Source code for sas.qtgui.Utilities.GridPanel

import os
import sys
import time
import logging
import webbrowser

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui

import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D
from sas.qtgui.Utilities.UI.GridPanelUI import Ui_GridPanelUI

[docs]class BatchOutputPanel(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_GridPanelUI): """ Class for stateless grid-like printout of model parameters for mutiple models """ ERROR_COLUMN_CAPTION = " (Err)" IS_WIN = (sys.platform == 'win32') windowClosedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent = None, output_data=None): super(BatchOutputPanel, self).__init__(parent._parent) self.setupUi(self) self.parent = parent if hasattr(self.parent, "communicate"): self.communicate = parent.communicate self.addToolbarActions() # file name for the dataset self.grid_filename = "" self.has_data = False if output_data is None else True # Tab numbering self.tab_number = 1 # save state self.data_dict = {} # System dependent menu items if not self.IS_WIN: self.actionOpen_with_Excel.setVisible(False) # list of QTableWidgets, indexed by tab number self.tables = [] self.tables.append(self.tblParams) # context menu on the table self.tblParams.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tblParams.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.showContextMenu) # Command buttons self.cmdHelp.clicked.connect(self.onHelp) self.cmdPlot.clicked.connect(self.onPlot) # Fill in the table from input data self.setupTable(widget=self.tblParams, data=output_data) if output_data is not None: # Set a table tooltip describing the model model_name = output_data[0][0] self.tabWidget.setTabToolTip(0, model_name)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """ Overwrite QDialog close method to allow for custom widget close """ # notify the parent so it hides this window self.windowClosedSignal.emit() event.ignore()
[docs] def addToolbarActions(self): """ Assing actions and callbacks to the File menu items """ self.actionOpen.triggered.connect(self.actionLoadData) self.actionOpen_with_Excel.triggered.connect(self.actionSendToExcel) self.actionSave.triggered.connect(self.actionSaveFile)
[docs] def actionLoadData(self): """ Open file load dialog and load a .csv file """ datafile = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Choose a file with results", "", "CSV files (*.csv)", None, QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog)[0] if not datafile:"No data file chosen.") return with open(datafile, 'r') as csv_file: lines = csv_file.readlines() self.setupTableFromCSV(lines) self.has_data = True
[docs] def currentTable(self): """ Returns the currently shown QTabWidget """ return self.tables[self.tabWidget.currentIndex()]
[docs] def showContextMenu(self, position): """ Show context specific menu in the tab table widget. """ menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() rows = [s.row() for s in self.currentTable().selectionModel().selectedRows()] num_rows = len(rows) if num_rows <= 0: return # Find out which items got selected and in which row # Select for fitting self.actionPlotResults = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionPlotResults.setObjectName("actionPlot") self.actionPlotResults.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Plot selected fits.")) menu.addAction(self.actionPlotResults) # Define the callbacks self.actionPlotResults.triggered.connect(self.onPlot) try: menu.exec_(self.currentTable().viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) except AttributeError as ex: logging.error("Error generating context menu: %s" % ex) return
[docs] def addTabPage(self, name=None): """ Add new tab page with QTableWidget """ layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() tab_widget = QtWidgets.QTableWidget(parent=self) # Same behaviour as the original tblParams tab_widget.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) tab_widget.setAlternatingRowColors(True) tab_widget.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) tab_widget.setLayout(layout) # Simple naming here. # One would think naming the tab with current model name would be good. # However, some models have LONG names, which doesn't look well on the tab bar. self.tab_number += 1 if name is not None: tab_name = name else: tab_name = "Tab " + str(self.tab_number) # each table needs separate slots. tab_widget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.showContextMenu) self.tables.append(tab_widget) self.tabWidget.addTab(tab_widget, tab_name) # Make the new tab active self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.tab_number-1)
[docs] def addFitResults(self, results): """ Create a new tab with batch fitting results """ # pull out page name from results page_name = None if len(results)>=2: if isinstance(results[-1], str): page_name = results[-1] _ = results.pop(-1) if self.has_data: self.addTabPage(name=page_name) else: self.tabWidget.setTabText(0, page_name) # Update the new widget # Fill in the table from input data in the last/newest page assert(self.tables) self.setupTable(widget=self.tables[-1], data=results) self.has_data = True # Set a table tooltip describing the model model_name = results[0][0] self.tabWidget.setTabToolTip(self.tabWidget.count()-1, model_name) self.data_dict[page_name] = results
[docs] @classmethod def onHelp(cls): """ Open a local url in the default browser """ url = "/user/qtgui/Perspectives/Fitting/fitting_help.html#batch-fit-mode" GuiUtils.showHelp(url)
[docs] def onPlot(self): """ Plot selected fits by sending signal to the parent """ rows = [s.row() for s in self.currentTable().selectionModel().selectedRows()] if not rows: msg = "Nothing to plot!" self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(msg) return data = self.dataFromTable(self.currentTable()) # data['Data'] -> ['filename1', 'filename2', ...] # look for the 'Data' column and extract the filename for row in rows: try: filename = data['Data'][row] # emit a signal so the plots are being shown self.communicate.plotFromFilenameSignal.emit(filename) except (IndexError, AttributeError): # data messed up. return
[docs] @classmethod def dataFromTable(cls, table): """ Creates a dictionary {<parameter>:[list of values]} from the parameter table """ assert(isinstance(table, QtWidgets.QTableWidget)) params = {} for column in range(table.columnCount()): value = [table.item(row, column).data(0) for row in range(table.rowCount())] key = table.horizontalHeaderItem(column).data(0) params[key] = value return params
[docs] def actionSendToExcel(self): """ Generates a .csv file and opens the default CSV reader """ if not self.grid_filename: import tempfile tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="w+", suffix=".csv") self.grid_filename = data = self.dataFromTable(self.currentTable()) t = time.localtime(time.time()) time_str = time.strftime("%b %d %H:%M of %Y", t) details = "File Generated by SasView " details += "on %s.\n" % time_str self.writeBatchToFile(data=data, tmpfile=tmpfile, details=details) tmpfile.close() try: from win32com.client import Dispatch excel_app = Dispatch('Excel.Application') excel_app.Workbooks.Open(self.grid_filename) excel_app.Visible = 1 except Exception as ex: msg = "Error occured when calling Excel.\n" msg += ex self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(msg)
[docs] def actionSaveFile(self): """ Generate a .csv file and dump it do disk """ t = time.localtime(time.time()) time_str = time.strftime("%b %d %H %M of %Y", t) default_name = "Batch_Fitting_"+time_str+".csv" wildcard = "CSV files (*.csv);;" kwargs = { 'caption' : 'Save As', 'directory' : default_name, 'filter' : wildcard, 'parent' : None, } # Query user for filename. filename_tuple = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(**kwargs) filename = filename_tuple[0] # User cancelled. if not filename: return data = self.dataFromTable(self.currentTable()) details = "File generated by SasView\n" with open(filename, 'w') as csv_file: self.writeBatchToFile(data=data, tmpfile=csv_file, details=details)
[docs] def setupTableFromCSV(self, csv_data): """ Create tablewidget items and show them, based on params """ # Is this an empty grid? if self.has_data: # Add a new page self.addTabPage() # Access the newly created QTableWidget current_page = self.tables[-1] else: current_page = self.tblParams # headers param_list = csv_data[1].rstrip().split(',') # need to remove the 2 header rows to get the total data row number rows = len(csv_data) -2 assert(rows > -1) columns = len(param_list) current_page.setColumnCount(columns) current_page.setRowCount(rows) for i, param in enumerate(param_list): current_page.setHorizontalHeaderItem(i, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(param)) # first - Chi2 and data filename for i_row, row in enumerate(csv_data[2:]): for i_col, col in enumerate(row.rstrip().split(',')): current_page.setItem(i_row, i_col, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(col)) current_page.resizeColumnsToContents()
[docs] def setupTable(self, widget=None, data=None): """ Create tablewidget items and show them, based on params """ # quietly leave is nothing to show if data is None or widget is None: return # Figure out the headers model = data[0][0] disperse_params = list(model.model.dispersion.keys()) magnetic_params = model.model.magnetic_params optimized_params = model.param_list # Create the main parameter list param_list = [m for m in model.model.params.keys() if (m not in model.model.magnetic_params and ".width" not in m)] # add fitted polydisp parameters param_list += [m+".width" for m in disperse_params if m+".width" in optimized_params] # add fitted magnetic params param_list += [m for m in magnetic_params if m in optimized_params] # Check if 2D model. If not, remove theta/phi if isinstance(, Data1D): if 'theta' in param_list: param_list.remove('theta') if 'phi' in param_list: param_list.remove('phi') rows = len(data) columns = len(param_list) widget.setColumnCount(columns+2) # add 2 initial columns defined below widget.setRowCount(rows) # Insert two additional columns param_list.insert(0, "Data") param_list.insert(0, "Chi2") for i, param in enumerate(param_list): widget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(i, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(param)) # dictionary of parameter errors for post-processing # [param_name] = [param_column_nr, error_for_row_1, error_for_row_2,...] error_columns = {} # first - Chi2 and data filename for i_row, row in enumerate(data): # each row corresponds to a single fit chi2 = row[0].fitness filename = "" if hasattr(row[0].data, "sas_data"): filename = row[0].data.sas_data.filename widget.setItem(i_row, 0, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(GuiUtils.formatNumber(chi2, high=True))) widget.setItem(i_row, 1, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(filename))) # Now, all the parameters for i_col, param in enumerate(param_list[2:]): if param in row[0].param_list: # parameter is on the to-optimize list - get the optimized value par_value = row[0].pvec[row[0].param_list.index(param)] # parse out errors and store them for later use err_value = row[0].stderr[row[0].param_list.index(param)] if param in error_columns: error_columns[param].append(err_value) else: error_columns[param] = [i_col, err_value] else: # parameter was not varied par_value = row[0].model.params[param] widget.setItem(i_row, i_col+2, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( GuiUtils.formatNumber(par_value, high=True))) # Add errors error_list = list(error_columns.keys()) for error_param in error_list[::-1]: # must be reverse to keep column indices # the offset for the err column: +2 from the first two extra columns, +1 to append this column error_column = error_columns[error_param][0]+3 error_values = error_columns[error_param][1:] widget.insertColumn(error_column) column_name = error_param + self.ERROR_COLUMN_CAPTION widget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(error_column, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(column_name)) for i_row, error in enumerate(error_values): item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(GuiUtils.formatNumber(error, high=True)) # Fancy, italic font for errors font = QtGui.QFont() font.setItalic(True) item.setFont(font) widget.setItem(i_row, error_column, item) # resize content widget.resizeColumnsToContents()
[docs] @classmethod def writeBatchToFile(cls, data, tmpfile, details=""): """ Helper to write result from batch into cvs file """ name = if data is None or name is None or name.strip() == "": return _, ext = os.path.splitext(name) separator = "\t" if ext.lower() == ".csv": separator = "," tmpfile.write(details) for col_name in data.keys(): tmpfile.write(col_name) tmpfile.write(separator) tmpfile.write('\n') max_list = [len(value) for value in data.values()] if len(max_list) == 0: return max_index = max(max_list) index = 0 while index < max_index: for value_list in data.values(): if index < len(value_list): tmpfile.write(str(value_list[index])) tmpfile.write(separator) else: tmpfile.write('') tmpfile.write(separator) tmpfile.write('\n') index += 1
[docs]class BatchInversionOutputPanel(BatchOutputPanel): """ Class for stateless grid-like printout of P(r) parameters for any number of data sets """ def __init__(self, parent = None, output_data=None): super(BatchInversionOutputPanel, self).__init__(parent._parent, output_data) _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate self.setWindowTitle(_translate("GridPanelUI", "Batch P(r) Results"))
[docs] def setupTable(self, widget=None, data=None): """ Create tablewidget items and show them, based on params """ # headers param_list = ['Filename', 'Rg [Å]', 'Chi^2/dof', 'I(Q=0)', 'Oscillations', 'Background [Å^-1]', 'P+ Fraction', 'P+1-theta Fraction', 'Calc. Time [sec]'] if data is None: return keys = data.keys() rows = len(keys) columns = len(param_list) self.tblParams.setColumnCount(columns) self.tblParams.setRowCount(rows) for i, param in enumerate(param_list): self.tblParams.setHorizontalHeaderItem(i, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(param)) # first - Chi2 and data filename for i_row, (filename, pr) in enumerate(data.items()): out = pr.out cov = pr.cov if out is None: logging.warning("P(r) for {} did not converge.".format(filename)) continue self.tblParams.setItem(i_row, 0, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "{}".format(filename))) self.tblParams.setItem(i_row, 1, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "{:.3g}".format(pr.rg(out)))) self.tblParams.setItem(i_row, 2, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "{:.3g}".format(pr.chi2[0]))) self.tblParams.setItem(i_row, 3, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "{:.3g}".format(pr.iq0(out)))) self.tblParams.setItem(i_row, 4, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "{:.3g}".format(pr.oscillations(out)))) self.tblParams.setItem(i_row, 5, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "{:.3g}".format(pr.background))) self.tblParams.setItem(i_row, 6, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "{:.3g}".format(pr.get_positive(out)))) self.tblParams.setItem(i_row, 7, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "{:.3g}".format(pr.get_pos_err(out, cov)))) self.tblParams.setItem(i_row, 8, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "{:.2g}".format(pr.elapsed))) self.tblParams.resizeColumnsToContents()
[docs] @classmethod def onHelp(cls): """ Open a local url in the default browser """ location = GuiUtils.HELP_DIRECTORY_LOCATION url = "/user/qtgui/Perspectives/Fitting/fitting_help.html#batch-fit-mode" try:'file://' + os.path.realpath(location + url)) except webbrowser.Error as ex: logging.warning("Cannot display help. %s" % ex)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """Tell the parent window the window closed""" self.parent.batchResultsWindow = None event.accept()