Download The Latest Release Version of SasView
A SAS Community Project launched from the NSF DANSE effort
SasView is a Small Angle Scattering Analysis Software Package, originally developed as part of the NSF DANSE project under the name SansView, now managed by an international collaboration of facilities. Feedback and contributions are welcome and encouraged.
Version 5.0-beta.2 was released February 8, 2019. This pre-release contains improvements and a number of bug fixes. Python3/Qt5 compatible, with new enhanced GUIs and other improvements. Feedback welcome! Please note: This pre-release version is considered stable, but not necessarily bug-free.
SasView Code Camp IX
SasView Code Camp IX will be hosted by the ILL and held at the ESRF in Grenoble France March 25 - April 1, 2019. All parties interested in contributing to the SasView project (writing tutorials, documentation, verifying the math/science, coding from models to infrastructure, sys admin tasks etc) are welcome,...
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Doing wedge integrations
Calling SasView from python to do Wedge/Sector Integrations
The code below exemplify how to call SasView as a library and call one of the many
functions from the manipulations
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SasView User Meeting at SAS-2018
The SasView User Meeting at SAS-2018 was held in Traverse City, MI, USA on Oct 12 2018.
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Version 4.2.0
Version 4.2.0 was released October 7, 2018 - includes a complete refactoring of how orientation is handled, the complete migration of plugin models to a new infrastructure, and new tutorials. Try it now!
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Version 5.0-beta.1
Version 5.0-beta.1 was released October 5, 2018 - a preview of what is to come! Python3/Qt5 compatible, with new enhanced GUIs and other improvements. Feedback welcome! Please note: This pre-release version is considered stable, but not necessarily bug-free. It is also feature incomplete.
SasView Code Camp VIII
SasView Code Camp VIII was held at the ESS in Lund, Sweden, September 2-9, 2018.
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Version 4.2.0-Beta
Version 4.2.0-Beta was released July 9, 2018.
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SasView Code Camp VII
SasView Code Camp VII was held at the ESS DMSC in Copenhagen, Denmark, October 23-29, 2017.
Version 4.1.2
Version 4.1.2 was released August 14, 2017 - a minor bug fix release.