Source code for sas.qtgui.Utilities.ImageViewer

Image viewer widget.

import os
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

from sas.sascalc.dataloader.manipulations import reader2D_converter

import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter2D import Plotter2D
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D
from sas.sascalc.dataloader.data_info import Detector

# Local UI
from sas.qtgui.Utilities.UI.ImageViewerUI import Ui_ImageViewerUI
from sas.qtgui.Utilities.UI.ImageViewerOptionsUI import Ui_ImageViewerOptionsUI

[docs]class ImageViewer(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_ImageViewerUI): """ Implemented as QMainWindow to enable easy menus """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ImageViewer, self).__init__(parent._parent) self.parent = parent self.setupUi(self) # Other globals self.plotter = None self.hbox = None self.filename = None self.is_png = False self.image = None # disable menu items on empty canvas self.disableMenus() # set up menu item triggers self.addTriggers()
[docs] def disableMenus(self): """ All menu items but "Load File" and "Help" should be disabled when no data is present """ self.actionSave_Image.setEnabled(False) self.actionPrint_Image.setEnabled(False) self.actionCopy_Image.setEnabled(False) self.actionConvert_to_Data.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def enableMenus(self): """ Enable all menu items when data is present """ self.actionSave_Image.setEnabled(True) self.actionPrint_Image.setEnabled(True) self.actionCopy_Image.setEnabled(True) self.actionConvert_to_Data.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def addTriggers(self): """ Trigger definitions for all menu/toolbar actions. """ # File self.actionLoad_Image.triggered.connect(self.actionLoadImage) self.actionSave_Image.triggered.connect(self.actionSaveImage) self.actionPrint_Image.triggered.connect(self.actionPrintImage) # Edit self.actionCopy_Image.triggered.connect(self.actionCopyImage) # Image self.actionConvert_to_Data.triggered.connect(self.actionConvertToData) # Help self.actionHow_To.triggered.connect(self.actionHowTo)
[docs] def actionLoadImage(self): """ Image loader given files extensions """ wildcards = "Images (*.bmp *.gif *jpeg *jpg *.png *tif *.tiff) ;;"\ "Bitmap (*.bmp *.BMP);; "\ "GIF (*.gif *.GIF);; "\ "JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg *.JPG *.JPEG);; "\ "PNG (*.png *.PNG);; "\ "TIFF (*.tif *.tiff *.TIF *.TIFF);; "\ "All files (*.*)" filepath = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Choose a file", "", wildcards)[0] if filepath: self.showImage(filepath)
[docs] def actionSaveImage(self): """ Use the internal MPL method for saving to file """ if self.plotter is not None: self.plotter.onImageSave()
[docs] def actionPrintImage(self): """ Display printer dialog and print the MPL widget area """ if self.plotter is not None: self.plotter.onImagePrint()
[docs] def actionCopyImage(self): """ Copy MPL widget area to buffer """ if self.plotter is not None: self.plotter.onClipboardCopy()
[docs] def actionConvertToData(self): """ Show the options dialog and if accepted, send data to conversion """ options = ImageViewerOptions(self) if options.exec_() != QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zscale) = options.getState() image = self.image try: self.convertImage(image, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zscale) except Exception as ex: err_msg = "Error occurred while converting Image to Data: " + str(ex) logging.error(err_msg)
[docs] def actionHowTo(self): ''' Send the image viewer help URL to the help viewer ''' location = "/user/qtgui/Calculators/image_viewer_help.html" self.parent.showHelp(location)
[docs] def addPlotter(self): """ Add a new plotter to the frame """ self.plotter = Plotter2D(self, quickplot=True) # remove existing layout if self.hbox is not None: for i in range(self.hbox.count()): layout_item = self.hbox.itemAt(i) self.hbox.removeItem(layout_item) self.hbox.addWidget(self.plotter) else: # add the plotter to the QLayout self.hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.hbox.addWidget(self.plotter) self.imgFrame.setLayout(self.hbox)
[docs] def showImage(self, filename): """ Show the requested image in the main frame """ self.filename = os.path.basename(filename) _, extension = os.path.splitext(self.filename) try: # Note that matplotlib only reads png natively. # Any other formats (tiff, jpeg, etc) are passed # to PIL which seems to have a problem in version # 1.1.7 that causes a close error which shows up in # the log file. This does not seem to have any adverse # effects. PDB --- September 17, 2017. self.image = mpimg.imread(filename) self.is_png = extension.lower() == '.png' self.addPlotter() ax = flipped_image = np.flipud(self.image) origin = None if self.is_png: origin = 'lower' self.plotter.imageShow(flipped_image, origin=origin) if not self.is_png: ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) ax.set_xlabel('x [pixel]') ax.set_ylabel('y [pixel]') self.plotter.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.95) title = 'Picture: ' + self.filename self.setWindowTitle(title) self.plotter.draw() except IOError as ex: err_msg = "Failed to load '%s'.\n" % self.filename logging.error(err_msg+str(ex)) return except Exception as ex: err_msg = "Failed to show '%s'.\n" % self.filename logging.error(err_msg+str(ex)) return # Loading successful - enable menu items self.enableMenus()
[docs] def convertImage(self, rgb, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zscale): """ Convert image to data2D """ x_len = len(rgb[0]) y_len = len(rgb) x_vals = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, num=x_len) y_vals = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, num=y_len) # Instantiate data object output = Data2D() output.filename = self.filename = output.filename detector = Detector() detector.pixel_size.x = None detector.pixel_size.y = None # Store the sample to detector distance detector.distance = None output.detector.append(detector) # Initiazed the output data object = zscale * self.rgb2gray(rgb) output.err_data = np.zeros([x_len, y_len]) output.mask = np.ones([x_len, y_len], dtype=bool) output.xbins = x_len output.ybins = y_len output.x_bins = x_vals output.y_bins = y_vals output.qx_data = np.array(x_vals) output.qy_data = np.array(y_vals) output.xmin = xmin output.xmax = xmax output.ymin = ymin output.ymax = ymax output.xaxis('\\rm{Q_{x}}', r'\AA^{-1}') output.yaxis('\\rm{Q_{y}}', r'\AA^{-1}') # Store loading process information output.meta_data['loader'] = self.filename.split('.')[-1] + "Reader" output.is_data = True try: output = reader2D_converter(output) except Exception as ex: err_msg = "Image conversion failed: '%s'.\n" % str(ex) logging.error(err_msg) # Create item and add to the data explorer try: item = GuiUtils.createModelItemWithPlot(output, output.filename) self.parent.communicate.updateModelFromPerspectiveSignal.emit(item) except Exception as ex: err_msg = "Failed to create new index '%s'.\n" % str(ex) logging.error(err_msg)
[docs] def rgb2gray(self, rgb): """ RGB to Grey """ if self.is_png: # png image limits: 0 to 1, others 0 to 255 #factor = 255.0 rgb = rgb[::-1] if rgb.ndim == 2: grey = np.rollaxis(rgb, axis=0) else: red, green, blue = np.rollaxis(rgb[..., :3], axis=-1) grey = 0.299 * red + 0.587 * green + 0.114 * blue max_i = rgb.max() factor = 255.0/max_i grey *= factor return np.array(grey)
[docs]class ImageViewerOptions(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_ImageViewerOptionsUI): """ Logics for the image viewer options UI """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ImageViewerOptions, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.setupUi(self) # fill in defaults self.addDefaults() # add validators self.addValidators()
[docs] def addDefaults(self): """ Fill out textedits with default values """ zscale_default = 1.0 xmin_default = -0.3 xmax_default = 0.3 ymin_default = -0.3 ymax_default = 0.3 self.txtZmax.setText(str(zscale_default)) self.txtXmin.setText(str(xmin_default)) self.txtXmax.setText(str(xmax_default)) self.txtYmin.setText(str(ymin_default)) self.txtYmax.setText(str(ymax_default))
[docs] def addValidators(self): """ Define simple validators on line edits """ self.txtXmin.setValidator(GuiUtils.DoubleValidator()) self.txtXmax.setValidator(GuiUtils.DoubleValidator()) self.txtYmin.setValidator(GuiUtils.DoubleValidator()) self.txtYmax.setValidator(GuiUtils.DoubleValidator()) zvalidator = GuiUtils.DoubleValidator() zvalidator.setBottom(0.0) zvalidator.setTop(255.0) self.txtZmax.setValidator(zvalidator)
[docs] def getState(self): """ return current state of the widget """ zscale = float(self.txtZmax.text()) xmin = float(self.txtXmin.text()) xmax = float(self.txtXmax.text()) ymin = float(self.txtYmin.text()) ymax = float(self.txtYmax.text()) return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zscale)