Source code for sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.SmearingWidget

Widget/logic for smearing data.
import copy
import numpy as np
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

from import smear_selection
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D
import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils

# Local UI
from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.UI.SmearingWidgetUI import Ui_SmearingWidgetUI

[docs]class DataWidgetMapper(QtWidgets.QDataWidgetMapper): """ Custom version of the standard QDataWidgetMapper allowing for proper response to index change in comboboxes """
[docs] def addMapping(self, widget, section, propertyName=None): if propertyName is None: super(DataWidgetMapper, self).addMapping(widget, section) else: super(DataWidgetMapper, self).addMapping(widget, section, propertyName) if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QComboBox): delegate = self.itemDelegate() widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(lambda: delegate.commitData.emit(widget))
SMEARING_1D = ["Custom Pinhole Smear", "Custom Slit Smear"] SMEARING_2D = ["Custom Pinhole Smear"] SMEARING_QD = "Use dQ Data" MODEL = [ 'SMEARING', 'PINHOLE_MIN', 'PINHOLE_MAX', 'ACCURACY'] ACCURACY_DICT={'Low': 'low', 'Medium': 'med', 'High': 'high', 'Extra high': 'xhigh'} DEFAULT_PINHOLE_UP=0.0 DEFAULT_PINHOLE_DOWN=0.0
[docs]class SmearingWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget, Ui_SmearingWidgetUI): smearingChangedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(SmearingWidget, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) # Local model for holding data self.model = None # Mapper for model update self.mapper = None # Data from the widget = None self.current_smearer = None self.kernel_model = None # dQ data variables self.smear_type = None self.dq_l = None self.dq_r = None # current pinhole/slot values self.pinhole = 0.0 self.slit_height = 0.0 self.slit_width = 0.0 # Let only floats in the line edits self.txtSmearDown.setValidator(GuiUtils.DoubleValidator()) self.txtSmearUp.setValidator(GuiUtils.DoubleValidator()) # Attach slots self.cbSmearing.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onIndexChange) self.cbSmearing.setCurrentIndex(0) self.txtSmearUp.setText(str(DEFAULT_PINHOLE_UP)) self.txtSmearDown.setText(str(DEFAULT_PINHOLE_DOWN)) self.initModel() self.initMapper()
[docs] def initModel(self): """ Initialize the state """ self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() for model_item in range(len(MODEL)): self.model.setItem(model_item, QtGui.QStandardItem()) # Attach slot self.model.dataChanged.connect(self.onModelChange)
[docs] def initMapper(self): """ Initialize model item <-> UI element mapping """ self.mapper = DataWidgetMapper(self) self.mapper.setModel(self.model) self.mapper.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) self.mapper.addMapping(self.txtSmearUp, MODEL.index('PINHOLE_MIN')) self.mapper.addMapping(self.txtSmearDown, MODEL.index('PINHOLE_MAX')) self.mapper.addMapping(self.cbAccuracy, MODEL.index('ACCURACY')) self.mapper.toFirst()
[docs] def updateData(self, data=None): """ Update control elements based on data and model passed """ self.cbSmearing.clear() self.cbSmearing.addItem("None") self.gAccuracy.setVisible(False) = data if data is None: self.setElementsVisibility(False) model = self.kernel_model self.updateKernelModel(model, keep_order = True)
[docs] def updateKernelModel(self, kernel_model=None, keep_order=False): """ Update the model """ self.kernel_model = kernel_model # keep the original cbSmearing value, if already set index_to_show = self.cbSmearing.currentIndex() self.cbSmearing.blockSignals(True) self.cbSmearing.clear() self.cbSmearing.addItem("None") if is None: self.setElementsVisibility(False) return # Find out if data has dQ (self.smear_type, self.dq_l, self.dq_r) = self.getSmearInfo() if self.smear_type is not None: self.cbSmearing.addItem(SMEARING_QD) index_to_show = 1 if keep_order else index_to_show if self.kernel_model is None: # No model definend yet - just use data file smearing, if any self.cbSmearing.blockSignals(False) self.cbSmearing.setCurrentIndex(index_to_show) return if isinstance(, Data1D): self.cbSmearing.addItems(SMEARING_1D) else: self.cbSmearing.addItems(SMEARING_2D) self.cbSmearing.blockSignals(False) self.cbSmearing.setCurrentIndex(index_to_show)
[docs] def smearer(self): """ Returns the current smearer """ return self.current_smearer
[docs] def onIndexChange(self, index): """ Callback for smearing combobox index change """ text = self.cbSmearing.currentText() if text == 'None': self.setElementsVisibility(False) self.current_smearer = None elif text == "Use dQ Data": self.setElementsVisibility(True) self.setDQLabels() if self.smear_type == "Pinhole": self.onPinholeSmear() else: self.onSlitSmear() elif text == "Custom Pinhole Smear": self.setElementsVisibility(True) self.setPinholeLabels() self.onPinholeSmear() elif text == "Custom Slit Smear": self.setElementsVisibility(True) self.setSlitLabels() self.onSlitSmear() self.smearingChangedSignal.emit()
[docs] def onModelChange(self): """ Respond to model change by notifying any listeners """ # Recalculate the smearing index = self.cbSmearing.currentIndex() # update the backup values based on model choice smearing, accuracy, d_down, d_up = self.state() # don't save the state if dQ Data if smearing == "Custom Pinhole Smear": self.pinhole = d_up self.accuracy = accuracy elif smearing == 'Custom Slit Smear': self.slit_height = d_down self.slit_width = d_up self.onIndexChange(index)
[docs] def setElementsVisibility(self, visible): """ Labels and linedits visibility control """ self.lblSmearDown.setVisible(visible) self.lblSmearUp.setVisible(visible) self.txtSmearDown.setVisible(visible) self.txtSmearUp.setVisible(visible) self.lblUnitUp.setVisible(visible) self.lblUnitDown.setVisible(visible) self.setAccuracyVisibility()
[docs] def setAccuracyVisibility(self): """ Accuracy combobox visibility """ if isinstance(, Data2D) and self.cbSmearing.currentIndex() == 1: self.gAccuracy.setVisible(True) else: self.gAccuracy.setVisible(False)
[docs] def setPinholeLabels(self): """ Use pinhole labels """ self.txtSmearDown.setVisible(False) self.lblSmearDown.setText('') self.lblUnitDown.setText('') if isinstance(, Data2D): self.lblUnitUp.setText('<html><head/><body><p>Å<span style=" vertical-align:super;">-1</span></p></body></html>') self.lblSmearUp.setText('<html><head/><body><p>&lt;dQ<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">low</span>&gt;</p></body></html>') else: self.lblSmearUp.setText('<html><head/><body><p>dQ/Q</p></body></html>') self.lblUnitUp.setText('%') self.txtSmearUp.setText(str(self.pinhole)) self.txtSmearDown.setEnabled(True) self.txtSmearUp.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def setSlitLabels(self): """ Use pinhole labels """ self.lblSmearUp.setText('Slit height') self.lblSmearDown.setText('Slit width') self.lblUnitUp.setText('<html><head/><body><p>Å<span style=" vertical-align:super;">-1</span></p></body></html>') self.lblUnitDown.setText('<html><head/><body><p>Å<span style=" vertical-align:super;">-1</span></p></body></html>') self.txtSmearDown.setText(str(self.slit_height)) self.txtSmearUp.setText(str(self.slit_width)) self.txtSmearDown.setEnabled(True) self.txtSmearUp.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def setDQLabels(self): """ Use appropriate labels """ if self.smear_type == "Pinhole": text_down = '<html><head/><body><p>[dQ/Q]<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">max</span></p></body></html>' text_up = '<html><head/><body><p>[dQ/Q]<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">min</span></p></body></html>' text_unit = '%' elif self.smear_type == "Slit": text_down = '<html><head/><body><p>Slit width</p></body></html>' text_up = '<html><head/><body><p>Slit height</p></body></html>' text_unit = '<html><head/><body><p>Å<span style=" vertical-align:super;">-1</span></p></body></html>' else: text_unit = '%' text_up = '<html><head/><body><p>&lsaquo;dQ/Q&rsaquo;<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">r</span></p></body></html>' text_down = '<html><head/><body><p>&lsaquo;dQ/Q&rsaquo;<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">&phi;</span></p></body></html>' self.lblSmearDown.setText(text_down) self.lblSmearUp.setText(text_up) self.lblUnitUp.setText(text_unit) self.lblUnitDown.setText(text_unit) self.txtSmearDown.setText(str(self.dq_r)) self.txtSmearUp.setText(str(self.dq_l)) self.txtSmearDown.setEnabled(False) self.txtSmearUp.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def state(self): """ Returns current state of controls """ smearing = self.cbSmearing.currentText() accuracy = "" d_down = None d_up = None if smearing != "None": accuracy = str(self.model.item(MODEL.index('ACCURACY')).text()) try: d_down = float(self.txtSmearDown.text()) except ValueError: d_down = 0.0 try: d_up = float(self.txtSmearUp.text()) except ValueError: d_up = 0.0 return (smearing, accuracy, d_down, d_up)
[docs] def setState(self, smearing, accuracy, d_down, d_up): """ Sets new values for the controls """ # Update the model -> controls update automatically if accuracy is not None: self.model.item(MODEL.index('ACCURACY')).setText(accuracy) if d_down is not None: self.model.item(MODEL.index('PINHOLE_MIN')).setText(d_down) if d_up is not None: self.model.item(MODEL.index('PINHOLE_MAX')).setText(d_up)
[docs] def onPinholeSmear(self): """ Create a custom pinhole smear object that will change the way residuals are compute when fitting """ _, accuracy, _, d_percent = self.state() self.pinhole = d_percent if d_percent is None or d_percent == 0.0: self.current_smearer = None return percent = d_percent/100.0 # copy data data = copy.deepcopy( if isinstance(, Data2D): len_data = len( data.dqx_data = np.zeros(len_data) data.dqy_data = np.zeros(len_data) data.dqx_data[data.dqx_data == 0] = percent * data.qx_data data.dqy_data[data.dqy_data == 0] = percent * data.qy_data q = np.sqrt(data.qx_data**2 + data.qy_data**2) data.dx_data = data.dqy_data = percent*q else: len_data = len(data.x) data.dx = np.zeros(len_data) data.dx = percent * data.x data.dxl = None data.dxw = None self.current_smearer = smear_selection(data, self.kernel_model) # need to set accuracy for 2D if isinstance(, Data2D): backend_accuracy = ACCURACY_DICT.get(accuracy) if backend_accuracy: self.current_smearer.set_accuracy(accuracy=backend_accuracy)
[docs] def onSlitSmear(self): """ Create a custom slit smear object that will change the way residuals are compute when fitting """ _, accuracy, d_width, d_height = self.state() # Check changes in slit width if d_width is None: d_width = 0.0 if d_height is None: d_height = 0.0 self.slit_width = d_width self.slit_height = d_height if isinstance(, Data2D): self.current_smearer = smear_selection(, self.kernel_model) return # make sure once more if it is smearer data = copy.deepcopy( data_len = len(data.x) data.dx = None data.dxl = None data.dxw = None try: self.dxl = d_height data.dxl = self.dxl * np.ones(data_len) except: self.dxl = None data.dxl = np.zeros(data_len) try: self.dxw = d_width data.dxw = self.dxw * np.ones(data_len) except: self.dxw = None data.dxw = np.zeros(data_len) self.current_smearer = smear_selection(data, self.kernel_model)
[docs] def getSmearInfo(self): """ Get the smear info from data. :return: self.smear_type, self.dq_l and self.dq_r, respectively the type of the smear, the average <dq/q> radial(p) and <dq/q> theta (s)s for 2D pinhole resolution in % (slit is not currently supported in 2D), (dq/q)_min and (dq/q)_max for 1D pinhole smeared data, again in %, and dxl and/or dxw for slit smeared data given in 1/A and assumed constant. """ # default smear_type = None dq_l = None dq_r = None data = if is None: return smear_type, dq_l, dq_r # First check if data is 2D # If so check that data set has smearing info and that none are zero. # Otherwise no smearing can be applied using smear from data (a Gaussian # width of zero will cause a divide by zero error) elif isinstance(data, Data2D): if data.dqx_data is None or data.dqy_data is None: return smear_type, dq_l, dq_r elif data.dqx_data.any() != 0 and data.dqy_data.any() != 0: smear_type = "Pinhole2d" dq_l = GuiUtils.formatNumber(np.average(data.dqx_data/np.abs(data.qx_data))*100., high=True) dq_r = GuiUtils.formatNumber(np.average(data.dqy_data/np.abs(data.qy_data))*100., high=True) return smear_type, dq_l, dq_r else: return smear_type, dq_l, dq_r # check if it is pinhole smear and get min max if it is. if data.dx is not None and np.all(data.dx): smear_type = "Pinhole" dq_r = GuiUtils.formatNumber(data.dx[0]/data.x[0] *100., high=True) dq_l = GuiUtils.formatNumber(data.dx[-1]/data.x[-1] *100., high=True) # check if it is slit smear and get min max if it is. elif data.dxl is not None or data.dxw is not None: smear_type = "Slit" if data.dxl is not None and np.all(data.dxl, 0): dq_l = GuiUtils.formatNumber(data.dxl[0]) if data.dxw is not None and np.all(data.dxw, 0): dq_r = GuiUtils.formatNumber(data.dxw[0]) return smear_type, dq_l, dq_r