt(%s) + 5"%(p1, p2) self.txtConstraint.setToolTip(tooltip)
[docs] def onParamIndexChange(self, index): """ Respond to parameter combo box changes """ # Find out the signal source source = self.sender().objectName() param1 = self.cbParam1.currentText() param2 = self.cbParam2.currentText() if source == "cbParam1": self.txtParam.setText(self.cbModel1.currentText() + ":" + param1) else: self.txtConstraint.setText(self.cbModel2.currentText() + "." + param2) # Check if any of the parameters are polydisperse params_list = [param1, param2] all_pars = [tab.model_parameters for tab in self.tabs] is2Ds = [tab.is2D for tab in self.tabs] txt = "" for pars, is2D in zip(all_pars, is2Ds): if any([FittingUtilities.isParamPolydisperse(p, pars, is2D) for p in params_list]): # no parameters are pd - reset the text to not show the warning txt = self.warning self.lblWarning.setText(txt)
[docs] def onModelIndexChange(self, index): """ Respond to mode combo box changes """ # disable/enable Add All self.setupMenu() # Reload parameters self.setupParamWidgets()
[docs] def onOperatorChange(self, index): """ Respond to operator combo box changes """ self.txtOperator.setText(self.cbOperator.currentText())
[docs] def validateFormula(self): """ Add visual cues when formula is incorrect """ # temporarily disable validation return # formula_is_valid = self.validateConstraint(self.txtConstraint.text()) if not formula_is_valid: self.cmdOK.setEnabled(False) self.cmdAddAll.setEnabled(False) self.txtConstraint.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {background-color: red;}") else: self.cmdOK.setEnabled(True) self.cmdAddAll.setEnabled(True) self.txtConstraint.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {background-color: white;}")
[docs] def validateConstraint(self, constraint_text): """ Ensure the constraint has proper form """ # 0. none or empty if not constraint_text or not isinstance(constraint_text, str): return False # M1.scale --> model_str='M1', constraint_text='scale' param_str = self.cbParam2.currentText() constraint_text = constraint_text.strip() model_str = self.cbModel2.currentText() # 0. Has to contain the model name if model_str != model_str: return False # Remove model name from constraint constraint_text = constraint_text.replace(model_str+".",'') # 1. just the parameter if param_str == constraint_text: return True # 2. ensure the text contains parameter name parameter_string_start = constraint_text.find(param_str) if parameter_string_start < 0: return False # 3. replace parameter name with "1" and try to evaluate the expression try: expression_to_evaluate = constraint_text.replace(param_str, "1.0") eval(expression_to_evaluate) except Exception: # Too many cases to cover individually, just a blanket # Exception should be sufficient # Note that in current numpy things like sqrt(-1) don't # raise but just return warnings return False return True
[docs] def constraint(self): """ Return the generated constraint """ param = self.cbParam1.currentText() value = self.cbParam2.currentText() func = self.txtConstraint.text() value_ex = self.cbModel2.currentText() + "." + self.cbParam2.currentText() model1 = self.cbModel1.currentText() operator = self.cbOperator.currentText() con = Constraint(self, param=param, value=value, func=func, value_ex=value_ex, operator=operator) return (model1, con)
[docs] def onApply(self): """ Respond to Add constraint action. Send a signal that the constraint is ready to be applied """ cons_tuple = self.constraint() self.constraintReadySignal.emit(cons_tuple) # reload the comboboxes self.setupParamWidgets()
[docs] def onSetAll(self): """ Set constraints on all identically named parameters between two fitpages """ # loop over parameters in constrained model index1 = self.cbModel1.currentIndex() index2 = self.cbModel2.currentIndex() items1 = [param for param in self.params[index1] if not self.tabs[index1].paramHasConstraint(param)] items2 = self.params[index2] for item in items1: if item not in items2: continue param = item value = item func = self.cbModel2.currentText() + "." + param value_ex = self.cbModel1.currentText() + "." + param model1 = self.cbModel1.currentText() operator = self.cbOperator.currentText() con = Constraint(self, param=param, value=value, func=func, value_ex=value_ex, operator=operator) self.constraintReadySignal.emit((model1, con)) # reload the comboboxes self.setupParamWidgets()
[docs] def onHelp(self): """ Display related help section """ tree_location = "/user/qtgui/Perspectives/Fitting/" helpfile = "fitting_help.html#simultaneous-fits-with-constraints" help_location = tree_location + helpfile self.parent.parent.parent.showHelp(help_location)