Download The Latest Release Version of SasView

A SAS Community Project launched from the NSF DANSE effort
SasView is a Small Angle Scattering Analysis Software Package, originally developed as part of the NSF DANSE project under the name SansView, now managed by an international collaboration of facilities. Feedback and contributions are welcome and encouraged.


SasView Code Camp VI

SasView Code Camp VI was held at the ESRF in Grenoble, France, April 4-11, 2017 hosted jointly by ESRF and ILL
Tags: codecamp

Version 4.0.1

November 2016: Version 4.0.1 of SasView was released November 8, 2016 - fixes a known issue with P(Q)*S(Q) that appeared in release 4.0. [Read More]

SasView Code Camp V

SasView Code Camp V was held at the Oak Ridge National Lab, USA, October 4-11, 2016.
Tags: codecamp